Wii Fit Reviews Marketing Hype Or Worth It?

By Dan Stodan

Let me start out this article by describing the Wii FIt. The Wii Fit is white, Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth): 13.00 x 20.00 x 3.00 inches It uses power of 4 x AA batteries and the unit weighs 4.5 kg. First of I want to say the the Wii Fit balance board is top notch in quality. Very Durably built, rubber feet on the bottom of it to make sure that it does not move around while in use.

If you haven’t heard, the Wii Fit is latest device to take the wii consumers by storm. This changes everything from a pure games console perspective. The notion that game consoles are just for sit down on the couch and play type of situation has just been turned on it’s head. Let me try to describe the core of the Wii Fit the inner functions, is called the balance board. What is the balance board you ask? Well it is a multi point electronic sensing weigh scale. Basically what that means it not only is able to measure your weight but it also can detect changes in your weight and pressure when your are standing on it. There is a sensor built into that checks weight changes many times a second.

NOw next question what is this thing going to do for me? Included with the wii fit are several games. The main game takes you through some exercise training drills, strength training, aerobic exercises,yoga, or even just balance training. The first thing when you switch it on it asks you a few things about your height and weight and age. This is to calculate your BMI aka body mass index. This is password protected in case you are shy and don’t want others to know how much you weigh or your training scores. NOw while this is all good and dandy, I would take the Wii BMI reading with a grain of salt, for one it may output that you are a 20 year old with a BMI of a 45 year old does not mean that the unit is correct. The Wii BMI calculation does not factor in your muscle mass or heavier bone structure, so like I say don’t take the readings to heart.


Does the Wii Fit actually work? Will I be able to lose weight with it and slim down. Well Let’s put it simply it is like everything in life. The more effort you put into it, the more return you will get. The Wii Fit games have been testes by many and found that they were effective. The onscreen trainer instructs you to do sit-ups and push-ups and run in one place. While the balance board will measure how good a job you are doing or how poorly you are doing with the exercises. The balance board detects small changes in your weight on the board and it will move the onscreen figure accordingly. The way it works you start off by doing some simple exercises and move to more complicated ones the higher a ranking you achieve. You can set a female or a Male trainer, who will help you with the exercises. The trainers will also tell you if you are not doing well enough and areas were you should improved, so the interactivity is very good.

Don’t be fooled by the Nintendo Wii name and the game console ring to it. Most of the exercises are very real and demanding,if you are not used to working out you will work up a sweat for sure. Some of the activities included aerobic and balance activities that let you do anything from rotating a hula hoop around the onscreen figures hips, by moving yours with the same circular motion, to doing a downhill snowboarding race. Like all games you could probably cheat after awhile by knowing exactly when you have to shift your weight around, but what would the point of that be. You would cheat yourself out of a good exercise and would be waisting your own time.

Some Negative points is that you can’t just turn it on and start exercising, Also to customize your own exercise schedule is also not possible. For example you wanted to start of just doing yOga to worm up, then do some muscle toning exercises and then move on to aerobics exercise. Instead you will have to access the menu to go from one type of exercise to another which can get in the way of your workout.

To sum things up a bit the nintendo wii Fit is a very entertaining way to get fit, no it does not replace a full scale Gym. but on the other hand, being able to train in your own home or anywhere else for that matter. You can put the unit in a small satchel and take it to your friends house and train with a partner. These features alone make it worth. Many have said Exercising is boring, well the Wii Fit had been able to turn the tables on that old adage and find a way to make exercise fun and innovative.

About the Author: I purchased a Wii fit and I am very happy with it. It is a great workout tool and there are definitly benefits to be gained by using it.

To buy the wii fit. have a look at buycheapwiigames.stodan.com

there towards the bottom you will find lots of links to places selling it.



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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/AL-KY

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/AL-KY

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Woman finds human finger in bowl of chili at Wendy’s restaurant

Story sources
  • Maria Alicia Gaura and Dave Murphy. “Wendy’s diner finds human finger in her chili” — San Francisco Chronicle, March 24, 2005
  • Chuck Carroll and Sandra Gonzales. “Exposure to `finger’ in chili would pose little risk, official says” — San Jose Mercury News, March 23, 2005
  • Dan Reed, Knight Ridder Newspapers. “Woman finds human finger in Wendy’s chili” — Kansas City Star, March 23, 2005
  • “Woman Eating Chili Bites Into Human Finger” — Associated Press, March 23, 2005
  • “Diner finds human finger in bowl of chili” — MSNBC, March 24, 2005

Thursday, March 24, 2005

San Jose, California — A woman eating a bowl of chili at a Wendy’s restaurant bit into a chewy bit that turned out to be a human finger. She immediately spat it out, warned other patrons to stop eating, and upon recognizing the object as a finger, vomited.

