Talk:Oakland renters displaced by Hope VI program

Theres nothing to clean up, since the accuracy of this story is not in dispute. [[I feel honored to be able to speak freely about the corruption taking place in Oakland’s housing programs that target the poor for dislocation. Sincerely, Lynda Carson — Oakland, CA. 510/763-1085 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 08:23, 28 October 2006 moved from article to talk page by Doldrums

LyndaCarson, Thanks for contributing this well written and well sourced article to Wikinews. Wikinews welcomes contributions original reporting such as these. The article needs a little more work before publishing though, since some of it does not adhere to the Wikinews:Neutral point of view.

Wikinews articles are written to conform to NPOV in order to ensure that our coverage of an event is fair and unbiased. We do this by only reporting facts, leaving out all editorial opinion, and representing all views over an issue, attributing each and giving each view the depth of coverage deserved by its relative notability. a (much better written) introduction to NPOV can be found here, including an explanation of why NPOV is useful.

I and other contributors will be happy to help make the necessary changes to this article, in fact, the “cleanup tag” added to the article is the first step in doing this. It is meant to be constructive criticism helping to improve the article.

Also, i see that u’ve published this article on Indymedia, but without releasing it to the public domain or under a Creative commons (CC) license. This means that the article can only be reproduced by other non-commercial publications. Now, even though Wikinews is a non-commercial website, it releases its articles with a CC license, allowing commercial use. So you will have to either post a “released under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5” notice on the Indymedia article page, or e-mail such a permission to a Wikinews administrator in order for Wikinews to host this article.

welcome and thanks again for writing for wikinews. i look forward to more such articles from you. reg,  — Doldrums(talk) 04:32, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

I tried to make this article more NPOV by removing some loaded words (“gentrification project”, etc.) Not sure if this is enough to undispute it.–DCo1 06:06, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

This does appear to be a copyright violation… Someone from Indymedia will need to verify the copyright status of this article. I’ve not tagged it as a copyvio, yet, as it may be that it existed here first. It could be dual licensed, etc. but the Indymedia site doesn’t indicate that the copyright is held by the author (it looks like Indymedia has the rights to the story). –Chiacomo (talk) 06:03, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

Sources: Oakland renters displaced by Hope VI program

[EBALDC and Related Companies, LLC., created Creekside Housing Partners, L.P., to take control of Oakland’s public housing property in East Oakland at the Coliseum Gardens site, now known as Lion Creek Crossings. Chambers Construction will develop the homeownership portion at Lion Creek Crossings with EBALDC and The Related Company jointly responsible for the apartments.]

—Lion Creek Crossing (Coliseum Garden) Now Renting—

The Oakland Housing Authority received a HOPE VI grant to replace its 178 notorious Coliseum Garden apartments with a mixed income development of over 350 apartments and approximately 28 homes for sale. EBALDC assembled a development team, which includes The Related Company of California and Chambers Construction to work with the housing authority. Chambers Construction will develop the homeownership portion with EBALDC and The Related Company jointly responsible for the apartments. The development will surround a revitalized 5 acre City Park and Lion creek, which will also be restored by the city. The first phase of this development includes 115 apartments and 7,500 square feet of space for community services.

This phase is under construction with a second phase of 146 apartments and another 7,500 square feet scheduled to start late in 2005. Community services anticipated include a Head Start Child Care Center, youth and after school programs, health programs, career counseling and business development opportunities. A third phase is being planned with over a hundred family apartments and townhouses that will overlook the restored Lion creek and city park.

These brand new Lion Creek Crossing apartments are ready for occupants. Contact EBALDC today at (510) 287-5353 for details….

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [CHAMBERS CONSTRUCTION] Carolyn Silva. Chambers, owner of Chambers Construction CHAIRMAN & C.E.O. CHAMBERS COMMUNICATIONS Home-86220 DERY Rd or 86054 DERY Rd. PLEASANT HILL, OREGON 97455 (541) 746-1510 — (541) 988-5732 (Born September of 1931) Political Donations (2004) to George W. Bush $2,000 — $500 contributed to the RNC

Carolyn Silva. Chambers’ business empire includes real estate, a construction company, a vineyard, and the crown jewel, Chambers Communications Corp.

