Noel Edmonds, British TV presenter, starts boycott of TV license fee in UK

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Noel Edmonds, a British television presenter, has said that he is not paying the television license fee in protest at the way the BBC “badgers, hectors and threatens” people who avoid paying the fee.

“Auntie’s put boxing gloves on. I’m so incensed by the idea that I’m guilty of something that I actually cancelled my licence fee a few months ago,” said Edmonds, making his non-payment of the fee public on the BBC Breakfast television program.

“There are too many organisations — and the BBC is a fabulous organisation — that seem to think it’s OK to badger, hector and threaten people,” he continued. “When I was at the BBC, it promoted the licence fee by saying how wonderful it was because — let’s face it — the BBC licence fee is astonishing value,” added Edmonds explaining the way he believes the license fee should be promoted.

Edmonds also claimed that TV licensing “haven’t found me, and nobody’s come knocking on the door.” This is despite adverts by the organisations that, according to Edmonds, say “we know where you are.”

Is Edmonds right in protesting the licence fee advertising?
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TV Licensing responded to Edmond’s comments by saying that “while we would always prefer people buy a licence rather than risk prosecution and a fine, TV Licensing has a duty to enforce the licence fee on behalf of the honest majority who pay.”

“Unfortunately some people will only buy a licence when warned of the consequences of being unlicensed.”

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Learn How To Decorate Your Living Space With Abstract Wall Art

By Arold Augustin

Abstract wall art can offer you different ways to decorate or redecorate and express yourself. A lot of these pieces are unique in design and shape. When decorating, you may want to take into account the different kinds of abstract wall art that are currently available. Here are some tips that may help you during that process.

The Use Of Metal – Metal is a good way to change the look of any room wall decor. A smooth and shiny metal can give a look that is clean. On the other hand, wrought iron is good way to go for a “rustic” appearance.

Canvas wall art decor- The right painting can change the size of the room, in appearance. This will be based on the colors, shape and size of the canvas. Do you wish to have a large and spacious looking room? This is vital to many modern types of design. This can certainly make the rest of the room look small in comparison. However, a painting that is way smaller can bring a spacious appearance to a medium size room. Few people like to hang a mirror opposite of the painting. This can certainly make more than a single view of the piece of artwork and can certainly make the room look bigger.


Sculpture – You can change the focus of the entire house with the right hanging sculpture. They come in a huge variety of designs, colors, and materials. When you get a wonderful piece, you may want to highlight it with lighting. If your ultimate goal is to decorate with a modern or contemporary design, you may want to use a hanging, ceiling light fixture. It can be placed over the sculpture to focus attention on it.

Your sculpture can add a scent of mystery to the room. On the other hand, it may help it to look fresh and clean. Often times, they may become excellent conversation pieces. You may have a gathering that is not doing too well. A discussion on your sculpture may help to keep the interest of your guests.

Realism – You may decide to go with a “real world” look. Realism is about describing things as they are in the actual moment, usually in the third person. An example would be things in a regular basis with no embellishments.

Surrealism – Let your imagination take over with surrealism. You can describe fantasy and unworldly type of scenes. Just anything that is an exaggeration or fantasy can be considered to be surrealistic.

Summary – What kind of decorating are you going to plan to do? Abstract wall art can be an important part of many different designs. There are all kind of different types and mediums that you can choose from. Almost any appearance that you want can be accomplished. You may wish to use paintings or hanging sculptures. You can use all kinds of materials, too. Make your setting appear real or surreal. Your imagination may be your only limitation.

About the Author: Arold Augustin is a fine art artist and very passionate about the beauty of fine art. You can always visit his website at

where you can find all about

Abstract wall art

to decorate your house.


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3 Simple Tips On How To Overcome Failure In Life For Effective}

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Submitted by: Chu Nam

When you learn how to overcome failure in life, that mean you must to ready to work on it. Because if you want to success, you must to do everything that need you with responsibility without excuse or find reasons you cant do it.

It mean you must to do things need to do like improve skills, try new way, efforts more, control negative, learn to believe in yourself, get more failure, get more experience etc. Dont worry so much because it easier than you might think, you only overcome first start then everything else will support to you in process. No matter how many time you failure and holding by it, you can learn how to overcome failure in life. Simple through these 3 simple tips below:

Tip 1: Choose What Or Who To Believe

There are many negative things happen in your past, you dont have so much things achievement but the first thing you should to do is believe in yourself. Why? Yes, because just only your new action can lead you to achieve things. When you believe in yourself, you will give more efforts, and you will do more things as you can. Even if you make failure again, ask yourself other people will give you answer and make change in your life? No. If you have a great family who ready support to you, but finally you still need to be person who believe in yourself is you.


If you think that you still not deserve for success right until now or you think that success will always dont show up with you. With this case you only need give more experience or another failure. Get more and so much failure then you will success soon.

Most of case people hard to believe in themselves one more time, especially there are something make you hurt, lose hope, but believe me that you can. You can come back and powerful than before. You will try more and become greater. You can become whatever you want to be but you need to believe in yourself.

Tip 2: Start Again Is Time To Be Perfect

When you learn how to overcome failure in life, you need to have courage to try to do something again. It might is terrible thing with you when you choose will do something, but it will be one thing help you get chance to success on something in life because everything also need people do with right method, right things, so it can be with your right experience from your past.

For example you failed at something like an exam, business, dating etc. It is not the end of life. You always can try for next exam, start again business or new, new dating or love anyway. That will be new time for you work harder, smarter on your tasks.

