Training Pitbull Puppies The Secret To Pitbull Puppy Training

Training Pitbull Puppies- The Secret To Pitbull Puppy Training by MS HutchinsTraining Pitbull puppies to be great family pets takes more “know how” than most people would expect. Whlie Pits are a loving and loyal breed, they still can get out of control if not properly trained. Laura and I should know, we spent several months trying to get our Pitbull, “Rocco”, to cooperate. We had no success until we received expert advice from a professional Pitbull handler.The key to training Pitbull puppies is to start the training when they are very young. Even at a very young age, Pitbulls are very responsive to vocal tone and one word commands. In fact, Laura and I learned that you can begin training as early as 8 weeks!Needless to say, at such a young age, Pitbulls have EXTREMELY short attention spans! Nevertheless, firm commands such as “NO” and “Down” can be applied from the day you bring your Pitbull home. The key is to be consistant and firm. Don’t make the mistake of being firm in some instances, and not firm in other instances when the behavior is the same.BIG mistake!We learned that Pitbulls learn best in an environment where the “alpha leader” of the household conducts one on one training in a controlled environment on a regular schedule. Of course, the dog must be old enough to pay strict attention for approx. 10 minutes each session. Generally, this form of training Pitbull puppies can begin at about 5 months.For training to be effective, a Pitbull must get plenty of exercise. If they are restless and have too much pent up energy, their attention spans suffer. And for Heaven’s sake, if you want your Pitbull puppy training to go smoothly, don’t isolate your dog. Allow your puppy to socialize REGULARLY!Quite frankly, laura and I were on the verge of putting “Rocco” up for adoption. We made the mistake of trying to train him when we didn’t know what we were doing. And, to make matters worse, we waited until he was almost an adult to begin. We took to heart some tips that we received from a professional Pitbull handler who was an expert in training Pitbull puppies, and the change in Rocco for the better was almost supernatural! He is now a joy to have around, and a wonderful family companion!Article Source:
