Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines

Wikipedia policies and guidelines are developed by the community to describe best practices, clarify principles, resolve conflicts, and otherwise further our goal of creating a free, reliable encyclopedia. There is no need to read any policy or guideline pages to start editing. The five pillars is a popular summary of the most pertinent principles.

Although Wikipedia does not employ hard-and-fast rules, Wikipedia policy and guideline pages describe its principles and best-known practices. Policies explain and describe standards that all users should normally follow, while guidelines are meant to outline best practices for following those standards in specific contexts. Policies and guidelines should always be applied using reason and common sense.

This policy page specifies the community standards related to the organization, life cycle, maintenance of, and adherence to policies, guidelines, and related pages.

Wikipedia is operated by the not-for-profit Wikimedia Foundation, which reserves certain legal rights (see here for a list of its policies). See also Role of Jimmy Wales. Nevertheless, normally Wikipedia is a self-governing project run by its community. Its policies and guidelines are intended to reflect the consensus of the community.

Policies have wide acceptance among editors and describe standards that all users should normally follow. All policy pages are in Wikipedia:List of policies and guidelines and Category:Wikipedia policies. For summaries of key policies, see also List of policies.

Guidelines are sets of best practices that are supported by consensus. Editors should attempt to follow guidelines, though they are best treated with common sense, and occasional exceptions may apply. Guideline pages can be found in Wikipedia:List of policies and guidelines and Category:Wikipedia guidelines. For summaries of key guidelines, see also List of guidelines.

Essays are the opinion or advice of an editor or group of editors (such as a WikiProject) for which widespread consensus has not been established. They do not speak for the entire community and may be created and written without approval. Essays that the author does not want others to edit, or that are found to contradict widespread consensus, belong in the user namespace. See Wikipedia:Essays.

Other pages that can be found in the Wikipedia: namespace include community process pages (which facilitate application of the policies and guidelines), historical pages,[1] WikiProject pages, or help pages (also found in the Help namespace), community discussion pages and noticeboards. These pages are not policies or guidelines, although they may contain valuable advice or information.

Use common sense when interpreting and applying policies and guidelines; there will be occasional exceptions to these rules. Conversely, those who violate the spirit of a rule may be reprimanded even if no rule has technically been broken.

Whether a policy or guideline is an accurate description of best practice is determined by the community through consensus.

On discussion pages and in edit summaries, shortcuts are often used to refer to policies and guidelines. For example, WP:NOR, WP:NPOV, and WP:LIVE. Similar shortcuts are sometimes also used for other types of project page. A shortcut does not necessarily imply that the page linked to has policy or guideline status. Additionally, remember that the shortcut is not the policy; the plain-English definition of the page’s title or shortcut may be importantly different from the linked page.

Enforcement on Wikipedia is similar to other social interactions. If an editor violates the community standards described in policies and guidelines, other editors can persuade the person to adhere to acceptable norms of conduct, over time resorting to more forceful means, such as administrator and steward actions. In the case of gross violations of community norms, they are likely to resort to more forceful means fairly rapidly. Going against the principles set out on these pages, particularly policy pages, is unlikely to prove acceptable, although it may be possible to convince fellow editors that an exception ought to be made. This means that individual editors (including you) enforce and apply policies and guidelines.

In cases where it is clear that a user is acting against policy (or against a guideline in a way that conflicts with policy), especially if they are doing so intentionally and persistently, that user may be temporarily or indefinitely blocked from editing by an administrator. In cases where the general dispute resolution procedure has been ineffective, the Arbitration Committee has the power to deal with highly disruptive or sensitive situations.

Policy and guideline pages should:

Wikipedia has many policies and guidelines about encyclopedic content. These standards require verifiability, neutrality, respect for living people, and more.

The policies, guidelines, and process pages themselves are not part of the encyclopedia proper. Consequently, they do not generally need to conform with the content standards. It is therefore not necessary to provide reliable sources to verify Wikipedia’s administrative pages, or to phrase Wikipedia procedures or principles in a neutral manner, or to cite an outside authority in determining Wikipedia’s editorial practices. Instead, the content of these pages is controlled by community-wide consensus, and the style should emphasize clarity, directness, and usefulness to other editors.[2]

These pages do, however, need to comply with Wikipedia’s legal and behavioral policies, as well as policies applicable to non-content pages. For example, editors may not violate copyrights anywhere on Wikipedia, and edit warring is prohibited everywhere, not merely in encyclopedia articles.

