BBC to play ‘four to five seconds’ of Thatcher protest song

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The BBC has announced it will not play “Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead” in its entirety on today’s Radio 1 Chart Show. The song has become the third most downloaded single of the week, following the death of former United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The song is featured in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

Controller of Radio 1 Ben Cooper said “about a four or five second clip” of the song would be included in a news item explaining why it has featured in the charts, which will air as part of the programme.

BBC Director-General Tony Hall stated that although he believed the song was “distasteful and inappropriate”, an outright ban would breach the principle of free speech.

Conservative MP John Whittingdale, Chairman of the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee welcomed the BBC’s decision, acknowledging “this was always going to be a very difficult decision for the BBC […] I don’t think it would have been right to have allowed the chart show to have been hijacked for political purposes and had they played the whole song that would have been the consequence. But on the other hand they couldn’t have just ignored the fact that it does feature amongst the most downloaded singles of the week.”

Conservative MP Rob Wilson, for Reading East, however, said the BBC had “come up with a very British old-fashioned fudge” and Mrs Thatcher would have been “horrified […] that she could in any way have censorship in her own country.”

Mrs Thatcher’s supporters have launched a campaign to get “I’m in Love with Margaret Thatcher” into the music chart alongside “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead”.

Mrs Thatcher’s funeral is scheduled for St.Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday. It is to be attended by leading figures from the worlds of politics and entertainment, as well as several international figures, including former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and inventor of the World Wide Web Sir Tim Berners-Lee.


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Drug Rehab Training Benefits San Quentin Prisoners}

Drug Rehab Training Benefits San Quentin Prisoners


Rod MacTaggart

Several years ago, San Quentin inmate Don Kronk realized that addiction was just a symptom of the real problems he and his fellow inmates needed to solve, and 12-step group meetings were not doing the job that a more comprehensive treatment program might accomplish. This June, after two years and thousands of hours of study and training, nine inmates were certified as Alcohol and Drug Counselor Associates, ready to become peer counselors in San Quentin’s new, expanded drug rehab services.

“At one point in my incarceration,” Kronk told NPR’s Inside Edition, “I realized that addiction is just one part of the problem. It’s just the symptom the actual outward appearance of what’s going on inside and I realized there’s a lot more to this, and just an AA group wasn’t going deep enough.”


A half-dozen inmates got together and started looking for a drug rehab program that could do more than what was offered at San Quentin, something that would help get to the bottom of inmates’ addiction problems and help them reintegrate with society. The group struck pay-dirt when they found the California Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (CADAAC), which certifies alcohol and drug rehab counselors in the state. CAADAC agreed to help put together a solution by training inmates as counselors.

Working through Full Circle Addiction Recovery Services, a non-profit based in Berkeley, CA, professionals from the alcohol and drug addiction treatment field volunteered to form Addiction Counselors Training (ACT) in 2005 to train inmate counselors at San Quentin how to deliver a comprehensive alcohol and drug rehab recovery and reentry program for their fellow San Quentin inmates. The new inmate counselors were required to complete seven academic courses, a 6-month practicum, and a 4000-hour internship. CAADAC waived hundreds of dollars in credential fees for this pilot program.

The program being delivered to inmates, called Addiction Recovery Counseling (ARC), is a 16-week program of peer counseling, case management, and education in a wide range of topics to help inmates while they’re in prison and after they get out. Although the costs to the prison are relatively low because inmates are delivering many of the services, space and budget problems mean only 50 inmates can enter the current program. But by mid-2008, that’s supposed to change. The prison has asked Full Circle to be ready to deliver alcohol and drug rehab to 1,000 inmates who want to change their lives and become healthy, productive family and community members. All prisoners who have drug and or alcohol addiction on their record estimated to be 80 percent to 90 percent of the prisons population will be mandated to receive drug rehab through the new programs.

San Quentin’s outstanding new program may be the first non-12-step model drug rehab program in the country being delivered inside a prison by specially trained and accredited inmates. If it is successful and there is no indication that it shouldnt be it can and should serve as a model for state and even federal prisons across the country, where hundreds of thousands of prisoners are in great need of a successful drug rehab program.

Rod is a freelance writer that contributes articles on health.Contact:

drug rehab program

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Drug Rehab Training Benefits San Quentin Prisoners}

Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic skiers Jessica Gallagher and Eric Bickerton

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sunday, Wikinews sat down with Australian blind Paralympic skier Jessica Gallagher and her guide Eric Bickerton who are participating in a national team training camp in Vail, Colorado.

