SMC lanseaza echipamente pentru retelele wireless b/g la 108 Mbps

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1 iulie 2005 Bucure?ti, România — SMC® Networks ( a anuntat lansarea familiei de produse wireless 802.11b/g la 108 Mbps, EZ Connect™ 108G. Router-ul wireless EZ Connect g 802.11g la 108 Mbps, SMCWBR14T-G, adaptorul wireless cardbus SMCWCBT-G, adaptorul USB wireless SMCWUSBT-G si adaptorul PCI wireless SMCWPCIT-G sunt deja disponibile, gama urmand sa fie completata in luna iulie prin lansarea unui bridge Ethernet wireless EZ Connect g 802.11g la 108 Mbps, SMCWEBT-G, si a unui kit, SMCWUSBKIT-G, care combina router-ul wireless EZ Connect g 802.11g la 108 Mbps cu un adaptor USB wireless.

Linia de produse EZ Connect g 108 Mbps 802.11g, cea mai recenta din familia de echipamente SMC EZ Connect destinate retelelor din mediul SoHo, mentine usurinta in utilizare care a facut cunoscuta linia EZ Connect, imbunatatind in acelasi timp performanta retelei. Bazata pe cipset-ul Atheros® Super G®, intreaga linie EZ Connect g 802.11g la 108 Mbps functioneaza la viteza maxima de 108 Mbps – de doua ori viteza standardului 802.11g si de 15 ori viteza 802.11b – atunci cand se utilizeaza impreuna, dar si in combinatie cu orice echipament pentru retea 802.11g, bazat pe Super G. Fiind conform cu 802.11g, este compatibil cu orice dispozitiv hardware 802.11g si b lansat anterior.

Completand familia, noul router broadband wireless 802.11g la 108 Mbps EZ Connect g (SMCWBR14T-G) ofera conectivitate wireless 802.11b/g de pana la 108 Mbps, cu patru porturi 10/100 pentru conexiuni prin cablu si cinci porturi 10/100 pentru conexiuni prin cablu sau DSL. Caracteristicile de securitate SPI Firewall si Access Control incorporate asigura un nivel ridicat de securitate pentru retea. Permitand o viteza ridicata de transmitere wireless a datelor, de 15 ori mai rapida decat 802.11b, noul router broadband la 108 Mbps mentine compatibilitatea cu echipamentele 802.11b si g existente, oferind latime de banda mai sigura, partajarea fisierelor si a echipamentelor periferice.

Bridge-ul Ethernet wireless EZ Connect g SMCWEBT-G ofera maximum privind usurinta configurarii si flexibilitatea. Se instaleaza si comunica fara drivere si poate fi configurat pentru a fi utilizat ca: 1.access point wireless, pentru a permite accesul la retea si altor dispozitive wireless 802.11 g si 802.11b; 2. ca repeater, prin suport pentru Wireless Distribution System (WDS), pentru a extinde zona de acoperire a retelei wireless la 2,4 GHz, folosind fie o configuratie punct – la – punct, fie una punct – multipunct; 3. ca bridge wireless, pentru conectarea virtuala a oricarui dispozitiv cu capabilitati Ethernet la o retea wireless.

Folosirea unui adaptor wireless SMC EZ Connect g la 108 Mbps conectat la PC si la alte dispozitive din retea le permite utilizatorilor sa profite din plin de avantajele potentialului wireless al routerului broadband wireless 802.11g EZ Connect g la 108 Mbps (SMCWBR14T-G), ale adaptorului USB SMCWUSBT-G pentru PC-uri portabile sau alte echipamente conectabile la retea sau ale unui adaptor PCI wireless EZ Connect la 108 Mbps pentru sisteme desktop. Toate cele trei adaptoare ofera viteze de transfer al datelor de pana la 108 Mbps si un nivel ridicat de securitate, permitand criptarea WEP pe 64/128 de biti, WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), precum si autentificare 802.1x pentru a permite accesul la resursele retelei wireless doar utilizatorilor autorizati. Pe langa imbunatatirea performantelor atunci cand sunt conectate la o retea wireless de 108 Mbps, aceste adaptoare cresc performantele retelelor mixte (802.11b si 802.11g) de pana la trei ori si a altor retele exclusiv 802.11g cu 50%.

Toate produsele gamei EZ Connect la 108 Mbps sunt usor de configurat si de folosit datorita utilitarului de instalare EZ Installation Wizard, iar adaptoarele au inclusa capacitatea de scanare automata, astfel incat pot localiza access point-urile wireless disponibile.

SMC Networks este un important furnizor de hardware LAN si de dispozitive de conectare broadband. SMC Networks utilizeaza la nivel mondial resursele de productie si parteneriatele strategice pentru a furniza o gama tot mai larga de produse accesibile, bazate pe cele mai noi tehnologii, inclusiv switch-uri Gigabit si Fast Ethernet, dispozitive de retea wireless, produse de conectivitate pentru banda larga, precum si adaptoare traditionale de retea. SMC Networks este specializata in solutii pentru companiile mari, mijlocii si mici, precum si pentru retelele din mediul casnic. Pe plan mondial, SMC ofera solutii de retea prin intermediul unei infrastructuri de distribuitori locali, parteneri VAR, provideri de Internet si retaileri.

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How To Select The Best Safety Signs

Submitted by: Roy Stevens

If you are a business owner or are responsible for ordering safety signs and safety posters for your company, you can find what you need at Several different verities of safety signs are available to help your business be in compliance with laws issued by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). You also have the option of choosing the safety slogans that best project the image of safety that your company wants to get across to its employees and customers.

If you would like to change the safety sign that your company currently has in place, you can opt for an updated one and choose a picture to go with it to really get the message across about safety. You may also choose to select signs that have only a picture to warn others of potential danger. For example, a sign depicting a person slipping on a wet floor tells people that they need to be especially careful not to slip on the floor they are about to walk onto because it is wet. You may choose signs that are words only, pictures only or a combination of each, depending on how you expect your company employees to respond to them.

Safety posters are another option for keeping your company’s employees safe, and they are a legal requirement in companies that work with raw materials and other potential hazards. To comply with the requirement, it may be best to choose a poster that does not offer lengthy safety explanations because workers may be too busy to read that. Instead, opt for a poster that is boldly colored to attract attention and then gets straight to the point about staying safe. Posters should be placed at eye level so they can be seen from a distance.


You cannot simply ignore the importance of safety signs at your workplace. There is really no scope to underestimate the importance of adequate signage inside your office, especially if you are in the business of heavy machinery or chemicals. As a matter of fact the usage of safety signs is a legal requirement in all workshops. Safety signs are of paramount importance when it comes to evacuation or construction – not to mention they guide people through the office and can prevent a lot of accidents. These are of utmost importance if you are in the construction business because safety signs can be used to caution people about an ongoing construction work and also prevent them from entering high-risk areas without proper safety gear.

If you are in the construction business you have a moral responsibility towards society and you need to warn people about impending dangers by using proper safety signs at proper places. The truth is that, for safety signs can prevent fatal accidents by up to 80%. However, you need to keep a couple of things in mind while installing safety signs. The safety signs should be easily readable, sturdy enough not to be moved easily and have adequate information on them.

About Safety Sign Outlet:

Safety Sign Outlet has the biggest collection of safety signs to suit all your safety needs and all products pass through stringent quality checks before being put up for sale.

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Endometriosis And Birthing

Submitted by: Patty T

Endometriosis is actually an disorder which can be described as the unnatural development of cellular material inside the uterus. Endometriosis will probably influence fertility through the manufacturing of a number of added hormones and other overall body substances that have a unpleasant reactionary influence on the woman s entire body. The particular ovulation cycle could possibly be hindered because of over-crowding while in the uterus walls. The fertilization from the egg could possibly be impeded on due to cellular constructions that will hindrance any semen from getting to any ovum. The embryos often have problems implanting inside of the uterus because of the defective cellular growths on top of that. Considering that endometriosis comes about within the uterus inability to conceive is usual to this particular illness. Endometriosis may cause bonds which will trap an egg, which often of course stops the opportunity of conceiving. The actual existence of endometriosis may involve multitude of cells or possibly scarring within the hips. That may perhaps change typical bodily segments for example the Fallopian tubes which often transfer the eggs through the ovaries resulting in problems in having a child.

A girl with endometriosis may find it hard to get knocked up as a consequence of a lot of reasons. On account of the manifestation of suffering with serious anguish during intercourse which leads to a tricky sex life, getting pregnant might well be complicated as a result of restricted love-making. The girl’s uterus might possibly be not able to retain the pregnancy as a result of the abnormal cellular material inside. Lesions inside the fallopian tubes may perhaps obstruct their ability to gather the eggs released through the ovaries. Implantation associated with fertilized eggs inside the uterus could also be stopped up by additional body cells. Endometriosis could disturb the cycle of ovum growth together with release from the ovaries. Your peritoneal fluid which normally permits freedom of semen microscopic cells could perhaps alternatively demolish all of them as a result of endometriosis.


Despite these types of inconveniences our body may still be capable to have a baby but it surely may be a challenging pregnancy for the female. Most women with endometriosis can conceive in a natural way but for people who have problems, surgical treatments makes an possibility probable by which the probability of conception escalate. When surgical procedures or anything else fail to work out ladies all too often think about the possibility of aided reproduction tactics, for instance intrauterine insemination as well as in- vitro fertilization. Some ladies having endometriosis which get knocked up in fact go through a vast improvement with endometriosis signs or symptoms. Having said that there are also cases where endometriosis signs and symptoms intensify within the beginning of the pregnancy. Most often a encouraging outcome of being pregnant will not likely continue for very long additionally, the benefit is merely temporary. Every single female is completely different plus the outcome will vary according to other factors that might be mysterious at that time.

Carrying a child previously being effective, important childbirth linked challenges, along the lines of quick early birth, antenatal hemorrhage, proteinuria, caesarean section and high blood pressure are typically further health threats for both mom and additionally unborn infant. Endometriosis is really a major risk component pertaining to premature arrival. Seeing that endometriosis is usually experienced by women of childbirth age, women with this problem should really be benefiting from extra recognition, thereby allowing them to get typical pregnancy and additionally give birth through a cesarean section.

Consequently special care is essential for ladies who are pregnant having endometriosis. Women of all ages with endometriosis are additionally more prone to suffer from pre-eclampsia, a complaint that evolves while in the 2nd or third trimester of pregnancy and necessitates the progression of hypertension and therefore the occurrence involving amino acids inside the pee. Antepartal internal bleeding is likewise seen to be more established amongst women having endometriosis. Ladies plagued by endometriosis are typically of upper maternal age group and also have much less young children. A robust correlation between endometriosis together with high-risk pregnancy continues to be. It means that 2nd or 3rd pregnancy could also be difficult demanding even safer practices combined with care through the entire pregnancy up to delivery.

About the Author: To read more about endometriosis and pregnancy please click the following link


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ChristenUnie blokkeert besluit Bussemaker over selectie embryo’s

31 mei 2008 

De ChristenUnie heeft het besluit van PvdA-staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid Jet Bussemaker om de selectie van embryo’s ter voorkoming van ernstige vormen van erfelijke kanker toe te staan, geblokkeerd. Bussemaker stuurde hierover maandag een brief naar de Tweede Kamer, maar zij had hierover niet van te voren overlegd met minister Ab Klink van Volksgezondheid. De staatssecretaris heeft het besluit vrijdag ingetrokken en de kwestie zal nu eerst in het kabinet behandeld worden, waarna een nieuw standpunt volgt.

De kwestie ligt gevoelig bij de christelijke partijen in de regering. Selectie van embryo’s op afwijkende genen bij ivf is nu alleen toegestaan als deze genen zeker zullen leiden tot levensbedreigende ziekten, zoals de ziekte van Huntington of de ziekte van Duchenne. Alleen gezonde embryo’s worden dan teruggplaatst in de baarmoeder. Bussemaker meende dat haar besluit alleen een technische toevoeging aan de bestaande praktijk was, maar de ChristenUnie wijst erop dat niet voor 100 procent zeker is dat de betreffende genen zullen leiden tot borst- of darmkanker.

De ChristenUnie is tegenstander van ivf en embryoselectie, omdat daarbij de niet-gebruikte embryo’s worden vernietigd. De partij wil de bestaande praktijk niet ter discussie stellen, maar is tegen verruiming van de mogelijkheden van selectie.

Premier Jan Peter Balkenende zei vrijdagmiddag dat er veel menselijke, medische en ethische aspecten in het geding zijn en stelde dat Bussemaker nu ook vindt dat de kwestie eerst door het kabinet behandeld moet worden. Het CDA twijfelt over de vraag of verruiming van de mogelijkheden van selectie moet worden toegestaan. De PvdA is wel voorstander. PvdA-partijleider en vicepremier Wouter Bos sprak vrijdag van “een goede brief”.

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A Highlight On The Ancient American Culture And History

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Submitted by: Stuart Owens

Christopher Columbus landed in Bahamas with a group of people and discovered America. He came from Asia through the seas and reached a land bridge, which is the present day Alaska about 12000 years ago. The immigrants slowly settled in parts of south and the east. An interesting fact is that by 15th century, the European adventurers who were about 50 million in population had already settled in Americas. Out of these 10 million lived in the areas that would have become the United States. This led to a diverse in various cultures, coming and staying in different parts of the country. It led to have 10 split cultures namely the Arctic, the Subarctic, the Northeast, the Southeast, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin, California, the Northwest Coast and the Plateau.

The Arctic is a cold, flat, tree less region which is near the Arctic region. Today it has different places like Alaska, Canada and Green land. Initially two groups the Inuit and the Aleut lived in this region. Both the groups spoke a language that was a dialect of the Eskimos. The Inuit stayed in the northern part of the region. Since this area was not hospitable, they moved to different regions according to the seasons suitable to the climate. The Aleuts lived in the southern part which were mainly the coastal region and mainly did fishing. Both the groups built dome-shaped houses made of sod or timber. They used seal and otter skins to make warm, weatherproof clothing, aerodynamic dogsleds and long, open fishing boats.


The subarctic was composed of swampy, piney forest and waterlogged tundra, stretched across much of inland Alaska and Canada. The transportation was difficult in this region due to continuous snowfall in this region. Toboggans, snowshoes and lightweight canoes were the primary means of transport in this region. As life was hard in this region, these people were not able to settle there permanently at that point of time. They lived in small groups, built tents to stay and stayed underground during the winters. Slowly these people developed and started making fur instead of hunting in the 17th and 18th century.

The Southeast area was located to the north of Gulf of Mexico and to the south of the North East. This land was a humid, fertile and agricultural land. The farmers living in this area cultivated crops like maize, beans, tobacco, and sunflower. The five most familiar tribes who lived in this area are the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole. They all spoke a variant of Muskogee language.

The region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, from present-day Canada to the Gulf of Mexico was the plains culture area. The people in this area spoke languages like the Siouan, Algonquian, Caddoan, Uto-Aztecan and Athabasca. They were relatively settled lived on hunting and farming. These people started moving to different places and became nomadic in culture after they came into contact with the European and the Spanish in the 18th century. Groups like the Crow, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Comanche and Arapaho used horses to pursue great herds of buffalo across the prairie. These people were generally hunters and they stayed in cone-shaped teepee and carried a bison skin to every place they went.

The people in the southwest were generally farmers and were called in different names like the Hopi, the Zuni, the Yaqui and the Yuma. They grew crops like corn, beans and squash. This area today belongs to the present day Arizona and New Mexico. These people built multistory dwellings that looked like apartments.

Today, many entertainment programs display the ancient cultures from different parts of the world. I was able to watch some of these programs featuring on my Dish TV. Another program that I watched depicted the ancient Egyptian civilization.

About the Author: Stuart is a freelance writer who generally likes to write topics based on agriculture and about entertainment. He is inspired after watching a documentary about the ancient American culture on his Dish TV and wants to highlight some of them.


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‘Pregnancy pact’ grabs international attention for small Massachusetts town

Saturday, June 21, 2008 

A supposed “pregnancy pact” at Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Massachusetts has drawn international attention to the small Massachusetts fishing city which is considered to be one of the oldest settlements (1623) in the American continent.

The story, which was broken by TIME magazine and the Boston Globe, involved the fact that 17 girls, all sixteen years old or younger, got themselves pregnant as part of a “pregnancy pact”, so that the teenage mothers could raise their babies together.

According the magazine article, school officials at the 1,162 student school became concerned starting as far back as October when a uncommonly large amount of girls began to enter the school’s health clinic to see if they were pregnant.

As of earlier this May, seven girls returned more than once seeking pregnancy tests and upon hearing results, “Some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” according to James Sullivan, the principal of the school. Some smiled, others cried, and one declared, “Sweet!”, according to the Globe upon hearing their results.

Local officials, including the mayor, are uncertain whether there really was a “pact”, however. Mayor Carolyn Kirk called it a “blip” in the pregnancy rate and noted many factors playing into it, such glamorization of teen pregnancy including the announcement around the same time that Britney Spear’s sister, Jamie Lynn Spears had given birth to a baby, and last year’s critically acclaimed movie, Juno, a comedy about a 16-year-old girl who gets pregnant and other movies, such as Knocked Up.

There is some concern over what might be statutory rape, as it has been reported that most of the men who are the fathers are older, including one report that one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless man. In Massachusetts, the age of consent is 16, therefore it is illegal for anyone to have sexual intercourse with anyone under 16.

Other teen mothers however have criticized the new mothers. Two such girls are Alivia Fidler and Meaghan Orlando, childhood friends and sophomore students at the high school, the girls were 16 years old when they became pregnant unexpectedly.

Orlando noted, “If I could go back in time I would want to wait and have the same baby later. You can’t do stuff that normal teens do,” who is now 17 and has a 3-month-old son named Jayden, “They don’t know what they’re getting themselves into.”

Meaghan’s friend, Alivia, also now 17, said the pact idea is “ridiculous.” Noting, “They’re not going to be friends very long. You have to take care of your baby. It’s frustrating. I don’t have a lot of support.” Fidler is no longer with the father of the baby, 5 month-old Xavier Fidler-Aguiar and recently lost her job at McDonalds.

One other teen mother, Amanda Ireland, who recently graduated from the school, also gave a warning to the mothers, “Don’t try to get pregnant. People say they know what it’s like because they have younger siblings, but they really have no idea.”

Ireland also noted, “They’re so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally. I try to explain it’s hard to feel loved when an infant is screaming to be fed at 3 a.m.”

46 year-old Gloucester resident Lori Mitchell, whose daughter dropped out of high school at 16 to raise a child said there are worse things than being a teenage mother, “They could be junkies or prostitutes. You try to protect them as much as you can, but it’s up to them to do the right thing.”

Greg Verga, the chairman of the Gloucester School Committee called the pact, “disturbing”, as he himself was once a teen father.

“They are going to have a rude awakening. It was no picnic. People don’t realize there’s 3 a.m. feedings … it’s a lifestyle change. It’s not a possession you can play with and stick on the shelf. That’s why I fear for these girls.”

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iPod Touch

The iPod Touch (stylized and marketed as iPod touch) is a multipurpose pocket size electronic device designed and marketed by Apple Inc. with a user interface that is touchscreen-based. It can be used as a music and video player, digital camera, handheld game device, and personal digital assistant (PDA).[6] It connects to the Internet through Wi-Fi base stations and is therefore not a smartphone, though its design and iOS operating system are very similar to Apple’s iPhone. As of May 2013, 100 million iPod Touch units have been sold.[1]

All models of the same generation typically consist of identical features, processors, and performance, in addition to available operating system upgrades, differing only in outer color and internal storage space. An exception was the fifth generation, as the first version of the low-end (16 GB) model was sold without a rear-facing iSight photographic camera and lacked the iPod Touch loop. However, on June 26, 2014, the 16 GB model was refreshed to include the rear-facing camera and more color options. The prices for every iPod Touch model were also dropped.[7]

The iPod Touch runs Apple’s Unix-based iOS operating system (called ‘iPhone OS’ until 2010) and includes bundled software to browse the Internet, view maps, send and receive email, view media, and work with office documents such as presentations and spreadsheets. Users type on a virtual keyboard displayed on the screen. Apple operates an online store, allowing users to buy and directly download music, videos and third-party software. From launch, the iPod Touch was described by journalists as an ‘iPhone without the phone’,[8] and each iPod Touch model to date has been introduced with the same release number of iOS as the contemporary iPhone model.

Successive updates to iOS since the initial release in 2007 have released additional features. iPhone OS 2.0, released on July 11, 2008, introduced the App Store, which allowed third-party applications for the first time. iPhone OS 3.0, released on June 17, 2009, added features such as cut, copy, and paste, data tethering and push notification support. iOS 4.0, released on June 21, 2010, introduced iBooks, FaceTime, and multitasking. It dropped support for the first generation iPod Touch.

In June 2011, iOS 5, the fifth major release of iOS software, was announced at Apple’s WWDC 2011, which added notification, messaging and reminder features.[9] Apple limited some features, most notably the voice control system Siri, to the iPhone.[10] iOS 6, which was released on September 19, 2012 to the fourth and fifth generation iPod Touch models, contains 200 new features including Passbook, Facebook integration and Apple Maps. The fifth generation iPod Touch gained the ability to take panoramic photos, a feature shared with the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5.[11]

Recent iOS updates have been free for owners of supported iPod Touch models, but Apple received criticism for charging iPod Touch owners for versions 2.0 and 3.0, which iPhone owners received for free, and for excluding certain features from the iPod Touch software that the iPhone included.[12][13] Apple’s position was that they could add features for free to the iPhone because the revenue from it is accounted for on a subscription basis under accounting rules, rather than as a one time payment.[14] At WWDC in June 2010, as of iOS 4, Steve Jobs announced that Apple had “found a way” to make subsequent OS upgrades available free to iPod Touch owners.

To purchase content on the iPod Touch, the user must create an Apple ID or have an existing account. With this account one may download music and videos from the iTunes Store, apps from the App Store, or books from the iBookstore. An Apple ID account created without a credit card can be used to get free content, and gift cards can be bought to pay for apps instead of using credit cards.

The only official way to obtain third-party applications for the iPod Touch is Apple’s App Store, which is a branch of iTunes Store. The App Store application, available in all versions of iOS from 2.0 onwards, allows users to browse and download applications from a single online repository (hosted by Apple) with the iTunes Store. To develop such software, a software development kit (SDK) was officially announced on March 6, 2008, at an Apple Town Hall meeting.[15] The iOS SDK allows making applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch after paying a fee to join the development team. The developer can then set the price for the applications they develop and will receive 70% of money earned. Apple retains 30% of the sale price with no minimum fixed fee.

Like all Apple’s iOS devices, the iPod Touch is a tightly controlled or closed platform. Modifying or replacing the operating system violates the device warranty, communication between apps is limited and controlled, and Apple is the only authorized software vendor. Hackers have therefore attempted to ‘jailbreak’ all iOS devices to enable forbidden or unsupported features, such as multitasking in iOS versions before 4.0, themes for the home screen, the use of software Apple has refused to sell, or a battery percentage indicator. Jailbreaks for the iPod Touch first surfaced a month after the first model was released in September 2007, when hackers released JailbreakMe 1.0 (also called “AppSnapp”) to jailbreak iPhone OS 1.1.1.[16][17] This allowed users to install third-party programs on their devices before Apple permitted this.