“I’m more of a Carl’s Jr. person,” the 39-year-old Las Vegas woman, Anna Ayala, told Knight Ridder. She said this incident was her first visit to a Wendy’s restaurant. Ayala described how she found the finger, “Suddenly something crunchy was in my mouth,” she continued, “and I spit it out.”

According to Devina Cordero, 20, after Ayala found the finger, she ran up to her and Cordero’s boyfriend and said, “Don’t eat it! Look, there’s a human finger in our chili.”

“We went up to the counter and they told us it was a vegetable,” Cordero continued. “The people from Wendy’s were poking it with a spoon.”

The restaurant is located at 1405 Monterey Highway, just south of downtown San Jose.

Wikinews reporter David Vasquez drove his car up to the drive-thru menu and found that chili was still on the menu, at a price of US$1.19 for a small serving. He also witnessed workers unloading supplies from a semi-trailer truck in the restaurant’s parking lot, and carting them into the back door of the establishment.

According to Ben Gale, director of environmental health for Santa Clara County, the finger did not come from any of the employees at the restaurant. “We asked everybody to show us they have 10 fingers and everything is OK there,” he said. The found portion of the finger likely belonged to a woman because of its long and manicured fingernail, also found in the food.

Officials seized the food supply at the restaurant and are tracing it back to the manufacturer, where they believe the finger may have gotten mixed in with the raw ingredients used to prepare the chili. The restaurant’s operators were later permitted to re-open after preparing new chili prepared from fresh ingredients.

As this story was filed, there was no mention of the incident on the Wendy’s corporate web site. Wendy’s issued a statement through a spokesman.

“Food safety is of utmost importance to us,” said Wendy’s spokesman Joe Desmond. He referred to the incident as an “unsubstantiated claim.”

“We are cooperating fully with the local police and health departments with their investigation. It’s important not to jump to conclusions. Here at Wendy’s we plan to do right by our customers,” Desmond said.

According to county health officials, the unfortunate woman who bit into the finger is doing fine, despite her initial reaction. Officials also noted that the finger would have been cooked at a high enough temperature to destroy any viruses.

The Santa Clara county medical examiner reported that the finger had a solid fingerprint, although investigators did not say if a search of fingerprint databases would be performed to find the owner of the finger.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
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Cool Tips Natural Remedies For Acne Treatment

If you’re looking for natural remedies for acne treatment, you have come to the right place. I will mention a couple of remedies that seem to work extremely well for a lot of people. I always recommend that people try out natural remedies before they resort to more drastic surgical or chemical guru methods that could actually harm you or increase the amount of scarring. Here are the two methods that you can try out.1. The tea tree oil acne remedy that is natural :It should be quite easy for you to find tea tree oil at your local natural and herbal products store. This tree has amazing properties and it is found in Australia. It seems to fight the bacteria that causes pimples to form. This oil will either outright kill off the bacteria or it will weaken it enough so that your antibodies can attack it. What’s great about this technique is that there are rarely any side effects.2. Using aloe vera on your pimples and blemishes :You probably already realize that this method is very natural since aloe vera is able to condition skin in general. The procedure that you should use is to break off the top corner of an aloe vera plant and to rub the sticky substance onto your pimples and zits.Good luck with your goal to eliminate your acne once and for all, just remember to never give up, there are ways of dealing with your pimples and zits that will work for you personally.


Dell joins Microsoft-Nortel VoIP Team

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dell Inc. announced on Tuesday that it will partner up with the Microsoft-Nortel Innovative communications alliance (ICA) team to sell Unified Communications and VoIP products.

The announcement on Tuesday the 16th of October 2007 includes Dell selling VoIP, data and wireless networking products from Nortel and the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and other unified communications products.

The partnership with both manufacturers should allow Dell to provide a pre-integrated solution.

In March 2007, competitors IBM and Cisco announced they would join in the competition for developing unified communications applications and the development of open technologies around the unified communications and collaboration (UC2) client platform an application programming interfaces (APIs) offered by IBM as a subset of Lotus Sametime.