((Wikinews)) This is Jessica Gallagher. She’s competing at the IPC NorAm cup this coming week.

Jessica Gallagher: I’m not competing at Copper Mountain.

((WN)) You’re not competing?

Jessica Gallagher: No.

((WN)) You’re just here?

Jessica Gallagher: We’re in training. I’ve got a race at Winner Park, but we aren’t racing at Copper.

((WN)) So. Your guide is Eric Bickerton, and he did win a medal in women’s downhill blind skiing.

Jessica Gallagher: Yes!

((WN)) Despite the fact that he is neither a woman nor blind.

Jessica Gallagher: No, he loves telling people that he was the first Australian female Paralympic woman to win a medal. One of the ironies.

((WN)) The IPC’s website doesn’t list guides on their medal things. Are they doing that because they don’t want — you realise this is not all about you per se — Is it because they are trying to keep off the able bodied people to make the Paralympics seem more pure for people with disabilities?

Jessica Gallagher: Look, I don’t know but I completely disagree if they don’t have the guides up there. Because it’s pretty plain and simple: I wouldn’t be skiing if it wasn’t with him. Being legally blind you do have limitations and that’s just reality. We’re certainly able to overcome most of them. And when it comes to skiing on a mountain the reason I’m able to overcome having 8 per cent vision is that I have a guide. So I think it’s pretty poor if they don’t have the information up there because he does as much work as I do. He’s an athlete as much as I am. If he crashes we’re both out. He’s drug tested. He’s as important as I am on a race course. So I would strongly hope that they would put it up there. Here’s Eric!
Eric Bickerton: Pleased to met you.

((WN)) We’ve been having a great debate about whether or not you’ve won a medal in women’s blind downhill skiing.

Eric Bickerton: Yes, I won it. I’ve got it.

((WN)) I found a picture of you on the ABC web site. Both of you were there, holding your medals up. The IPC’s web site doesn’t credit you.

Jessica Gallagher: I’m surprised by that.
Eric Bickerton: That’s unusual, yeah.

((WN)) One of the things that was mentioned earlier, most delightful about you guys is you were racing and “we were halfway down the course and we lost communication!” How does a blind skier deal with…

Jessica Gallagher: Funny now. Was bloody scary.

((WN)) What race was that?

Jessica Gallagher: It was the Giant Slalom in Vancouver at the Paralympics. Actually, we were talking about this before. It’s one of the unique aspects of wearing headsets and being able to communicate. All the time while we were on the mountain earlier today, Eric had a stack and all he could hear as he was tumbling down was me laughing.
Eric Bickerton: Yes… I wasn’t feeling the love.
Jessica Gallagher: But um… what was the question please?

((WN)) I couldn’t imagine anything scarier than charging down the mountain at high speed and losing that communications link.

Jessica Gallagher: The difficulty was in the Giant Slalom, it was raining, and being used to ski racing, I had never experienced skiing in the rain, and as soon as I came out of the start hut I lost all my sight, which is something that I had never experienced before. Only having 8 per cent you treasure it and to lose all of it was a huge shock. And then when I couldn’t hear Eric talking I realised that our headsets had malfunctioned because they’d actually got rain into them. Which normally wouldn’t happen in the mountains because it would be snow. So it was the scariest moment of my life. Going down it was about getting to the bottom in one piece, not racing to win a medal, which was pretty difficult I guess or frustrating, given that it was the Paralympics.

((WN)) I asked the standing guys upstairs: who is the craziest amongst all you skiers: the ones who can’t see, the ones on the mono skis, or the one-legged or no-armed guys. Who is the craziest one on the slopes?

Jessica Gallagher: I think the completely blind. If I was completely blind I wouldn’t ski. Some of the sit skiers are pretty crazy as well.

((WN)) You have full control over your skis though. You have both legs and both arms.

Jessica Gallagher: True, but you’ve got absolutely no idea where you’re going. And you have to have complete reliance on a person. Trust that they are able to give you the right directions. That you are actually going in the right direction. It’s difficult with the sight that I have but I couldn’t imagine doing it with no sight at all.

((WN)) The two of you train together all the time?

Eric Bickerton: Pretty well, yes.
Jessica Gallagher: Yes, everything on snow basically is together. One of the difficult things I guess is we have to have that 100 per cent communication and trust between one another and a lot of the female skiers on the circuit, their guide is their husband. That’s kind of a trust relationship. Eric does say that at times it feels like we’re married, but…
Eric Bickerton: I keep checking for my wallet.
Jessica Gallagher: …it’s always about constantly trying to continue to build that relationship so that eventually I just… You put your life in his hands and whatever he says, you do, kind of thing.

((WN)) Of the two sport, winter sports and summer sports person, how do you find that balance between one sport and the other sport?

Jessica Gallagher: It’s not easy. Yeah, it’s not easy at all. Yesterday was my first day on snow since March 16, 2010. And that was mainly because of the build up obviously for London and the times when I was going to ski I was injured. So, to not have skied for that long is obviously a huge disadvantage when all the girls have been racing the circuit since… and it’s vice versa with track and field. So I’ve got an amazing team at the Victorian Institute of Sport. I call them my little A Team of strength and mission coach, physio, osteopath, soft tissue therapist, sport psychologist, dietician. Basically everyone has expertise in the area and we come together and having meetings and plan four years ahead and say at the moment Sochi’s the goal, but Rio’s still in the back of the head, and knowing my body so well now that I’ve done both sports for five years means that I can know where they’ve made mistakes, and I know where things have gone really well, so we can plan ahead for that and prepare so that the things that did go wrong won’t happen again. To make sure that I get to each competition in peak tone.

((WN)) What things went wrong?

Jessica Gallagher: Mainly injuries. So, that’s the most difficult thing with doing two sports. Track and field is an explosive power; long jump and javelin are over four to six seconds of maximum effort. Ski racing, you are on a course, for a minute to a minute and a half, so it’s a speed endurance event. And the two couldn’t be further apart in terms of the capabilities and the capacities that you need as an athlete. So one of the big things I guess, after the Vancouver campaign, being in ski boots for so long, I had lost a lot of muscle from my calves so they weren’t actually firing properly, and when you’re trying to run and jump and you don’t have half of your leg working properly it makes it pretty difficult to jump a good distance. Those kind of things. So I’m skiing now but when I’m in a gym doing recovery and rehab or prehab stuff, I’ve got calf raising, I’ve got hamstring exercises because I know they’re the weaker areas that if I’m not working on at the moment they’re two muscle groups that don’t get worked during ski. That I need to do the extra stuff on the side so that when I transition back to track and field I don’t have any soft tissue injuries like strains because of the fact that I know they’re weaker so…

((WN)) Do you prefer one over the other? Do you say “I’d really rather be out on the slopes than jogging and jumping the same…

Jessica Gallagher: I get asked that a lot. I think I love them for different reasons and I hate them for different reasons so I think at the end of the day I would prefer ski racing mainly because of the lifestyle. I think ski racing is a lot harder than track and field to medal in but I love the fact that I get to come to amazing resorts and get to travel the world. But I think, at the end of the day I get the best of both worlds. By the time my body has had enough of cold weather and of traveling I get to go home and be in the summer and be on a track in such a stable environment, which is something that visually impaired people love because it’s familiar and you know what to expect. Whereas in this environment it’s not, every racecourse we use is completely different.

((WN)) I heard you were an average snowboarder. How disappointed were you when you when they said no to your classifications?

Jessica Gallagher: Very disappointed! For Sochi you mean?

((WN)) Yes

Jessica Gallagher: Yeah. I mean we weren’t really expecting it. Mainly because they’ve brought in snowboard cross, and I couldn’t imagine four blind athletes and four guides going down the same course together at the same time. That would be a disaster waiting to happen. But I guess having been a snowboarder for… as soon as we found snowboarding had been put in, I rang Steve, the head coach, and said can we do snowboarding? When I rang Steve I said, don’t worry, I’ve already found out that Eric can snowboard. It would have been amazing to have been able to compete in both. Maybe next games.

((WN)) So you also snowboard?

Eric Bickerton: Yes.

((WN)) So she does a lot of sports and you also do a crazy number of sports?

Eric Bickerton: Uh, yeah?

((WN)) Summer sports as well as winter sports?

Eric Bickerton: Me?

((WN)) Yes.