Many of the most well-established policies and guidelines have developed from principles which have been accepted as fundamental since Wikipedia’s inception. Others developed as solutions to common problems and disruptive editing. Policy and guideline pages are seldom established without precedent,[3] and always require strong community support. Policies and guidelines may be established through new proposals, promotion of existing essays or guidelines, and reorganization of existing policies and guidelines through splitting and merging.

Essays and information pages may be established by writing them and adding {{essay}}, {{Information page}}, or similar templates to the page.

Current policy and guideline proposals can be found in Category:Wikipedia proposals, and rejected proposals can be found in Category:Wikipedia rejected proposals. All editors are welcome to comment on these proposals.

Proposals for new guidelines and policies require discussion and a high level of consensus from the entire community for promotion to guideline or policy. Adding the {{policy}} template to a page without the required consensus does not mean that the page is policy, even if the page summarizes or copies policy. Most commonly, a new policy or guideline simply documents existing practices, rather than proposing a change to them. Request for comments (RfC) via the {{rfc|policy}} tag are recommended to draw wider attention to a proposed new policy or guideline in order to build consensus. Consensus for significant changes to practice are rarely accomplished through polling, and new policies and guidelines are not “approved” through polling, though sometimes polling is used to gauge wider consensus on a well-developed proposal.

The first step is to write the best initial proposal that you can. Authors can request early-stage feedback at Wikipedia’s village pump for idea incubation and from any relevant WikiProjects. Amendments to a proposal should be discussed on its talk page. It is crucial to improve a proposal in response to feedback received from outside editors. Consensus is built through a process of listening and discussion with a progressively larger group of editors.

Once you think that the initial proposal is well-written, and the issues involved have been sufficiently discussed to form a local consensus among early participants, start an RfC for your policy or guideline proposal in a new section on the talk page, and include the {{rfc|policy}} tag along with a brief, time-stamped explanation of the proposal. After that, you can provide, if you want, a detailed explanation of what the page does and why you think it should be a policy or guideline. The {{proposed}} template should be placed at the top of the proposed page; this tag will get the proposal properly categorized.

The RfC should typically be announced at the policy and/or proposals village pumps, and you should notify other potentially interested groups. If your proposal affects a specific content area, then related WikiProjects can be found at the Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Directory. For example, proposed style guidelines should be announced at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Manual of Style, which is the WikiProject most closely related to style issues. If your proposal relates to an existing policy or guideline, then leave a note on the talk page of the related policy or guideline. For example, proposed style guidelines should be announced at Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style, which is the main guideline for style issues. Try to identify the subcategory of guideline or policy (see {{subcat guideline}}). Proposals involving contentious subjects or wide-ranging effects should normally be listed on Wikipedia:Centralized discussion for the duration of the RfC. Rarely, a particularly important proposal may be advertised via a watchlist notice; sitenotices (which are displayed to all readers, not just to active editors) are not used for proposals. RfCs for policy and guideline proposals are normally left open for at least one week, and sometimes as long as a couple of months.

To avoid later complaints about insufficient notice, it may be helpful to provide a complete list of the groups or pages that you used to advertise the proposal on the talk page.

Editors should respond to proposals in a way that helps identify and build consensus. Explain your thoughts, ask questions, and raise concerns; all views are welcome. Many editors begin their response with bold-font ‘vote’ of support or opposition to make evaluation easier. Editors should sign their responses.

Ending a discussion requires careful evaluation of the responses to determine the consensus. This does not require the intervention of an administrator, but may be done by any sufficiently experienced independent editor (an impartial editor not involved in the discussion) who is familiar with all of the policies and guidelines that relate to the proposal. The following points are important in evaluating consensus:

Discussion may be closed as either Promote, No consensus, or Failed. Please leave a short note about the conclusion that you came to. Update the proposal to reflect the consensus. Remove the {{Proposed}} template and replace it with another appropriate template, such as {{Subcat guideline}}, {{Policy}}, {{Essay}}, {{Wikipedia how to}}, {{Information page}}, or {{Failed}}.