Local — Chambers Construction Co (510) 569-3081 7506 Macarthur Blvd Oakland, CA.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Search Results for Lion Creek Crossing from Related website:

Lion Creek Crossing Location: 800 69th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Property Type: Affordable Rental Multifamily Rentals Neighborhood Revitalization Organizations: Related California

—EBALDC Partnership With Related Companies—

EBALDC — East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation

(Lynette Jung Lee is the Director of EBALDC)


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Related Companies]

Related Corporate Structure

Stephen M. Ross is head/CEO of Related Companies…

STEPHEN M ROSS (Born in May of 1940) (Home) 956 5TH AVE NEW YORK, NY 10021 (212) 772-1196 or (212) 772-7659

—Stephen M. Ross resides at 956 Fifth Avenue, in New York— Home of Stephen M. Ross at 956 Fifth Avenue. This finely detailed building has an unusual and … by in 1920 the Real Estate Board of New York, the City Club and the Fifth … _______________ Related of California


Jeff T. Blau Michael J. Brenner David J. Wine

About Stephen M. Ross / CharterMac

Board of Trustees Stephen M. Ross Chairman

Stephen M. Ross is non-executive Chairman of the Board of Trustees of CharterMac. Mr. Ross is the founder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Managing General Partner of The Related Companies, L.P. (“TRCLP”). Mr. Ross began his career working for the accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand in Detroit as a tax attorney. Later, he moved to New York, where he worked for two large Wall Street investment banking firms in their real estate and corporate finance departments before founding TRCLP in 1972. Mr. Ross graduated from The University of Michigan School of Business with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and from Wayne State School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree. He then received a Master of Law degree in Taxation from the New York University School of Law. Mr. Ross endowed the “Stephen M. Ross School of Business” at The University of Michigan. Mr. Ross is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Board of New York and is a trustee of the National Building Museum. Mr. Ross also serves on the Board of Directors of Kerzner International Ltd. (NYSE: KZL), Equinox Holdings, Inc. (an affiliate of TRCLP), the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Jackie Robinson Foundation and the Guggenheim Museum.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lion Creek Crossings Open House of Phase 1 and Groundbreaking of Phase 2 Lion Creek Crossings will create a new community in the blighted and neglected Central East Oakland district and will be the catalyst for revitalizing the entire Coliseum BART station into a Transit Village. This HOPE VI development will provide up to 437 units over four phases of permanent affordable rental housing and 28 for-sale units for first time homebuyers. This is a joint venture between EBALDC, Related Companies of California and the Oakland Housing Authority.

Location: 915 69th Avenue, Oakland Ca, 94621 Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sponsored by: Sponsored by East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) For more information: Joyceland 510.287.5353 /

—Stephen M. Ross Gives Away $100,000 Million Dollars— University of Michigan — (Stephen M. Ross gives away $100,000 million) New York City real estate developer Stephen M. Ross gives $100 million to University … chairman and chief executive officer of The Related Companies, LP, …

[Oakland Budget Summary for 2006 – Oakland Redevelopment Agency] Personnel Services and Related Overhead Costs – FY 2006-07 . … Lions Creek Crossings (Coliseum Gardens) Phase I. $1,500,000. Lions Creek Crossings (Coliseum …

Page 1) Executive Off Oakland Housing Authority MEMORANDUM

To: Board of Commissioners From: Jon Gresley, Executive Director

Subject: Resolution Approving Use of Additional Local Funds for Park Construction at the Lion Creek Crossings HOPE VI Primary Site and Amending the Predevelopment Services Agreement to Effect the Change

Date: September 19, 2006

This correspondence transmits for your consideration and approval a resolution authorizing the use of $287,593 in Authority Local Funds for construction of the preliminary phase replacement park at Lion Creek Crossings. This proposed additional allocation of funds to the park is part of the $7 million previously approved by the Board for use in the Lion Creek Crossings redevelopment.

Background: The Authority was awarded a HOPE VI grant in the amount of $34.5 million in 2000 to revitalize the 178-unit Coliseum Gardens public housing development. The Board approved the selection of East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), The Related Companies of California (Related) and Chambers Construction Company (Chambers) as co-developer partners for redevelopment of the original public housing site and several adjacent or nearby properties (the “Primary Site”), now renamed Lion Creek Crossings. EBALDC and Related are co-developing the rental portion of the Primary Site, which will include 157 units of public housing. The total number of rental units, including public housing, now planned is approximately 440. Twenty-eight (28) units of for-sale housing are planned to be developed by Chambers. The construction of new streets and utilities and the reconfiguration of a public park are planned as part of the rental housing development.

The remaining 21 units of public housing are included in a recently constructed 65-unit development on Foothill Boulevard in Oakland.

In addition to the rental housing, the project includes the reconfiguration of Coliseum Gardens Park and the restoration of a portion of Lion Creek. The City of Oakland is managing the restoration of a portion of the creek that runs through the park. A grant from the California Pollution Control Finance Authority and the City of Oakland is providing funds for park planning. Pacific Gas and Electric Company has awarded $175,000 for park construction. The California Housing and Community Development Department has awarded the City of Oakland approximately $500,000 which is planned to be used for park construction. Our developer partners and staff are searching for additional sources of funding for park construction.