Eric Bickerton: Through my sporting career. I’ve played rugby union, rugby league, soccer, early days, I played for the Australian Colts, overseas, rugby union. I spend most of my life sailing competitively and socially. Snow skiing. Yeah. Kite boarding and trying to surf again.

((WN)) That’s a lot of sports! Does Jessica need guides for all of them?

Eric Bickerton: I’ve played sport all my life. I started with cricket. I’ve played competition squash. I raced for Australia in surfing sailing. Played rugby union.

((WN)) Most of us have played sport all our lives, but there’s a difference between playing sport and playing sport at a high level, and the higher level you go, the more specialized you tend to become. And here [we’re] looking at two exceptions to that.

Eric Bickerton: I suppose that I can round that out by saying to you that I don’t think that I would ever reach the pinnacle. I’m not prepared to spend ten years dedicated to that one thing. And to get that last ten per cent or five percent of performance at that level. That’s what you’ve got to do. So I’ll play everything to a reasonable level, but to get to that really, really highest peak level you have to give up everything else.

((WN)) When you go to the pub, do your mates make fun of you for having a medal in women’s blind skiing?

Eric Bickerton: No, not really.
Jessica Gallagher: Usually they say “I love it!” and “This is pretty cool!”
Eric Bickerton: We started at the Olympics. We went out into the crowd to meet Jess’ mum, and we had our medals. There were two of us and we were waiting for her mum to come back and in that two hour period there was at least a hundred and fifty people from all over the world who wore our medals and took photographs. My medal’s been all over Australia.

((WN)) Going to a completely different issue, blind sports have three classifications, that are medical, unlike everybody else, who’ve got functional ability [classifications]. You’ve got the only medical ones. Do you think the blind classifications are fair in terms of how they operate? Or should there be changes? And how that works in terms of the IPC?

Jessica Gallagher: Yeah. I think the system they’ve got in place is good, in terms of having the three classes. You’ve got completely blind which are B1s, less than 5 percent, which are B2, and less than 10 percent is a B3. I think those systems work really well. I guess one of the difficult things with vision impairment is that there are so many diseases and conditions that everyone’s sight is completely different, and they have that problem with the other classes as well. But in terms of the class system itself I think having the three works really well. What do you think?
Eric Bickerton: I think the classification system itself’s fine. It’s the one or two grey areas, people: are they there or are they there?

((WN)) That affected you in Beijing.

Jessica Gallagher: Yeah. That was obviously really disappointing, but, ironic as well in that one of my eyes is point zero one of a percent too sighted, so one’s eligible, the other’s just outside their criteria, which left me unable to compete. Because my condition is degenerative. They knew that my sight would get worse. I guess I was in a fortunate position where once my sight deteriorated I was going to become eligible. There are some of the classes, if you don’t have a degenerate condition, that’s not possible. No one ever wants to lose their best sight, but that was one positive.

((WN)) On some national competitions they have a B4 class. Do you think those should be eligible? In terms of the international competition?

Jessica Gallagher: Which sports have B4s?

((WN)) There’s a level down, it’s not used internationally, I think it’s only used for domestic competitions. I know the UK uses it.

Jessica Gallagher: I think I… A particular one. For social reasons, that’s a great thing, but I think if it’s, yeah. I don’t know if I would… I think socially to get more Paralympic athletes involved in the sport if they’ve got a degenerative condition on that border then they should be allowed to compete but obviously… I don’t think they should be able to receive any medals at a national competition or anything like that. So I was, after Beijing, I was able to fore-run races. I was able to transition over to skiing even though at that stage I wasn’t eligible. So that was great for us. The IPC knew that my eyesight was going to get worse. So I was able to fore-run races. Which was a really good experience for us, when we did get to that level. So I think, with the lack of numbers in Paralympic sport, more that you should encourage athletes and give them those opportunities, it’s a great thing. But I guess it’s about the athletes realizing that you’re in it for the participation, and to grow as an athlete rather than to win medals. I don’t think the system should be changed. I think three classes is enough. Where the B3 line is compared with a B4 is legally blind. And I think that covers everything. I think that’s the stage where you have low enough vision to be considered a Paralympic sport as opposed to I guess an able bodied athlete. And that’s with all forms of like, with government pensions, with bus passes, all that sort of stuff, that the cut off line is legally blind, so I think that’s a good place to keep it.

((WN)) Veering away from this, I remember watching the Melbourne Cup stuff on television, and there you were, I think you were wearing some hat or something.