As of August 2014, each version of iOS on iPod Touches can be jailbroken using tools such as PwnageTool, redsn0w, Absinthe, both versions of evasi0n, and Pangu.[citation needed] Apple’s warranty statement implies that an iPod Touch after jailbreaking or other modification made by unofficial means is not covered by Apple’s warranty. Jailbreaking is a violation of the Terms and Conditions for using iOS. The jailbreaking process can normally be undone by performing a restore through iTunes.[18]

The iPod Touch is generally similar to the iPhone. The iPod Touch lacks some of the iPhone’s features and associated apps, including the built-in compass, but is also thinner, lighter and less expensive. The fifth generation models are closely related to the iPhone 5C, which is also available in a variety of colors despite the iPod Touch loop. However, the 5th generation iPod touch has the A5 system on a chip, while the iPhone 5C has the A6, like 2012’s iPhone 5. Older models also lack IPS display technology, speakers, microphones, and cameras, and the camera has never been as high quality as on contemporary iPhone models.[19] Until the fifth generation, the iPod Touch camera lacked a flash for low-light photography, and until the fourth generation the sleep/wake button was on the opposite side. Steve Jobs once referred to the iPod Touch as “training wheels for the iPhone”.[20]

For iPod Touch units bought before October 12, 2011, users must own a Mac or PC computer to be able to use the iPod. Users then must install iTunes and connect the iPod through a USB port. The iPod will then be set up in iTunes. New iPods bought after October 12, 2011 have iOS 5.0 preloaded, and allow activation wirelessly, without the need of a PC or Mac.[21]

Earlier iPod Touch units must be plugged into a computer to be synced. This will charge the iPod Touch and sync the music library, videos, pictures and backup data. iOS 5 enables the user to do all this from the device and send it to the iCloud service, which supports Mac OS X Lion and later.

Starting with the second generation, iPod Touch can only be charged from the 5 V pin of the dock connector while most prior iPod models (including the original iPod Touch) could also be charged from the 12 V pin for FireWire power.[22] This change dropped support for charging in vehicles equipped with a FireWire-based iPod connection. Most aftermarket manufacturers of such equipment offer cables and/or adapters which convert the vehicle’s 12 V to 5 V. Charging the iPod Touch takes about 2 hours (80 per cent capacity) for fast charge, and full charge takes about 4 hours.

The iPod Touch (fifth generation) and iPhone 5 feature a new dock connector, named “Lightning”, which replaces the Apple Dock connector on older iPhone, iPad, iPod models. The Apple Lightning connector has eight pins and all signaling is digital. This new connector is smaller than the previous one allowing the iPhone 5 slimmer form factor. Apple Lightning cables have duplicate pins on two sides of each plug, so it can be inserted either way around. Various accessories will be available to convert the Apple Lightning connector to the older Apple Dock connector or USB,[23] although not all old accessories will work, as not all signals are available.[24]

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John Constable painting location mystery solved after 195 years

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 

The mystery of the location of a viewpoint used by English painter John Constable has been solved, after nearly 200 years. The Stour Valley and Dedham Church was painted in Suffolk, England, between 1814 and 1815, but changes to the landscape meant that the spot he chose was not known, despite the best efforts of historians and art experts.

Now the puzzle has been answered. Martin Atkinson, who works for the National Trust as property manager for East Suffolk, used clues from the painting and looked at old maps to track down the viewpoint. Trees had grown, a hedgerow had been planted and boundaries had moved or disappeared, but Atkinson eventually worked out where Constable had stood. He said, “When I discovered that I had worked out the location where Constable painted this particular masterpiece, I couldn’t believe it. All the pieces of the jigsaw finally fitted together.”

Atkinson used an 1817 map of East Bergholt, where Constable grew up, as a reference point, but found that the view would have changed not long after the painting was completed. “The foreground didn’t fit at all, it was quite unusual as we know Constable painted it in the open air so he would have been standing in the scene. The hedgerow in his work no longer exists and there’s another hedgerow that runs across the scene today which wasn’t there. When you stand on the road on which he would have stood, and use the oak tree as a reference point, you see the same view. It’s great to see where an old master stood – and be inspired by the same view,” he said.

Suffolk, where Constable painted many of his finest paintings, is often called “Constable country”. Most, but not all, of the locations that Constable depicted are known. The picture is now housed in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts.

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