“We want to make it simple for our customers to deploy unified communications so their end users can get access to all their messages in one place – whether its e-mail, phone or mobile device. This will pave the way for more business-ready productivity tools,” said vice president of solutions, Dell Product Group, Rick Becker.

  • Customers have four options:
    • Core Office Communication Server 2007 – provides instant messaging and on-premise Microsoft Live Meeting.
    • Office Communication Server: Telephony – enables call routing tracking and management, VoIP gateway and public branch exchange (PBX) integration.
    • Audio and Video Conferencing – allows point-to-point conference, video conference and VoIP audio conference.
    • Exchange Unified Messaging – provides voicemail, e-mail and fax in Microsoft Outlook, and anywhere access of Microsoft Outlook Inbox and Calendar.
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‘Freedom Tower’ renamed ‘1 World Trade Center’

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The 108-floor central component of the new World Trade Center in New York City has been officially renamed 1 World Trade Center, ending the Freedom Tower moniker it had sported since 2003.

Freedom Tower was envisioned as a symbol of America’s victory over terrorism. It is currently on track for completion in 2013, with 10 floors partially finished so far.

Port Authority Chairman Anthony Coscia commented on the change, “It’s the one that is easiest for people to identify with — and frankly, we’ve gotten a very interested and warm reception to it.”

Former Governor George Pataki, who revealed the Freedom Tower name nearly six years ago, was critical of the switch, saying “The Freedom Tower is not simply another piece of real estate and not just a name for marketing purposes.”

1 World Trade Center has been the building’s legal name and address for the past two years, with the public change precipitated by the ramp up of construction and the commencement of lease marketing.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg seemed ambivalent to the change, saying “I would like to see it stay the Freedom Tower, but it’s their building, and they don’t need me dumping on it. If they could rent the whole thing by changing the name, I guess they’re going to do that, and they probably, from a responsible point of view, should. From a patriotic point of view, is it going to make any difference?”

The change was approved following the signing of a two-decades-long lease by a Chinese real estate company, which plans to occupy floors 64 through 69. Other future tenants include the U.S. General Services Administration and the New York State Office of General Services.

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Australian man arrested at U.S. Capitol building

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A 33-year old visitor to the United States, named Wen Hao Zhao from Sydney, Australia, was arrested at the Capitol building on Monday, after he was observed by police standing in a “statue-like pose” and carrying two suitcases.

When confronted by officers of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) who were called to the scene at 12:45 p.m. EST, he is reported to have been unresponsive to questioning. “He only would say at first that he wanted to speak to President Bush,” according to USCP Chief Terrance W. Gainer. Some reports suggest that the man was limited or unresponsive in his use of English.

The West Lawn area next to the Capitol building and an adjacent part of 1st Street was evacuated and tourists were briefly prevented from entering the building on the possibility that the suitcases may have contained a bomb.

Authorities X-rayed the bags and examined them for over 3 hours. One bag was found to contain only clothing. The other bag, which apparently was thought to contain wiring which might belong to an explosive device, was destroyed on-site with a water cannon; after which, the bag was found to have contained only common items such as a CD player, batteries, and a watch.

Zhao was arrested at 1:45 p.m. EST without resistance on charges of disorderly conduct; other more serious charges could be filed. However, Allen Doody of U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has indicated plans to deport Zhao back to Australia within a few days without charges. “We do not plan to charge him,” Doody said.

Zhao is dual-nationality Chinese-Australian, who entered the US legally on his Australian passport less than a week ago.

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3 Misconceptions That Stops People From Opting For Plastic Surgery Abroad

3 Misconceptions That Stops People From Opting For Plastic Surgery Abroad


Tim Gardin.

There are several unique aspects of the business environment where people usually make mistakes simply because of the misconceptions that might prevail or have been created in the mind of that specific person. Misperceptions could lead to a wide-range of many different mistakes and can lead to problem for an individual whether they are looking to accelerate in the business environment or make a vital personal change. When looking into the various prospects that prevail with plastic surgery abroad, there are a huge variety of different misconceptions and have been created which are discouraging individuals from taking advantage of this unique possibility. With a view to enhance clarity on the numerous benefits that are available to a person by taking up this plastic surgery option, the following addresses three of the most common misconceptions.