Page 2- In a Land Exchange Agreement that was executed between the Authority and the City, the Authority agreed to construct a temporary replacement park during the period when the existing park is taken out of service. The Developer has received an estimate of $388,735 from its general contractor for the cost of constructing a temporary replacement park. The Developer plans to start construction on Phase III of the rental housing on the site of the existing City park in October, and the temporary park is required to be in place prior to the start of construction on this phase. The grant funds described previously are not yet available, but will be in the future.

All park facilities related to the development are to be constructed by the Developer under the terms of an Amended and Restated Predevelopment Services Agreement (PSA). The current PSA includes a provision for the use of $101,142 in Authority Local Funds for park construction. The proposed resolution would authorize the use of an additional $287,593 in Authority Local Funds for the immediate construction of the preliminary phase replacement park, for a total of $388,735.

It is expected that the Authority will be reimbursed for the use of this additional allocation of its Local Funds as the above-described grant funds become available. If that occurs, the Local Funds will be available for reallocation within the project.

Proposed Action:

It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners adopt the attached resolution approving the use of an additional $288,593 in Authority Local Funds for construction of the preliminary phase replacement park at Lion Creek Crossings, and authorizing the Executive Director to amend the Predevelopment Services Agreement to incorporate this change, and to take all actions necessary to implement the resolution. Attachment: Resolution



On Motion of Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner and approved by the following vote:



WHEREAS, the Oakland Housing Authority (Authority) previously executed a grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to its grant of HOPE VI funds for a revitalization plan that proposed the demolition and redevelopment of Coliseum Gardens and nearby properties, (collectively the “Primary Site”); and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners approved the selection of East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), The Related Companies of California (Related), and Chambers General Construction (Chambers) as co-developers of the Primary Site at its meeting on October 21, 2002; and

WHEREAS, the Authority owns the land on which the Coliseum Gardens revitalization development known as Lion Creek Crossings will be constructed, and the Authority leases the land to the partnership formed with EBALDC and Related for each phase of the development, which is known as Lion Creek Crossings;

WHEREAS, EBALDC and Related (the “Developer”) have joint responsibility for the development of the family rental housing at the Coliseum Gardens site and formed a limited partnership known as Creekside Housing Partners, L.P. (CHP) for the development of Lion Creek Crossings, Phase III, which consists of one hundred six units of public and affordable family housing; and

Page 2) WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners passed Resolution 3685 authorizing the execution of the Phase III Disposition and Development Agreement which included a HOPE VI loan to CHP in the amount of $5,194,638; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commission subsequently passed Resolution 3766 approving closing evidentiaries including HOPE VI loan documents with a lesser loan to CHP in the amount of $3,350,000; and

WHEREAS; CHP’s financing structure for Phase III included a loan from CalHFA based on increased rental income from Project-Based Section 8 funds available through the Authority; and

WHEREAS, the City of Oakland approved a loan amount of $4,600,000 for Phase III of which $600,000 was intended to offset a HUD rule change decreasing the value of rents available under the Project-Based Section 8 program; and

WHEREAS, as an MTW participant, the Authority has approved the use of market rents in its Project-Based Section 8 program, which reduced CHP’s documented need for $600,000 in City funds; and

WHEREAS, the City may then reduce its loan commitment to CHP by $600,000 as a result of the Authority’s approval of market rents for Phase III; and

WHEREAS, bids for construction of Phase III are anticipated to be higher than originally budgeted, creating a funding gap of $600,000.


THAT, the Authority will provide an increased construction and permanent loan of HOPE VI funds in the amount of up to $600,000 increasing its previous commitment of $3,350,000 to $3,950,000 contingent on the City of Oakland reducing its loan commitment for Phase III by $600,000, and if the construction bids are such that the funds are needed by CHP as determined by the Authority; and

THAT, the Executive Director is authorized to take all actions and execute such other documents as may be necessary and appropriate to implement the foregoing resolution.

Page 3) I certify that the foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Oakland, California on July __, 2006. _____________________________________ Secretary / Executive Director ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO.



On Motion of Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner And approved by the following vote: AYES: NAYS ABSTAIN: EXCUSED: ABSENT:



WHEREAS, the Authority received HOPE IV revitalization grants for Coliseum Gardens, now renamed Lion Creek Crossings; and

WHEREAS, the Authority issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) which was mailed directly to over 65 agencies and organizations and advertised in the Oakland Tribune; and

WHEREAS, EBALDC was selected as a program that best meets the needs of the residents and the requirements of the Authority for the provision of personal budgeting, consumer finance education, individual development accounts with matching, peer support groups and seminars, home buyer training and small business/micro-enterprise development; and

WHEREAS, the original RFP and Board resolution authorized the Executive Director to alter HOPE VI CSS sub-grant agreement scopes and selection of providers to address changes in resident services needs; and,

(Page 2) WHEREAS, EBALDC, as development partner for the Lion Creek Crossings HOPE VI development, has a daily presence on-site at Lion Creek Crossings, has experience providing comprehensive resident services at other EBALDC residential sites, and has the capability of providing all the resident services needs identified during the 2006 Lion Creek Crossing resident needs assessment.


