Innovative Ideas For Kitchen Cabinets

Innovative Ideas for Kitchen Cabinets: From Classic to Modern Designs

Reinventing your kitchen space requires creativity and an understanding of aesthetics. One vital component of your kitchen’s overall design are the cabinets. This article presents a collection of innovative kitchen cabinet ideas that would impress both homeowners and designers.

1. Open Shelving

Open shelves offer a stylish departure from traditional cabinets. This design brings an airy feel to your kitchen, especially when you have a smaller space. They provide easy access and display for your plates and glassware. You can paint these shelves in neutral shades to match the overall kitchen decor or make them stand out with bold, vibrant colors.

2. Glass-front Cabinets

Glass-front cabinets offer the best of both worlds: they have the sophistication of closed cabinets and the display quality of open shelves. This design alludes to a sense of elegance and offers a chance to show off your best dinnerware.

3. Two-tone Cabinets

Two-tone cabinets are now trending in kitchen design. This design integrates two different colors for the upper and lower cabinets. You can balance a bold color with a neutral one, or use two contrasting bold colors for a more dramatic effect.

4. Kitchen Design Ideas: Utilizing Corners

Corner kitchen cabinets are often underutilized. There are kitchen design ideas that can turn these awkward spaces into functional storage. You could install a lazy susan for easy access to deep-set items, or integrate pull-out drawers and shelves.

5. Floating Cabinets

Floating cabinets give your kitchen a modern touch and a sense of lightness. These are easy to clean as you can sweep or mop directly underneath them. This design works extremely well in minimalist or contemporary kitchen styles.

6. Rustic Wood Cabinets

For those who prefer a warm, traditional kitchen style, rustic wood cabinets are perfect. They bring a country kitchen vibe, and the natural wood grain provides texture and depth to your kitchen.

7. Customized Cabinets with Unique Hardware

Hardware can make a significant impact on your kitchen cabinets. Choosing unique knobs and pulls can entirely change the look of your standard cabinets and make them a conversation piece. Consider bronze knobs, stainless steel handles, or glass pulls to create a customized look.

Remember, the choice of kitchen cabinets can either make or break your kitchen’s appearance. When designing or restructuring, make sure to carefully choose a style that combines practical functionality with intriguing aesthetics. Whatever your design choice is, one thing is sure; these innovative kitchen cabinet design ideas will transform your space into a kitchen you’ll love.

Real Wooden Flooring For Lasting Benefits

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Submitted by: The Investigative Writer

One cannot negate the fact that one of the most attractive flooring materials available today is real wooden flooring. The primary challenge with this is is placing it in a part of the house which has moderate to high levels of humidity and moisture because that will eventually make the wood crack, peel, or warp on the surface. Even so, it still adds a a certain kind of warmth, that, if complemented with the right design, would make the entire room a sight to behold.

What kind of material do you use for your floors? If you are looking for a floor tile that is durable and fashionable at the same time, then you should try using real wood for your home flooring needs. This material has a distinctive appearance that will make it very difficult to completely be copied. Some may resort to vinyl to have a semblance of wooden floors but the effect is really different and one will readily know with a quick glance and a quick feel of the feet that that is not real wood.

One crowning trait of real wood is that it is easily repairable. Depending on the degree of damage, a basic way to restore wood is by sanding and refinishing it. Yes, vinyl is a lot more cheaper but you can do nothing except to dispose it once it is damaged.


Another reason why this is one of the most popular floorings is that it adds monetary worth to your property, especially if they are maintained in a good condition for a long period of time. Some antique houses comprise of floorings as old as 100 years back, so the value of the overall property will be much higher.

On the other hand, if you are one of those people who are prone to allergic reactions, it may be favourable for you to know that wooden floors do not heap pollens, dusts, or pet hairs as what carpets may do. Cleaning is basically also just a sweep or mop away. Do for avid pet owners and allergic people, this floor covering is for you.

If you already have wooden floor tiles in your home, it may be a good idea to set up cheap blinds or temporary blinds instead of thick drapes and curtains, so that it would be more convenient for you every time you need to sand down your wooden floors.

One important thing that this material can offer is the environment it creates. Different floorings elicit different feels. Timber is a thick material and is also a good insulator than plain vinyl or ceramic tiles. That is why using this floor covering will definitely be a good investment over time.