Jessica Gallagher: Yeah, my friend’s a milliner. They were real flowers, real orchids.

((WN)) Are you basically a professional athlete who has enough money or sponsorship to do that sort of stuff? I was saying, there’s Jessica Gallagher! She was in London! That’s so cool!

Jessica Gallagher: There are two organizations that I’m an ambassador for, and one of them is Vision Australia, who were a charity for the Melbourne Cup Carnival. So as part of my ambassador role I was at the races helping them raise money. And that involves media stuff, so that was the reason I was there. I didn’t get paid.

((WN)) But if you’re not getting paid to be a sponsor for all that is awesome in Australia, what do you do outside of skiing, and the long jump, and the javelin?

Jessica Gallagher: I’m an osteopath. So I finished my masters’ degree in 2009. I was completing a bachelor’s and a masters. I was working for the Victorian Institute of Sport guiding program but with the commitment to London having so much travel I actually just put everything on hold in terms of my osteo career. There’s not really enough time. And then the ambassador role, I had a few commitments with that, and I did motivational speaking.

((WN)) That’s very cool. Eric, I’ve read that you work as a guide in back country skiing, and all sorts of crazy stuff like that. What do you do when you’re not leading Jessica Gallagher down a ski slope?

Eric Bickerton: I’m the Chief Executive of Disabled Winter Sports Australia. So we look after all the disability winter sports, except for the Paralympics.
Jessica Gallagher: Social, recreational…

((WN)) You like that? You find it fulfilling?

Eric Bickerton: The skiing aspect’s good. I dunno about the corporate stuff. I could give that a miss. But I think it is quite fulfilling. Yeah, they’re a very good group of people there who enjoy themselves, both in disabilities and able bodied. We really need guides and support staff.

((WN)) Has it changed over the last few years?

Eric Bickerton: For us?

((WN)) Being a guide in general? How things have changed or improved, have you been given more recognition?

Eric Bickerton: No. I don’t see myself as an athlete. Legally we are the athlete. If I fail, she fails. We ski the exact same course. But there’s some idiosyncrasies associated with it. Because I’m a male guiding, I have to ski on male skis, which are different to female skis, which means my turn shape I have to control differently so it’s the same as her turn shape. It’s a little bit silly. Whereas if I was a female guiding, I’d be on exactly the same skis, and we’d be able to ski exactly the same all the way through. In that context I think the fact that Jess won the medal opened the eyes to the APC about visual impairment as a definite medal contending aspect. The biggest impediment to the whole process is how the Hell do you get a guide who’s (a) capable, (b) available and (c) able to fund himself. So we’re fortunate that the APC pushed for the recognition of myself as an athlete, and because we have the medal from the previous Olympics, we’re now tier one, so we get the government funding all way through. Without that two years before the last games, that cost me fifteen, sixteen months of my time, and $40,000 of cash to be the guide. So while I enjoyed it, and well I did, it is very very hard to say that a guide could make a career out of being a guide. There needs to be a little bit more consideration of that, a bit like the IPC saying no you’re not a medal winner. It’s quite a silly situation where it’s written into the rules that you are both the athlete and yet at the same time you’re not a medal winner. I think there’s evolution. It’s growing. It’s changing. It’s very, very difficult.

((WN)) Are you guys happy with the media coverage on the winter side? Do you think there’s a bias — obviously there is a bias towards the Summer Paralympics. Do the winter people get a fair shake?

Eric Bickerton: I think it’s fair. It’s reasonable. And there’s certainly a lot more than what it used to be. Winter sports in general, just from an Australian perspective is something that’s not well covered. But I’d say the coverage from the last Paralympics, the Para Winter Olympics was great, as far as an evolution of the coverage goes.

((WN)) Nothing like winning a medal, though, to lift the profile of a sport.