If a proposal fails, the failed tag should not usually be removed. It is typically more productive to rewrite a failed proposal from scratch to address problems than to re-nominate a proposal.

An accepted policy or guideline may become obsolete because of changes in editorial practice or community standards, may become redundant because of improvements to other pages, or may represent unwarranted instruction creep. In such situations editors may propose that a policy be demoted to a guideline, or that a policy or guideline be demoted to a supplement, informational page, essay or historical page. In certain cases, a policy or guideline may be superseded, in which case the old page is marked and retained for historical interest.

The process for demotion is similar to promotion. A talk page discussion is typically started, the {{Under discussion|status|Discussion Title}} template is added to the top of the project page, and community input is solicited. After a reasonable amount of time for comments, an independent editor should close the discussion and evaluate the consensus.

The {{Disputed tag}} template is typically used instead of {{Under discussion}} for claims that a page was recently assigned guideline or policy status without proper or sufficient consensus being established.

Essays, information pages, and other informal pages that are only supported by a small minority of the community are typically moved to the primary author’s userspace. These discussions typically happen on the page’s talk page, sometimes with an RfC, but they have at times also been conducted at Miscellany for deletion (despite the MFD guidelines explicitly discouraging this practice). Other pages are retained for historical reference and are marked as such.

Policies and guidelines can be edited like any other Wikipedia page. It is not strictly necessary to discuss changes or to obtain written documentation of a consensus in advance. However, because policies and guidelines are sensitive and complex, users should take care over any edits, to be sure they are faithfully reflecting the community’s view and to be sure that they are not accidentally introducing new sources of error or confusion.

Because Wikipedia practice exists in the community through consensus, editing a policy/guideline/essay page does not in itself imply an immediate change to accepted practice. It is, naturally, bad practice to recommend a rejected practice on a policy or guideline page. To update best practices, you may change the practice directly (you are permitted to deviate from practice for the purposes of such change) and/or set about building widespread consensus for your change or implementation through discussion. When such a change is accepted, you can then edit the page to reflect the new situation.

Talk first. Talk page discussion typically precedes substantive changes to policy. Changes may be made if there are no objections, or if discussion shows that there is consensus for the change. Minor edits to improve formatting, grammar, and clarity may be made at any time.

If the result of discussions is unclear, then it should be evaluated by an administrator or other independent editor, as in the proposal process. Major changes should also be publicized to the community in general; announcements similar to the proposal process may be appropriate.

If wider input on a proposed change is desired, it may be useful to mark the section with the tag {{Under discussion|section|talk=Discussion Title}}. (If the proposal relates to a single statement, use {{Under discussion-inline|Discussion Title}} immediately after it.)

Or be bold. The older but still valid method is to boldly edit the page. Bold editors of policy and guideline pages are strongly encouraged to follow WP:1RR or WP:0RR standards. Although most editors find advance discussion, especially at well-developed pages, very helpful, directly editing these pages is permitted by Wikipedia’s policies. Consequently, you should not remove any change solely on the grounds that there was no formal discussion indicating consensus for the change before it was made. Instead, you should give a substantive reason for challenging it and, if one hasn’t already been started, open a discussion to identify the community’s current views.

Editing a policy to support your own argument in an active discussion may be seen as gaming the system, especially if you do not disclose your involvement in the argument when making the edits.

If policy and/or guideline pages directly conflict, one or more pages need to be revised to resolve the conflict so that all of the conflicting pages accurately reflect the community’s actual practices and best advice. As a temporary measure during that resolution process, if a guideline appears to conflict with a policy, editors may assume that the policy takes precedence.

More commonly, advice pages do not directly conflict, but provide multiple options. For example, WP:Identifying reliable sources says that newspaper articles are generally considered to be reliable sources, and Wikipedia:Identifying reliable sources (medicine) recommends against newspaper articles for certain technical purposes. Editors must use their best judgment to decide which advice is most appropriate and relevant to the specific situation at hand.

The page names of policies and guidelines usually do not include the words “policy” or “guideline”, unless required to distinguish the page from another.

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Demonstrator in coma – serious allegations against the French police

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

During the large demonstration against the impending so-called First Employment Contract law (in French: Contrat de Première Embauche – CPE) on Saturday in Paris, one of the demonstrators was perilously injured in the head. Now, allegations have been brought against the French riot police Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS). Eyewitnesses report that officers of the CRS kicked 39-year-old Cyril Ferez while he was lying on the ground. A report of a CRS-officer draws a different picture of the incident.

The incident happened during the evacuation of the Place de la Nation by the CRS at the end of the demonstration against the first employment contracts at about 8.30 p.m. Cyril Ferez works for the Orange telecommunication company in Torcy and is a member of the trade union Sud-PTT, which represents workers at post offices and telecommunication companies. According to the photographer Bruno Stevens, Cyril Ferez was running away from the police, together with some other demonstrators. “He was slower. He was hit directly on the head. He collapsed like a sack. They hit him further while he was lying on the ground,” the photographer told the French newspaper Libération. While he was hit by the police, he did not react in any hostile way towards them, said another photographer, Victor Tonelli. The police are said to have hit the demonstrator with night sticks and with their feet. The trade union Sud-PTT accuses the police of not having called for medical help for the injured person, despite having been called to do so. The trade union demands an official meeting with the home secretary on Wednesday afternoon and calls the behaviour of the police as not being worthy of the government of a democratic state. According to a report of the press association Reuters, the seriously injured person was immediately hospitalised. According to members of the government, referring to the treating doctors, Cyril Ferez was admitted to the hospital Henri-Mondor de Créteil with 2.7 grammes of alcohol in his blood. According to a report of a CRS-officer, with a copy of it on hand of the press association AFP and relying on statements of Cyril Ferez (before he fell into his coma), the injuries are not a result of a fight between CRS-officers and Cyril Ferez. According to this report, Cyril Ferez was attacked by other demonstrators. The report was given to the police audit. Members of the opposition party and the trade unions demand a complete clearing up of the incident.

On Sunday morning, Cyril Ferez fell into a coma. The police audit “Inspection générale des services” wants to investigate the incident. Therefore, the police audit would like to find out which witnesses were on site and which officers of the CRS were involved in the incident. Doctors assume that Cyril Ferez, if he survives, will suffer from neurological consequences. Directly after the demonstration, the police prefecture had claimed that 18 demonstrators had been injured, but that there was no seriously injured person among them.

French trade unions and student organisations have announced a general strike for 28 March. On Saturday, about 1.5 million people participated in the countrywide demonstrations against CPE.

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Dream Home Of Godrej Platinum Soul Of Bangalore

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Submitted by: Annya Kumar

Having a home is a daydream now a day that a person all have, but only a handful publics wish for to comprehend this vision. Accessible by Godrej platinum placed on Hebbal is a project that is prepared in keeping with your demand. The project has a wonderful example of how particular planning and ground-breaking imagining can be intended to bring an unfussy dream to certainty. With a never-ending witness of facilities as a enthusiastic club house in place of most modern conveniences of badminton court, swimming pool, community hall, large open and green space and the world famous temple in the close surrounding area. This project will obtain society living to the next peak of nature. Therefore move toward and become a part of this urban level of comfort as you clutch your vision, the vision of a dwelling just as taking pleasure in the earnings of modish city notion.

In very clear beauty, we can declare that Godrej developer suggests you a solitary project in form of apartments by the name of Godrej platinum apartments in Bangalore with determination positioned at the interesting purpose of main road at Hebbal. This near-term coming soon project is a wonderful case in point of how avant-garde thoughts and watchful planning can be place together to put up with an easy dream to practicality. Knowledge of the comfort at this project, as it expertise benchmarks is breathing spaces by offering plots, develops region and group housing. In place of exceeding big numbers of acres housing surrounding area, this heart touching project offers lots of phase enlarging over limitless Acres with the commencement of contemporary living. Comprehending the pleasure of extending life in place of a world of amenities at your access, it is a superb project for your investments.


Picking the apartments sizes of 2893 sq ft to 3915 sq ft this project is with no trouble reached for you to put together your daydreams into truth. In the midst of a never-ending proof of marks, this project Godrej platinum Hebbal Bangalore offers passive living at the perfect point.