Misconception One: Cosmetic Surgery Alternatives In Other Countries Offer Fewer Services.

There are a huge number of potential opportunities an individual can take advantage of when it pertains to the resources of plastic surgery. While each and every procedure could differ depending on different plastic surgery prices, there are several surgical options a person will be able to choose from when pursuing resources abroad. Finding a high-quality online resource to supply you with complete information pertaining to prices and surgical alternatives could represent a really important step in assisting you save money and get benefitted from high-quality surgical solutions.


Misconception Two: There Is A Lower Quality Of Medical Practice In Other Countries.

Another misconception is the quality of medical care is lesser as a result of the vital decreases that exist in plastic surgery prices. This is a huge misconception that prevents so many individuals for making a real transformation in their life while saving a substantial amount of money. The truth is prices are lesser in other countries as a result of lower taxes and also decreased cost-of-living. This enables a surgeon to provide savings to their patients when still offering them with the highest quality medical care.

Misconception Three: Surgery Abroad Offers Hidden Charges That Often Increase The Price Of Surgical Packages.

The final misperception is that there are hidden costs that are involved with seeking plastic surgery abroad. All a person must understand is that outside of the cost of the procedure itself, you must account for lodging for yourself and anybody you bring as well as opportunities to reap the benefits of mini vacation if you desire.

When you are in a position to overlook these three misperceptions the possibilities that are available to you from plastic surgery abroad can prove highly advantageous to any individual seeking a change in their personal life. With a view to enhance upon the several opportunities that are available to you and clarify any other misconceptions that might exist preventing you from reaping the benefits of this potential opportunity, start by going to Cheaper Cosmetic Surgery Abroad.


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Wikimedian activist Adrianne Wadewitz dies

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

News broke early this morning on Facebook that Wikipedian Adrianne Wadewitz died while rock climbing recently. Wadewitz was well known in the Wikimedia community for her activism drawing attention to the lack of female contributors on Wikipedia. She was also very involved in the Wiki Education Foundation, serving as a member of its board of directors.

Wadewitz was one of the most visible women in the media on the under-representation of women amongst contributors to Wikipedia, talking to media organizations like the BBC, the Huffington Post and non-English publications like Greek-language magazine LIFO. Some estimates put female participation rates at around 10% of contributors and there is a body of academic work talking about systemic bias against topics featuring women on Wikipedia.

She was involved in organizing several edit-a-thons aimed at encouraging greater female participation and improving content about women, including Wikipedia Takes America: Los Angeles, FemTech Edit-a-thon, Wikipedia Loves Eagle Rock, Wikipedia Loves WeHo, and Feminists Engage Wikipedia. Wadewitz’s own work to address systemic bias as an article contributor included improving English Wikipedia articles relating to women, including:

Adrianne embodied brilliance, determination, and enthusiasm in everything she did
  • Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Thoughts on the Education of Daughters
  • Mary: A Fiction
  • A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman
  • Timeline of Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Fanny Imlay
  • Mary Shelley
  • Anna Laetitia Barbauld
  • Sarah Trimmer
  • Mary Martha Sherwood

She started contributing to English Wikipedia in July 2004. She had taught two classes on collaborative work on the project, and was involved with FemTechNet Wikistorming, an academic effort to encourage more women involved in academia to contribute to Wikipedia. In the past month, she had written several blog entries on HASTAC, an online collaborative platform dedicated to changing the way people learn, about how to write about academics on Wikipedia.

Fellow activist Sarah Stierch said in a public post on Facebook, “My heart hurts. Adrianne was a leading voice – and her legacy still is – in the work we have been doing to get more women and more diverse peoples contributing to Wikipedia. Two days ago she was quoted in the BBC, for godsake.” Stierch went on to say, “A sarcastic, feminist, smart, brilliant, to the point delivery type of academic genius who held an honest love life for all to see and a life in LA that was becoming one she owned.”

At the time of her death, she was a Mellon Digital Scholarship Fellow at Occidental College. In 2011, she earned her PhD from Indiana University.

Wikimedians are memorializing her on her Wikipedia talk page, which is adorned with a picture of a funerary arrangement of flowers. A notice at the top of the page invites condolences, which have been arriving in their dozens. “This is a crushing loss, for the Wikipedia community and the world. There was no one else like her.” wrote one contributor. Another noted “Adrianne embodied brilliance, determination, and enthusiasm in everything she did.”

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