THAT, the Executive Director, on behalf of the Authority, is hereby authorized to execute a one year performance-based sub-grant agreement not to exceed $218,750 with EBALDC to provide on-site services for school age youth and workforce development/ self-sufficiency services; and

THAT, the Executive Director, on behalf of the Authority, is hereby authorized to take all actions necessary to implement the foregoing resolution.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Oakland, California on _________________. ________________________________ Secretary / Executive Director ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO.


Executive Office

Oakland Housing Authority MEMORANDUM

To: Board of Commissioners From: Jon Gresley, Executive Director

Subject: Lion Creek Crossings Security Contract Date: August 3, 2006

As you are aware, the first phase of Lion Creek Crossings is now housing residents. Related, the Authority partner and property manager, has contacted the Authority and has requested increased patrol due to several incidents of criminal activity since the property has opened. Related employs a private security firm at Lion Creek Crossings, but many of the problems exceed their capacity for response. OHAPD has been providing sporadic increased patrol; however, due to the fact that the Authority does not own the buildings nor manage the property and the Authority passes operating subsidies to the property for the purpose of subsidizing operating expenses, we have indicated to Related that the policing of the property is the responsibility of the Oakland Police Department.

After several meetings between Related and the Oakland Police Department (OPD), as well as the continuance of increased criminal activity, Related contacted Phillip Neville, Deputy Executive Director of Real Estate Development, and Carel Duplessis, Chief of OHAPD, to explore the feasibility of Lion Creek Crossings contracting with the Authority to supplement OPD’s policing of Lion Creek Crossings with officers from OHAPD. Through discussions, an agreement has been reached for Related to pay the cost of two full-time Police Officers for a two year contract.

A written agreement between Related and the Authority is currently being drafted for OHA’s Board approval at the August 28 Commission meeting. Preparatory to that meeting staff will brief the Commission at the workshop session of August 9. Chief Carel Duplessis will provide the briefing and address any questions.

[Creekside Housing Partners, L.P. take control of the Coliseum Gardens/Lion Creek Crossings]

(Lion Creek Crossings used to be known as Coliseum Gardens public housing (178 units) of Oakland)

(EBALDC and Related Companies, LLC., created Creekside Housing Partners, L.P., to take control of Oakland’s public housing property in Oakland. )


Contact: Melissa Flores Phone: 916.324.4647 Fax: 916.322.2345

Financing for Affordable Family Housing in Oakland

SACRAMENTO, June 6, 2006 – A new affordable housing project will soon be built in the City of Oakland’s master planned community, Lion Creek Crossings (formerly known as Coliseum Gardens), to create rental housing for an additional 106 families. The California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) Board of Directors approved nearly $23 million in construction financing and $4.8 million in permanent financing for Lion Creek Crossings, a family apartment community, to be owned by Creekside Housing Partners, L.P., which is a joint venture between East Bay Asian Local Development and the Related Companies, LLC. The property management services will be provided by Related Management Company. Cahill Contractors will begin construction in August 2006 with completion expected in February 2008.

The 106-unit complex is designed to provide affordable rental housing to those with household incomes at or below 60 percent of the area median income. This project is the third phase in the master planned community of Lion Creek Crossings. This unique urban infill project is replacing public housing units developed in the 1940s. CalHFA has provided financing for all three phases of the master development, creating 367 new affordable housing residences.

– more – Page 2 The 2.49 acre project site will feature seven buildings with units ranging in size from one to four bedrooms and styled as flats or town homes. The residents will also enjoy the use of the master community’s shared common recreational facilities and community rooms currently available to Phase I residents.

CalHFA will provide nearly $23 million in construction financing with a variable interest rate for 22 months. Upon completion, a permanent loan of $3.815 million will be provided by CalHFA, as well as, CalHFA subordinate financing for slightly more than $1 million. Other funding sources include the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Multifamily Housing Program, the Housing Authority of the City of Oakland (OHA), HOPE VI loan from HUD to OHA, the City of Oakland, and the Federal Home Loan Bank’s Affordable Housing Program.

The California Housing Finance Agency was created in 1975 with the goal of helping more Californian’s live in a home they can afford. CalHFA’s Multifamily Division has invested more than $2 billion for the construction and preservation of 36,000 affordable rental housing units assisting nearly 85,000 very low and low income Californians. More information on Multifamily Loan Finance programs and the full complement of CalHFA programs, visit or call toll free 877.9.CalHFA (877.922.5432).

The Related Companies

Related develops, manages and finances the world’s finest real estate developments. Our skills and experience are enhanced by a passion for quality and a unique entrepreneurial spirit. Related properties are more than structures – they are a union of energy, creativity, forward thinking and collaboration. Founded in New York in 1972, we are proud to call this great city our home. For more information on Related, visit our About section.