Tied with foliage and striking splendor, this highly demanding project is together with this by overwhelming ambience. The Project watchfully calculated as of all segment of urban design standards it is an oversized plan of a self-determining City that attains good alarm of itself and its investors. The squanderer conurbation is planned by recognized town planners; it is a metropolitan city full of strength and power wished-for to proffer you a state-of-the-art level of comfort knowledge that you have for unsurpassed dreams of. Here you can respire, amuse and work yourself by way of whole stillness, much previous to the pressure of built-up city life. Being in the midst of ability a modern metropolis has to extend.

A small amount of the imperative landmarks that are put up the shutters to this project includes international airport, Manyata IT Park, Ring road and Kirloskar Business Park. Unmatched schools, hospitals and restaurants are also positioned on the brink of this built-up property. By way of all the exceedingly existing services this further interesting project offers you an image of urban standard of living as you grasp in your dream home for making your life problem free.For more info visit

About the Author: Godrej Properties launches a new residential project Godrej Platinum in Hebbal, Bangalore which covers 18 floors and 2 blocks that offers 3 and 4 bhk apartments with luxury amenities. For more info visit


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Personalized Injury Lawsuit In Opposition To Worker’s Compensation Declare: Win The Recovery Award You Are Worthy Of

Submitted by: Dandx Sexton

Second, request what the attorney’s good results fee is with accident and personal injuries conditions involving elements that related to your case? In truth there are no two scenarios alike. There is in the legal occupation a expression or expression of artwork identified as a simple fact pattern. These fact patterns can be likened to a method, with some formula’s taking lengthier to fix than people, like in math. Attorneys quite a few occasions specialize in a particular form of case with very similar point patterns for this purpose.

Third, what information and facts do I will need to get for you? Lots of times the lawyer will only consult for you to present them with a signed release you’re your relevant documents so they can acquire and assemble anything necessary in your scenario. Private commentary from you may well be required and could be taken a variety of diverse tactics. The lawyer will direct and advise the way and manner that is finest, offered your case’s conditions and information.


Fourth, how very long will it take to obvious this situation up and get back again to standard? The time it takes will rely on the severity of particular injuries sustained by you and of other people concerned in your situation. Numerous instances the initial gathering and filings are robust and can occur quite quickly. Specified factors are mandated by statute and have to take place ahead of distinct dates.

The very last and most important question is will the lawyer or lawyer have plenty of time to take care of the case? Often an lawyer can refer you to an associate if they are unable to manage your circumstance personally for any rationale. Be at ease if an attorney refers you, as only they know their workload. Skilled ethics involve attorneys to only handle do the job loads they can take care of in private practice. Just in scenario it is constantly a good strategy to verify this for everyone’s ideal interests.

An individual factor that is most significant is whether you can talk with the attorney. Attorneys are in the profession of communicating in a specified way. Attorneys think diverse and that is Ok. The question you will need to consult your self is can you sense cozy with the lawyer you are dealing with? This is vitally important. Does the lawyer get involved in his neighborhood? Is he experienced in this location of the law that can often get prolonged periods of time to resolve? Has he had knowledge arguing and representing the opposing side of the legal place you have now? This is crucial as there is a little something quite powerful in recognizing the opposing side’s procedures and systems. By understanding these details an attorney can be far additional successful in the conditions they symbolize.

What it comes down to is how you believe and sense about the attorney. When you inquire all your issues and get an all round view and analysis of your circumstance, you will know who to retain.

If any of your friends and family members has grow to be the victim of negligence or malpractice of one more specific and died a wrongful death, it genuinely is a incredibly unlucky function. But, mourning about the death alone would not deliver him/her justice.

About the Author: The finest Tampa personalized damage attorney website on the Internet


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Japanese earthquake death toll surpasses ten thousand

Friday, March 25, 2011 

The death toll from the Sendai earthquake has now increased to over ten thousand. In Japan, the National Police Agency has stated that 10,019 are now known to have been killed as a result of the disaster.

The Agency also reported that 2,775 had been injured and the location of 17,541 individuals was unknown. Meanwhile, 1,900 evacuation sites are now thought to be occupied by approximately a quarter of a million people.

When the event happened two weeks ago, 18,000 thousand households were destroyed and 130,000 were damaged by the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami. In spite of this, twelve of the fifteen north-eastern ports of Japan have recommenced operating, while the majority of the oil terminals of the country remained open, according to Inchcape Shipping Services.