Jessica Gallagher: And I think that certainly helped after Vancouver. Not just Paralympics but able bodied with Lydia [Lassila] and Torah [Bright] winning, and then to have Eric and I win a medal, to finally have an Aussie female who has a winter Paralympic medal. I guess there can be misconceptions, I mean the winter team is so small in comparison to the summer team, they are always going to have a lot more coverage just purely based on numbers. There were 160 [Australian] athletes that were at London and not going to be many of us in Sochi. Sorry. Not even ten, actually.
Eric Bickerton: There’s five athletes.
Jessica Gallagher: There’s five at the moment, yeah. So a lot of the time I think with Paralympic sport, at the moment, APC are doing great things to get a lot of coverage for the team and that, but I think also individually, it’s growing. I’ve certainly noticed a lot more over the past two years but Eric and I are in a very unique situation. For me as well being both a summer and a winter Paralympian, there’s more interest I guess. I think with London it opened Australia and the word’s eyes to Paralympic sport, so the coverage from that hopefully will continue through Sochi and I’ll get a lot more people covered, but I know prior to Beijing and Vancouver, compared to my build up to London, in terms of media, it was worlds apart in terms of the amount of things I did and the profile pieces that were created. So that was great to see that people are actually starting to understand and see what it’s like.
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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Libertarian candidate Zork Hun, Parkdale-High Park

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Zork Hun is running for the Libertarian party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Parkdale-High Park riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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SpaceX scrubs Falcon I rocket launch

Monday, November 28, 2005

SpaceX called off the much-delayed inaugural launch of their new Falcon 1 rocket on Saturday from Kwajalein’s Omelek Island launch site. The intent was to launch the U.S. Air Force Academy’s FalconSat 2 satellite, which will monitor plasma interactions with the Earth’s upper atmosphere and magnetosphere.

The launch was delayed, then finally cancelled after an oxygen boil-off vent had accidentally been left open. The oxygen was unable to cool the helium pressurant, which then proceeded to evaporate faster than it could be replenished. A main computer issue, probably serious enough to cause a scrub on its own, was also discovered.

This long-anticipated flight was originally expected to be launched in January 2005, however a series of setbacks forced a series of delays, with the flight most recently scheduled to be in early 2006. It was intended to be launched from the Kwajalein atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The maiden voyage was originally intended to launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California with a Naval Research Laboratory satellite and a Space Services Incorporated space burial payload.

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Defining A Wet Kit}

Defining a Wet Kit


James Handrousen

Trucks and semi-trucks that have Power Take Off (PTO) often use wet kits. When the truck has a hydraulic pump, that pump depends on the PTO to make it start. The hydraulic pump is used for cranes, booms, and other similar type accessories. These accessories depend on the hydraulic pump to function.

Wet kits are made of several different parts, which include the PTOs, pumps, control valves, filters, reservoirs (tanks), and sometimes, hydraulic hoses and fittings. Once the hydraulic pump has been initiated by the PTO, it will begin to push hydraulic fluid into the hoses, which lead to the cylinders. At this point, it is possible to lift the loads and carry out any other operations. Once the loads have been lifted, the discharged fluid is sent back into the reservoir, which is then recycled back into the hydraulic pump to be carried through again.

Several manufacturers make entire wet kit machines. If you prefer, you can choose to buy single parts of the machine. There are other kinds of wet kits, or what are sometimes referred to as wetline kits, that you can purchase. These are:

1.Wetline kits for dumper trailers Up to 3000psi of pressure can be made with this wetline kit for dumpers, and it includes a control valve and a single acting cylinder. If you choose, you can have a kit made specific to your needs.


2.Wetline kits for utility trailers It is possible to make high pressures for low flow of the fluids with these wetline kits.

Many other wetline kits offer other capacities for various purposes. More often than not, the customer has these made specific to their needs. The hydraulic pump and the flow of the hydraulic fluid determine the pressure in these systems. The reservoir increases with the amount of increase in the flow of the hydraulic fluid.

Wetline kits come in different sizes. The customer determines the exact size for their needs. It is recommended that the customer talk with the manufacturer personally so that all the requirements can be detailed and explained before buying the wetline kit. The manufacturer can recommend the wetline kit that will suit all requirements.

Controlling the flow of the hydraulic fluid can be determined by the different arrangements of the hydraulic pump (dump pump). Such arrangements can include:

1.Two line dump pump system Useful for the dump trailer that makes use of the system irregularly, the dump pump and control valve work together as one unit.

2.Three line dump system Once again, this system has the hydraulic pump and the control valve together as one. This one can be used for dump trailers that depend on them to run constantly.

3.Separate pump and control valve system The hydraulic pump and the control valve are not connected and work separately from one another in this system.

Other functions of wetline kits are also available. You should speak with a consultant from the manufacturer to determine the precise requirements for your system and to find out which systems will work best for your purposes.