^^^^^^^^^ Related of California

Related of California was formed in 1989 to focus on the development of multifamily housing in California. It is an affiliate of Related, L.P., a fully integrated real estate firm based in New York City with divisions specializing in development, property management, and financial services.

Since its inception, Related has developed over 6,000 units of housing in California, with properties in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, San Diego, and San Diego County.

Its projects run the gamut from award-winning apartments for low- and moderate-income seniors and families to a 487-unit high-rise apartment development in downtown San Francisco that is the tallest residential building in the city.

Related’s team of professionals brings hands-on experience and expertise in project management, finance, construction, and property management, along with the financial backing of one of the country’s premier real estate companies.

Contact Us — Lion Creek Crossing — Related Companies:

To forward your questions or comments, simply click below, fill out forms and we’ll send your request to the appropriate person.

Related California Properties in California

Lockwood Gardens, Coliseum Gardens and Lower Fruitvale HOPE VI Site Profile

City: Oakland Official PHA Name: Oakland PHA Name of Site: Lockwood Gardens, Coliseum Gardens and Lower Fruitvale HOPE VI Coordinator: Philip J. Neville Phone: 510-874-1520 Fax: 510-874-1674 E-mail: Address: 1619 Harrison St. Oakland, CA 94612 Site Profile:

FY 1994 Implementation Grant: $25,510,020 FY 1996 Assistance Award/Amendment Funds: $1,000,000

OHA’s HOPE VI program in East Oakland involves the extensive renovation of 372 out of 550 housing units in two complexes and four scattered sites (consisting of 60 units) located in Lower Fruitvale. Fourteen scattered-site units are scheduled to be demolished and rebuilt. A site-based management strategy is currently being tested at Lockwood Gardens, which has 372 housing units.

The HOPE VI program enabled OHA to expand its collaboration with the Mayor’s office, which began with the City’s 1991 campaign to reduce violence and drug trafficking within and around the Coliseum and Lockwood communities. The Mayor’s Office was very supportive in preparing the original HOPE VI application and has been heavily involved in the effort ever since.

The joint successes from both the Mayor’s program and OHA’s HOPE VI development process have positively impacted the Coliseum and Lockwood sites. There is marked improvement in the environments at both sites. Resident-planted gardens are not vandalized and children and adults can remain outside after dark, which was considered unsafe just a few months earlier. Policing services are provided by the Oakland Police Department to all authority sites. Officers from the Oakland Housing Authority’s Security Services Department supplement the City’s services. To supplement security at Coliseum and Lockwood, iron fences are used to surround the complexes.

OHA was the recipient of several HUD grants in 1995, including a HOPE VI planning grant for the West Oakland area. Additionally, there are two major modernization programs currently in progress in West Oakland.

^^^^^^^^^^^ Coliseum Gardens HOPE VI Site Profile

City: Oakland Official PHA Name: Oakland PHA Name of Site: Coliseum Gardens HOPE VI Coordinator: Philip J. Neville Phone: 510-874-1510 Fax: 510-874-1674 E-mail: Address: 1619 Harrison St. Oakland, CA 94612 Site Profile:

FY 2000 grantee in the amount of $34,486,116.

The Housing Authority of the City of Oakland will receive a HOPE VI Revitalization Grant in the amount of $34,486,116 that will enable the Housing Authority to revitalize the Coliseum Gardens public housing development. A total of 178 severely distressed units will be replaced on-site with 30 public housing units, 20 tax credit rental units, and 85 affordable homeownership units. In addition, 148 public housing units and 46 tax credit rental units will be developed on underutilized land and scattered sites nearby. A significant number of the off-site public housing units will be within new housing developments in non-impacted areas. A new park and community center will be the focus of the new, on-site community. The revitalization of Coliseum Gardens, located in the Central East Oakland Target Area within the Coliseum Redevelopment Area, will benefit from a $134 million investment in the Coliseum BART Station and the new rail connection between the Station and the Oakland International Airport. Oakland’s HOPE VI Grant will leverage a total of $56.2 million other public and private funds.

For details, read HUD’s Fact Sheet:

Lion Creek Crossing (Funding for the streets at Lion Creek Crossing from Oakland Redevlopment Agency)

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Basic Soccer Rules

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By Niv Orlian

Soccer rules – Despite being a sport with roots reaching out to medieval and even ancient times, soccer was never really played under a set of strict rules until 1863.

On 26 October, 1863 several amateur and semi-professional clubs from England gathered up in London and formed up the Football Association and devised a “constitution” for the game, including a set of standardized soccer.Obviously the “Laws of football” as they were called back then were just a set of basic soccer rules and they didn’t cover all aspects of the game.

The main points covered by the Football Association were regarding violence on the pitch, as oftentimes the tense clashes in no-rules matches lead to bloody fistfights between the teams. Since then, soccer rules constantly evolved and began covering more and more of the game’s principles and also adapting soccer to the age it was played in.