Amongst the aftermath of the earthquake, plant number 3 at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is suspected to have been damaged and may be releasing radiation. The Japanese government have reported that an ongoing investigation is occurring to attempt to discover the cause of the radiation leak at the power plant. Chinese authorities have reported two Japanese tourists were found to have levels of radiation “seriously exceeding limits” on their clothing and luggage. In Tokyo, the amount of radiation in the supply of water has decreased, however it remains high in various parts of the north of Japan.

According to BBC News Online, two workers were hospitalised because of the leak. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), who operate the building, reported that three employees placing electrical cables at the location were given treatment for being exposed to radioactive water; they had experienced ten thousand times the regular amount of radioactivity. Of those three men, beta rays caused two of them to receive burns. The two individuals did not stop working despite meters advising of unsafe radiation levels. It was later discovered that they were wearing inadequate protective footwear and failed to draw their attention to a radiation alert. TEPCO has since received government orders to improve worker management.

The radiation emitted from the plant has had a significant effect on the Japanese food industry. In the surrounding areas of the plant, shipments of foodstuffs have been prohibited. In Fukushima prefecture, residents have been advised not to consume eleven leafy green vegetable types produced locally due to radiation concerns. There has also been a significant decrease in customer demand at a fish market in Tsukiji.

Japanese product importers have discovered some foodstuffs to have a small radiation amount, which is not thought to be potentially deadly. Numerous Asian countries, the European Union, Australia, Russia and the United States have prohibited milk items, seafood and vegetables from being imported from various Japanese prefectures.

Closing the power plant down may take at least one month to achieve. Speaking to AFP, an individual talking on behalf of TEPCO stated that the company is “still in the process of assessing the damage at the plant, so that we can’t put a deadline on when the cooling operations will work again”. Residents living within thirty kilometres of the plant have been advised to avoid going outdoors to attempt to prevent radiation exposure as far as possible.

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How You Can Acquire An Auto Loan Approval With Credit Rating Problems

Submitted by: Robin Esposito

Low Credit history Ratings are all right!

Several auto customers are worried about their reduced credit rating score avoiding them from getting car loans. Everybody with credit rating problems could acquire accepted to drive swiftly and effortlessly with different funding alternatives readily available at many secondhand automobiles dealerships. Dealers prepare to aid fund clients making use of internal funding without checking out credit history scores. You could get authorized quick and acquire driving the exact same day with these unique financing programs.

Just how Can You Obtain Help?


Being denied can really feel awful. It could leave customers really feeling incomplete. The sad thing is, this happens often because of the slow-moving economic situation influencing lots of people. A lot of lending institutions do not wish to take the danger of lending someone with bad credit history troubles. The lending institutions want to make money not lose cash. However, when the dealer is the one straight funding you, it is willing to take greater dangers as it could typically have a direct relationship with the consumer. That is why in-house funding car dealerships have become an increasing number of preferred. These automobile dealerships for folks with bad credit could fund anyone, regardless of just how reduced their credit report score is, as long as they verify that they can in some way make the repayments. The most typical means is with a steady work and with a respectable income. You can commonly obtain a secondhand automobile with no down payment. You might still have to spend for the taxes and registration costs upfront. However rather than choosing the auto and afterwards acquiring approved or rejected, it is vice versa. You acquire an authorization for a payday loan quantity then you pick the vehicle at one of the many dealerships within the network. This assists speed up the car sale; you do not lose time checking autos at dealerships that could not fund you.

Some folks with excellent credit likewise decide to use this type of financing to remove the third-party bank that can be found in between the consumer and the dealership. This is because the bank usually causes the price of the motor vehicle to boost as it takes a portion of the money to itself for funding the deal. So without the bank, the auto price is kept reduced. Furthermore, some buy below pay here vehicle dealerships supply promotional bargains and discounts to get clients to get their cars.

Remember that a good paint work is not an indicator of the well being of the engine and transmission, so check the vehicle you choose well. The majority of these motor vehicles have AS-IS guarantees therefore any later repairs would be an added price to you.

Do not shed hope, merely keep in mind that dealers that offer “Get Right here Pay Right here” financing alternatives could claim:” We fund any individual” and can acquire you the authorization you need. These auto dealerships that fund any person will certainly doing this with various loan quantities based upon monetary evaluation and not on existing credit report score.