James Handrousen knows more about

truck bodies

. As a small business owner with several trucks of his own, he has purchased multiple wet line kits, all of which were custom made for his company. Learning about truck equipment and

California truck bodies

took some time, but James has never regretted being knowledgeable about Sacramento hydraulics.

Article Source:

Defining a Wet Kit}

Mathematics summer school in Turkey threatened by authorities

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The closure of a mathematics summer camp in ?irince, ?zmir, Turkey by Turkish authorities has drawn scorn from scientists around the world.

Professor Alexandre Borovik, who organized some of the opposition, said “We are shocked to learn that the Summer School of Mathematics initiated by Professor Ali Nesin was shut down by local authorities. We found it surprising that such an esteemed mathematician such as Professor Nesin needs a specific permit each time he wants to teach math, as we saw that one of the reasons for shutting the camp down was the lack of such a permit, especially considering how this contradicts the fact that the summer schools organized every year by Professor Nesin are sponsored by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜB?TAK), Turkish Mathematics Association and many respected Turkish universities.”

The school was reopened on August 10, 2007; however, Ali Nesin still faces charges under Turkish criminal code article TCK 263, which reads “Persons who open or run illegal educational institutions can be jailed from 3 months to 1 year.”

Ali Nesin is the son of the famous Turkish humorist Aziz Nesin.

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Wikinews interviews journalist Konrad Godlewski, who uncovered BATUTA hoax

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Four years ago, on February 9, a major Polish newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza published a report detailing a hoax in Polish Wikipedia entitled Henryk Batuta. The author of the report was Konrad Godlewski; several weeks later, Godlewski began editing Polish Wikipedia. The results of his work include one featured article – pismo chi?skie (Polish for “Chinese character”) – as well as various articles relating to China.

During our interview, Godlewski discusses memes, hoaxes, and the Batuta Army – the creators of the hoax his paper reported on. From February this year, a special project on the Polish Wikipedia, BATUTA, saw a makeshift taskforce work on improving the quality of content. BATUTA stands for “Bezwzgl?dna Akcja Troskliwego U?ród?awiania Tysi?cy artyk?ów”, roughly translated as “Ruthless Action of Carefully Adding References to Thousands of Articles”.

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Washington Dc Web Design

Submitted by: Zee Ahmed

Our Washington DC web design company offers your personal or business site the opportunity to have the best designers on your side. We offer Washington DC web design including application development, web hosting and many other options. Our Washington DC web designs include brochure and media, direct mail, ads and campaigns of all types as well as catalogs and other publications. We also offer ecommerce solutions, website redesign, custom web designs and website maintenance. Our Washington DC web design application development team offers . NET development, MySQL programming, mobile application and open source solutions. There is nothing your website needs will require that we cannot complete.


The Washington DC web design services we offer include customizable solutions for any business, organization or persons that want to create support or brand recognition for your company or campaign. The design of your website means nothing if you can’t give your visitors the best browsing experience. Our company technicians will look over your site and goals, then help get a strategy together that satisfies all the needs you have. Online presence has much to do with the success of brand recognition in today’s society, and if your website is subpar or less than professional, your visitors will think the same of your brand. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales every year are lost due to bad designs for company sites, and this is why we offer the development and implementation of your site. Whether it is branding, usability or design that your site needs professionals for, we will work with you to make your site the best it can be.

Print media is a specialty of Washington DC web design personnel, as we are in the heart of the political eye. There is no doubt that online communications are one of the most used forms of communication, and if your site is not up to par, you lose out. We are one of the best Washington DC web design companies because we focus on keeping your costs down and guiding you to your target audience. When your company or campaign needs print media, we want you to look at your ideal logo. Your logo is one of the most important facets of business that should not be overlooked. Our team of designers will research the market you are in, check all competitors logos and look at your present logo to see what could be done to bring in more recognition. We can design a logo for you, or work on the logo you currently have. You have the option of our team send your finished product by Photoshop, JPG, TIFF, Adobe or GIF to you for approval. Our turnaround time on average is about 4 days for this service. Your identity means so much to your brand recognition and logo, so we also include this in our service. We will use current resources you have on hand as well as other aspects of your operation so that we are able to meet all of your needs.

About the Author: Image XL is an Internet marketing company based in Washington DC offering Custom Web Design, Search Engine Optimization, Graphics Design, Interactive Marketing Strategy, and web hosting. For details visit


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