A simple example of this would be the offside rules which was introduced later on in the game, when matches became more and more tactical.

Without the offside rule, attackers would often have a hibernating role in the team, simply staying up front and waiting for the ball to come, hence with the new rule, they were forced to work as much as the other players on the pitch.

Let’s take a look at some of the official soccer rules of today and give them a small explanation for why they are there and how they affect the game:


Soccer field dimensions – since not all soccer pitches could share the exact same size, FIFA decided a small length and width size threshold in order for a pitch to be playable. So the minimum length of a soccer field must be of 100 yards (90 meters), whereas the maximum length must be 130 yards (120 meters).

A bigger size difference was allowed for the width, which can be as small as 50 yards (45 meters) and as big as 100 yards (90 meters). You might have noticed that the minimum length coincides with the maximum width! Although strange indeed, soccer could actually be played on a square field, however for entertainment’s sake no one built that kind of pitch yet (thankfully).

Number of players – The official soccer rules book states that each team can enter the field with 11 players (one of which is the goalkeeper).

The number of substitutes depends on the competition the match is played in, but in official FIFA matches the number of substitutes can range from none to 7, with 3 substitutions eligible for each of the two teams.

However, in friendly matches, it’s often the case that both teams agree upon a set number of substitutions or simply go all-out and allow every bench player to get in the game at some point, replacing one of the first team members.

Ball in/out play soccer rules – The ball is in play whenever the referee doesn’t intervene whistling a game stop and whenever it stays inside the play area.

If the ball crosses the goal line or touch line by more than half its circumference, then it goes out of play and a goal kick/corner or throw in is given to one of the teams (the opposition of the team that last touched the ball). If a ball hits the referee ,the corner flag, the goal post or any other object on the pitch, the game remains in play.

Fouls – Fouls are one of the most problematic soccer rules nowadays, since they can be easily misjudge or interpreted by the referee, which often causes arguments on and off the pitch. Theoretically, a foul is whistled and a direct or indirect kick is given when a player trips, kicks, pushes, punches, charges or holds an opponent.

However, in the fast pace of the game, it’s often hard for the referee to see if a tackle touches the feet of the attacker or the ball. It’s considered a foul even if the defending player doesn’t touch the attacker at all, but has a dangerous intervention such as a high kick.

Goals – Last but not least, the essence of soccer rules and the object of the game itself, the goal.

In order to score a goal, the attacking team must pass the ball beyond the other team’s goal line. The attacker can kick the ball, head the ball or push it in with any other body part other than the hand (in which case it is considered handball).

Not all shots that end up in the net are goals though, as a goal can be cancelled if it was scored after the attacker broke one of the other soccer rules, such as fouling a defender or the goalkeeper, using his hand to control the ball, being offside or scoring directly from an indirect free kick.

These are the basic soccer rules and although there are a few smaller twists to learn, if you manage to understand these, you’ll be able to watch, and understand a soccer match without problems. Outside the offside rule the other official soccer rules are quite easy to grasp.

About the Author: Niv Orlian is the author and the owner of a

Soccer Fans

website that provides information on various topics related to soccer such as the history of soccer,

soccer rules

, famous soccer players , soccer fundamentals and soccer conditioning.


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World Health Organization calls for ban on tobacco ads

Sunday, June 1, 2008 

The United Nations health agency the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for a ban on tobacco advertising and promotion in order to protect the world’s children. The news release from the WHO came on Friday, one day before the annual World No Tobacco Day held each year on May 31.

This year’s World No Tobacco Day focuses on highlighting the practices of tobacco companies in their efforts to promote their products to young people. According to a WHO press release, studies show that young people are more likely to start smoking if exposed to tobacco advertising. The WHO notes that only five percent of the world population “is covered by comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship”.

“The WHO appeals to member states and policy-makers to require by law a comprehensive ban on all forms of advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products,” said WHO Regional Director for Africa Luis Sambo, in a statement released Saturday in Kampala, Uganda.

“In order to survive, the tobacco industry needs to replace those who quit or die with new young consumers,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan. “A ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is a powerful tool we can use to protect the world’s youth.”

The WHO said that tobacco companies are specifically targeting the half billion youth in the Asia Pacific region by tying smoking to the idea of a flashy lifestyle. The agency said the tobacco industry attempts to take advantage of children’s susceptibility to advertising and marketing.

According to the WHO most people take up smoking before they reach age 18, and almost twenty-five percent of smokers worldwide are under the age of 10. The agency said that a survey of 13 to 15 year-olds found that fifty-five percent had seen cigarette ads on billboards in the prior month, and twenty-percent owned something with a cigarette company’s logo.