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Scientists create micro-battery using 3D printing

Friday, June 21, 2013 

Scientists have successfully created a Lithium ion micro-battery the size of a grain of sand. A team of researchers from Harvard University and the University of Illinois were able to create the tiny battery using 3D printing technology.

In order to achieve this feat, the separate parts of the battery were printed layer-by-layer using materials thinner than a human hair. This resulted in two separate comb-like structures which, when interlocked, act as the anode and cathode. These were then immersed in an electrolyte solution which created a working battery.

This created a micro-battery comparable to what is commercially available in “charge and discharge rate, cycle life and energy densities.” For years, scientists have been trying to develop miniature devices in a range of areas including medicine and communications. However, due to current manufacturing techniques, the batteries have often been larger than the devices they are supposed to power.

This development could pave the way for new types of miniature technologies, as well as technologies deemed not feasible due to limitations in existing battery design.

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Harvard University Press

Harvard University Press (HUP) is a publishing house established on January 13, 1913, as a division of Harvard University, and focused on academic publishing. In 2005, it published 220 new titles. It is a member of the Association of American University Presses. Its current director is William P. Sisler and the editor-in-chief is Susan Wallace Boehmer.

The press maintains offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts, near Harvard Square, in New York City, and in London, England.

Notable HUP authors include Eudora Welty, Walter Benjamin, E. O. Wilson, John Rawls, Emily Dickinson, Stephen Jay Gould, Helen Vendler, Carol Gilligan, Amartya Sen, David Blight, and Martha Nussbaum.

The Display Room in Harvard Square, dedicated to selling HUP publications, closed on June 17, 2009.[1] HUP has lent its name to the Harvard comma, because its house manual of style favors its use.[citation needed]

HUP owns the Belknap Press imprint, which it inaugurated in May 1954 with the publication of the Harvard Guide to American History.[2] The John Harvard Library book series is published under the Belknap imprint.

Harvard University Press distributes the Loeb Classical Library and is the publisher of the I Tatti Renaissance Library, the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, and the Murty Classical Library of India.

It is distinct from Harvard Business Press, which is part of Harvard Business Publishing, and the independent Harvard Common Press.

A 2011 study of the books published by Harvard University Press during the 2000–2010 period and connected to political ideology found that, out of 494, only eight “had an outlook that was conspicuously either classical liberal or conservative”.[3][4]

Coordinates: 42°22?58.8?N 71°7?37.3?W? / ?42.383000°N 71.127028°W? / 42.383000; -71.127028

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Cirrus Logic Ceo Jason Rhode Talks Energy And Leadership

Submitted by: Prince Damin

This is the third and final portion of a lightly edited transcript from the Fool’s interview with Cirrus Logic (Nasdaq: CRUS)CEO Jason Rhode. To read part one, click here. To read part two, click here. In the final part of our interview with Jason Rhode, we jump right into the company’s ambitions in the “power factor control” (PFC) market. Power factor control components essentially reduce power waste. Cirrus’ solution is notable in that it’s the first digital PFC that can beat the analog version. It’s a market that Cirrus Logic sees as having the potential to ramp to over $400 million a year, and extends past the company’s focus on legacy seismic energy products and Cirrus’ work in the smart metering industry.

Eric Bleeker: Focusing back on energy, you had mentioned the power factor control market earlier. It has grown a lot, but it is a pretty low content per unit opportunity. Could you describe what led you into this market and kind of what looked attractive with it?

Jason Rhode: You are absolutely right. PFC by itself is not typically an expensive component. Again, we think we can improve that a little bit simply because ours is a very digital focused solution, so versus literally everything else on the market today, which is an analog solution whereby actually, the algorithm is implemented with resisters and capacitors and a bunch of stuff around the chip. Ours is digital, all the algorithm is implemented in the component itself, so that helps. In addition too, that gives the customer a lot more flexibility, a lot more controllability, so that, to some degree, helps get the ASP [average selling price] up a little bit. But, at the same time, we really viewed it as PFC is a toehold in a lot of different energy control areas; things that support a lot more content around them, so we felt like that was our beachhead in a lot of these energy control areas.

EB: Could you describe some of those?