It is also good to note that timber is a renewable resource. High quality timber is just around the corner and you do not have to go through lengths to find it. If you are an environmentally conscious individual, you can also ask timber companies if they are initiating tree planting activities every time they cut down trees, and stick with the companies that do that.

To get the best of your wooden flooring, try to regularly clean it and maintain it to last for a lifetime.

About the Author: The author is an interior design expert specialising in budget re-decoration and has knowledge on how to install cheap window blinds to cover your windows and how to use budget blinds. Find where to buy them at


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Interest Only Refinance Options

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By Jim Kemish

Are you one of the many home owners that opted for an adjustable rate mortgage over the last five years? Have you seen your interest rate and your payment increase? Florida mortgage expert Jim Kemish discusses the current market environment and a new option for an affordable refinance.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Popularity

Over the last five years almost forty percent of all home buyers selected adjustable rate mortgages. In early 2004 signs of inflation begin to appear. These indications pressed the Federal Reserve into action. From June 2004 to June of 2006 the Federal Reserve increased the Federal Funds Rate 17 times. The impact of these increases was to push up the short-term mortgages indexes that determine the target or fully indexed rate on these adjustable rate mortgages. Borrowers that enjoyed the benefits of these low payment mortgage products are now finding themselves with considerably higher interest rates as their mortgages adjust.

Short Term Rates Up

This interest rate environment has a silver lining. The intent of the Federal Reserves actions during this period of time was to contain inflationary forces that would have resulted in higher long-term interest rates. As of this moment, the Federal Reserve has been successful and long-term mortgage rates have remained near historic lows. The Federal Reserve has been so effective that long term rates such as thirty-year mortgages are now lower than adjustable rate mortgage offerings.


Long Term Rates Down

The anomaly of long term rates falling below short term rates is referred to by economists as an inverted yield curve. This phenomenon is currently providing the best possible refinance environment for borrowers that have recently experienced an increase in their adjustable mortgage rates. No one has been happy about watching their monthly payment increase. But imagine the alternative scenario where short and long term rates might have moved up together making it impossible for borrowers to refinance into an affordable mortgage.

Option ARM Concerns

One of the most popular mortgage programs of this period of time was the negative amortization loan. This loan type has been branded by many different names including the Option ARM. This loan allows borrowers to make a payment based on an interest rate that is often significantly below the effective, or fully indexed, rate. Borrowers selecting this low payment option find themselves owning more than they originally borrowed. Florida Mortgage brokers originated significant numbers of these mortgages as real estate values soared and buyers were eager to find ways to make their home payments affordable.

The New Fixed Rate Interest Only Mortgage

A new product has emerged that has become a terrifically popular option for borrowers wishing to refinance and to keep their home loan payments at a minimum. This program is the new thirty year fixed rate interest only mortgage. Interest only mortgages allow a borrower to pay only the interest due on a loan thereby minimizing their payments. Until very recently these interest only programs were only available on adjustable rate mortgages. That meant that in a short period of time, ranging from two to five years, the interest only feature would expire and the rate would adjust. This combination of events has the potential of more than doubling a borrowers monthly payment.

A Caveat

This new breed of fixed rate interest only mortgage combines the security of a fixed rate mortgage with an attractive low interest only payment. Like previous versions of interest only programs the interest only period is for a finite period of time. These new programs have improved on this aspect of the mortgage as well by extending the interest only period to ten years. There is one caveat to be aware of. Although the rate will remain fixed when the loan transitions from an interest only loan to a fully amortized loan at the end of ten years, the amortization period is limited to the remaining twenty years. The change from an interest only payment to a twenty year amortized payment will be noticeable and should be planned for.

Market Factors

Another factor that is driving this move to refinance is the weakened real estate market. As a Florida mortgage broker I have seen a significant increase in the number of borrowers that have decided against selling their homes, opting instead to refinance. Refinancing into an interest only program for many borrowers is the most attractive option. Many of these same people are refinancing out of their negative amortization loans wishing to keep their payment at a minimum and at the same time put an end to the reverse amortization effect of their current mortgages. The weakening real estate market has further underlined the importance of maintaining equity. There is little that we can do about market forces, but we do have control over the mortgage options that we choose.

Copyright 2007 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author: Jim Kemish is the president and founder of Power Mortgage, a

Florida mortgage

company based in Delray Beach, Florida. Jim is also the President of Sky Blue Credit, a national

credit repair



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