According to BBC News, in the last ten years female and adolescent smoking in Russia has tripled. Russia does not have many anti-smoking laws. BBC News compared this to Canada, where smoking levels are at their lowest in 40 years and the country has very restrictive laws on smoking advertising.

“The tobacco industry employs predatory marketing strategies to get young people hooked to their addictive drug. But comprehensive advertising bans do work, reducing tobacco consumption by up to 16% in countries that have already taken this legislative step,” said Dr. Douglas Bettcher, Director of WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative.

A report by the WHO on tobacco use stated that approximately two thirds of the planet’s smokers reside in 10 countries including China, India, Indonesia, Russia, the United States, Japan, Bangladesh, Germany, and Turkey. Reuters reported that companies Philip Morris, Imperial Tobacco, British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco are among the world’s largest producers of cigarettes.

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Two San Diego art museums receive $40 million art collection

Sunday, March 25, 2012 

Two museums in San Diego, California have been bequested an art collection worth more than $40 million. The art collection was donated by Dr. Vance E. Kondon and Elisabeth Giesberger to both the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and the San Diego Museum of Art.

Kondon, a former board member of the Museum of Contemporary Art, died in 1997 and Giesberger died in 2011. Kondon was a notable art collector in San Diego, and collected for over 30 years. Roxana Velásquez, SDMA executive director, described their bequeathed collection’s “rarity” and said the pieces would add “depth” to the two existing museum collections.

The collection will be separated between the two museums due to the art movements represented within it. The Museum of Contemporary Art will receive 30 contemporary works by artists such as Franz Kline, Christo, and Craig Kauffman. The Museum of Art was bequeathed 48 German Expressionist paintings, drawings and prints. This collection includes artworks by Otto Dix, Gustav Klimt, and Egon Schiele.

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Decalogue Of Home Savings In Spain

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Submitted by: Claud Plowe

“The highlight with the decalogue integrated within the research “….

one. Spain needs internal options to reduce external dependence and families can produce them having a personal savings that will probably be key towards the Spanish economic climate and competitiveness inside the coming a long time.

The personal savings must recuperate its ownership being a driver for financial regeneration and should pivot across the families. To accomplish this, you must style and design a framework that fosters an environment friendly allocation of means.

two. Home financial savings is facing a exclusive opportunity to change their visual appeal.

Being a result from the present issues and economical uncertainty, keeping the planet faces a profound and inescapable transformation that can change the habits and guidelines which have guided the behavior of families in such a place.

several. The getting older population may be the most important challenge facing developed societies and households throughout the coming decades. The cost savings plus the monetary program have to be prepared to cope with it.


Even with al de tecnologic advance that represent the fertilities plans including FIV It’s vital to grow to be conscious with the magnitude of the difficulty and present it for the general public for educational, from there, require the initiative essential.

4. Other savings are doable: in the direction of larger diversification with enough sizing in the burden of housing and legitimate property marketplace a lot more transparent.

Spanish families have to diversify far more and more financial savings to lower the excess weight majority of investment in genuine property property. With this sense, it’s pressing to introduce transparency and boost efficiency and liquidity of true est market for residences which have every one of the elements necessary for the formation of their investment conclusions.

5. The classic substitute fiscal investment (deposits, shares, bonds and funds) will continue to participate in an vital part and there must be a level taking part in field for them.

It’s necessary to advertise truthful and equal opposition among items, releasing its promotion of shorter-term interests and entities. It is really time to encounter difficulties and enhance initiatives to build a more transparent competitiveness inside the deposit market, incentives for financing and company competitiveness as a result of IPOs and attachment problems, to promote discover to fixed profits family cost savings, improve efficiency and transparency from the fund market and prepare for levels of competition from international fund managers and standard banking merchandise.

six. Households need to have a framework focused on retirement savings: the way the bulk of pensions and insurance plan.

The Spanish marketplace for non-public pensions and insurance plan ought to undertake qualitative and quantitative leap essential to meet new requirements arising from population getting older in collusion having a much better regulatory and fiscal framework. This improvement is crucial to foster accurate growth of an sector of exclusive pensions and insurance policy that addresses this problem.

7. The financial industry really should review its design of distribution of financial savings goods for traders far more confidence in them and encourage innovation inside portfolio of household cost savings.

Credit rating establishments must modify their philosophy of product distribution and assume that it is time for financial assets. The household conserving might not be so focused on these types of a smaller quantity of solutions not subject matter to your distinct demands of intermediaries.

8. The savings industry should cease for being solution-oriented to aim within the shopper, utilizing the guidance and new technologies and eliminate conflicts of attention. Savers need to suppose that your ideal defense is personal education and learning.

Within the confusion of households, conventional and new monetary intermediaries ought to adapt to a new setting exactly where tips and customer support will be the core business enterprise in spot from the marketing and advertising of items. They have to defend their interests via more and much better economic education to aid them make the correct conclusions on their profits and desires of each stage within your lifestyle. Community plans to advertise monetary training are extremely handy that can help stimulate and create a better culture of saving. In parallel, the households should really feel they have the help and safety of the regulatory and supervisory authorities. This mix of improved economic literacy and much better protection will boost the self confidence of households in fiscal innovation.