JR: You could take it into really any kind of power supply that you want. What we found, for example, in things like servers, a server is going to have to have a, well, already has to have a power factor correction chip in it and the server people now are very focused on power monitoring, so they want to know exactly how much power is going on in every server, or even in every blade. Well, we sell power meter chips, and that happens to fit in quite nicely with a digital power factor correction because you can control the whole thing with the same micros, so there is an adjacency within a lot of those sockets, even for products we have already got.


But more to the point, the second stage in a lot of those sockets, there is a lot of advantage to connecting that to the same power factor correction chip.

Lighting, a lot of the lighting stuff is going to end up needing power factor correction, either because it is mandated or just because it makes the problem easier to solve. That is a few of them. A little laptop brick charger-kind of deals.

EB: One sort of final question, who would you say some of your biggest competitors are in these two marketplaces?

JR: It is an interesting kind of a mix. Probably the biggest; well, not probably, but for sure the biggest is Texas Instruments (NYSE: TXN). It is an interesting thing competing with them because they are huge, right? It is a very different proposition for customers that are buying from us versus them. And for sure, there are plenty of accounts where TI has a huge advantage because they have got a giant sales force and they have got 20 different components that that company buys. At some accounts, that is a big advantage for them. On other accounts, that is a big advantage for us because we are pretty nimble. We are a lot smaller, we are much more likely and willing and able to do custom products for folks on a pretty tight schedule. People know that they have got, or at least the perception that they have got more leverage on us because they are a bigger piece of our business or they would potentially be a more important customer to us.

Then really it is about focus. If you were the size TI is, you have to do everything reasonably well, and they certainly do; I am not knocking them at all. So you have to pick a very small number of things and do them exceptionally well, so we tend to target the customers that are really trying to differentiate on what we do. We don’t want to be the checkbox audio, OK; it has got to have an output. We want to be a value-added component in the system.

So TI is the biggest. Somebody that is more like us, for example, on the audio side only is Wolfson, a Scottish company. They were a great company at one point; they have had a tough couple of years. They have got a new CEO who seems to be trying to spruce them up a little bit. On the energy side, we see Maxim Integrated Products (Nasdaq: MXIM).

EB: Interesting. Who would you say, and this doesn’t have to be in the same industry, but we are always curious whenever we talk to you, management, because our founders, the founders of The Motley Fool, are very management-focused investors and that has sort of spread down to all of us, but who would you say you admire the most, whether it be another company or another CEO?

JR: There are a lot of them. I don’t know if this is a perfect answer in our worldview, but at the moment I have got to say … the Zappos guy [Tony Hsieh].

EB: Oh, yeah.

JR: Because it is very consistent, his whole thing. It is very different in the sense that they sell shoes on the Internet and we make chips, so it is not the same. Our value that we have centered our whole centerpiece around is innovation whereas theirs is customer service, but his thing about integrating the culture of the company with what you do, and it just becomes this, there is less of a work and life separation, that you like where you work and that actually matters. There becomes this real positive feedback cycle with that, and that is real similar to what we have tried to do, and I think have been very successful at over the past couple of years. The company, like you said, has been around for 25 years. Most of them were not positive and we have really made strides in the last three years. When we did that offsite, we set a goal to start getting on these “best places to work” lists. Not so much because we cared about getting on the list per se, but you get a lot of good data from participating in those things and we legitimately want it to be a place that people enjoy working. Not so much because we are nice, but just because we think that delivers better results over the long run.

So we set that out as a goal, and increasingly we are on those lists. We haven’t necessarily won the big kahuna yet, but we have won a lot of placement on the best places to work in Texas, etc., and it shows. The comments that we get back from our employees; we do a leadership assessment survey once a year and the comments that we get back from our employees are really wonderful; the company feels like a family. I think that matters a lot.

EB: No, I absolutely agree. I think one of the things, and even on this call we ask some of the financial questions, we ask some of the questions from an investor’s standpoint, but honestly, the “stuff” that really drives the business is what you guys have been doing internally and it is this culture that you are creating that will eventually, hopefully be reflected in all the things that we sort of have this ivory tower look at. So it is very encouraging, very interesting to hear your interest and your perspective there.

JR: Yeah, cool, well I appreciate that.

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