9. The European current market for full savings merchandise stays quite fragmented and it can be desirable to further integration.

The items are basically domestic as well as the construction in the distribution of these types of expense that ailments of households. 10 several years soon after the launch from the ambitious plan of monetary integration with the European Commission, we need to identify that the retail economic market place remains fragmented. In mutual money is more superior, however the design of most with the personal savings goods continues to rely on each and every nation.

ten. Fiscal plan really should be an ally, not an obstacle, saving families.

The evolution of fiscal procedure in Spain since the 80 has performed a lot more harm to buyer personal savings, making sure that a better tax style suggestions support encourage protecting economic climate essential for regeneration. We have to have a tax program more centered on protecting and encouraging savings.

About the Author: Freelance journalist. With experience in print media journalism with the performance of major responsibilities as editor, columnist and editorial writer and a journalist on-line via the Internet


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Jersey child abuse case ‘was not covered up’

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 

Frank Walker, the chief minister of Jersey, a United Kingdom Crown dependency off the coast of Normandy, France, denies that there was a cover up after a child’s remains were found.

The allegations of a cover-up stem from statements by Stuart Syvret. Syvret, the former Minister for Health and Social Services for Jersey, said that “It’s a continuum that we see. It’s a culture of cover-up and concealment and tragically the recent evidence is just the latest manifestation of that.”

It has come to light that Edward Paisnel, a notorious pedophile, used to visit the Haut de la Garenne children’s home dressed as Father Christmas. Paisnel in 1971, was given a sentence of 30 years for 13 counts of assault, rape and sodomy.

Syvret says he was dismissed from his ministerial position after highlighting the “torture” of 11 to 16-year-olds in the island’s care homes. He claimed he was “sacked for whistleblowing”.

Police are currently investigating twenty-seven cases of child abuse on the island and recently discovered the body of one child at a care home Haut de la Garenne in St. Martin, and with a potential six sites in the area where more bodies may be located. The home was closed in 1986 and since 2003 it has served as a youth hostel.

Jersey’s deputy police chief, Lenny Harper said “Part of the inquiry will be the fact that a lot of the victims tried to report their assaults but for some reason or another they were not dealt with as they should be.”

Harper added that “no evidence of a cover-up of any Jersey government” has been found. “We are looking at allegations that a number of agencies didn’t deal with things as perhaps they should.”

Syvret has encouraged the government of the United Kingdom to assign independent judges to oversee any cases that result from the investigations.

Builders originally uncovered a body at the care home in 2003 but it was only since an operation investigate child abuse started in 2006 that progress has been made. An ex-minister of the States of Jersey, the parliament of the island, has criticised the handling of the case, stating that abuse cases were mishandled.

Walker told senators that all necessary resources would be use to find the abusers. “None of us imagined that children in Jersey could be abused and mistreated in the way that is being suggested,” the BBC have quoted him as saying. “I express my shock and horror that these things have apparently happened within our island.”

Specialist police from the United Kingdom have been investigating after an enquiry turned up 140 sources verifying the claims of abuse.

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Tamil Nadu Elections: DMK, AIADMK promise freebies

Thursday, March 24, 2011 

Both the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) parties have announce “freebies” as part of their election manifestos in the lead-up to the vote in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Freebies have been a success from the 2006 Tamil Nadu elections when DMK lured voters by announcing free colour televisions to households. That triumph led the major opposition AIADMK to announce similar freebies in their manifesto published Thursday.

DMK has announced free laptops to college students, kitchen appliances and modern networks to rural regions. The AIADMK, publishing their manifesto later, expanded on each of the promises of the DMK, plus offering 4g gold mangalsutra for the poor, monetary help for rural households and fishermen, free rice, and more.

AIADMK manifesto addresses larger issues, such as taking on the near-monopoly of the cable industry television industry, starting new Power generation plants to address power shortages in recent years.

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Oldbury nuclear power station suffers fire

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 

Oldbury nuclear power station in South Gloucestershire, England caught fire today after overheating. No-one was injured in the blaze which is believed to have been an accident and was extuinguished within minutes by an automatic sprinkler system.

The fire took place on the non-nuclear side of the plant, in an electricity transformer, but prompted shutdown of the reactor for the foreseeable future in “accordance with standard procedure,” said Dan Gould, spokesman for the British Nuclear Group. He also stressed that there was no release of radiation. There were also reports of an explosion in the transformer.

The BBC reported that 12 fire trucks attended the scene of the fire, but ITV stated ten crews were involved and quoted a spokesman for Avon Fire and Rescue as saying that ten trucks were sent.

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