You might hear this from wise people said Failure is only delayed success. That mean no matter how many times you fail, if you really want it bad enough, it like your purpose in life, you focus and attention on it, then what can stopping you give one more try again for it? Nothing without it is your fear? So listen to yourself and you will figure out only one thing holding you back is you and no one else.

Tip 3: Serious To Get Lessons

One more very important tip on how to overcome failure in life is to get lesson from this mistake. Because everything has happen always have reasons. You can control it until you understand what are happening. Might all of us dont like failing or losing, but if we want dont be same in future we really need serious to get lessons from it, it mean we really experience with it and ready for future.

Because we will need that experience again, things will happen with same the way until you can control and overcome it to get new level in life. So dont allow it hurt you one more time, and also there is no place for regret in this world, if you cant control it then it will beyond you. So when something happen that you cant overcome it, let learn about it, to know what are happening and move on, ready facing it in next time.

In environment of each person always there difference things support people on how to overcome failure in life. You might easy to find it on your family or your best friends, they will support to you then you can forward to success it only matter of time and always there are many things else will support to you in your process. So dont allow your fear hold you back. Always be open your soul and mind to change and learn from experience.

About the Author: My name is Chu Nam and founder of

and I have mission find the way to live life with highest potential and achievement. If you like this article let enjoy with me.


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U.S. President Obama’s farewell address focuses on accomplishment

Thursday, January 12, 2017

United States President Barack Obama gave his official farewell address on Tuesday night from McCormick Place in Chicago, reflecting on personal and national accomplishments. This is expected to be his last major speech before officially handing the reins to president-elect Donald Trump on January 20.

“Its why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well.”

Obama’s speech was wide-ranging. He thanked his family and the nation, spoke of the need for unity, noted the country’s accomplishments and need for improvement in areas like education and civil rights, and spoke about the need for pride in U.S. accomplishments, citing milestones of U.S. history and of his presidency specifically. “It’s why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well.”

The president also addressed his country’s troubled history with race and racism, an issue many black citizens feel he has avoided. Despite this, Chauncy Devega of Salon described the president as “a role model of calm, cool reflective black masculinity: a man utterly at home in his own skin.” Obama described the concept of a post-racial U.S. “unrealistic” and particularly cited the need for reform in education and the criminal justice system and greater acceptance of scientific evidence, particularly evidence supporting action to counteract climate change.

However, publications including The Washington Post and Salon have given particular focus to another aspect of the president’s address: the country’s increasing political tensions and controversies involving access to news and information, both accurate and inaccurate. “We become so secure and our bubbles,” said Obama, “that we start accepting only information, whether it’s true or not, that fits our opinions instead of basing our opinions on the evidence that is out there,” calling this trend “a third threat to our democracy.”

The Washington Post characterized Obama’s comment, “If every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hard-working white middle class and an undeserving minority, then workers of all shades will be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves,” as a “not-so-subtle jab” at the campaign tactics of President-elect Donald Trump. The Telegraph describes Obama’s warnings about the need to protect democracy as “a thinly veiled slight to the divisive rhetoric of Donald Trump’s election campaign, which included attacks on Muslims, the disabled, women and immigrants.” The president went on to call on the public to “reject the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest or to enfeeble the sacred ties that make us one America. We weaken those ties when we allow our political dialogue to become so corrosive […] We weaken those ties when we define some of us as more American than others when we write off the whole system as inevitably corrupt and when we sit back and blame the leaders we elect without examining our own role in electing them. It falls to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy.”

Despite this, when the mention of Donald Trump brought boos from the crowd, Obama reiterated the importance of the long history of peaceful transfers of power from one president to the next: “No no no no no. […] I committed to President-elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me.” However, this was not unaccompanied by a call to action. Near the end of the speech, he insisted citizens dissatisfied with elected officials should “lace up your shoes, grab a clipboard, get some signatures and run for office yourself.”

Overall, the departing president’s speech focused on accomplishment, echoing the “Yes we can” slogan from his 2008 campaign: “If I have told you eight years ago, that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history. If I had told you, that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, take out the mastermind of 9/11[…] If I had told you that we would win a marriage equality and secure the right to health insurance for another twenty million of our fellow citizens. If I had told you all that, you might have said our sights were set a little too high. But that’s what we did.”

But when the crowd began shouting “Four more years! Four more years!” Obama, with a small laugh, answered, “I can’t do that.”


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American film director John Hughes dies at age 59

Thursday, August 6, 2009

American film director John Hughes, noted for such movies as Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink and The Breakfast Club, died Thursday due to a heart attack.

A statement, released by his representative, said that he experienced the heart attack while on a morning stroll in Manhattan, New York. Hughes was born on February 18, 1950 in Michigan. He started his career as an advertising copywriter in Chicago. By the end of the 1970s he was a frequent contributor to the National Lampoon magazine.

In the 1990s, he made the Home Alone series, which became a box office sensation and turned Macaulay Culkin into a star.

In recent years, Hughes stepped back from the movie industry to spend more time with his family. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Nancy, two sons and four grandchildren.

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200 candles: Chileans celebrate country’s Bicentennial

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chile is celebrating its Bicentennial, with several events that have been organized by the government for almost a decade. It commemorates two hundred years since the First Government Junta of 1810 was formed, starting the Independence process, that ended in 1818 after Bernardo O’Higgins proclaimed it.

The Bicentennial takes place on a holiday from September 17th until 21st. Sebastián Piñera inaugurated the official fondas (places where typical food and drinks of Chile are sold; similar to a tavern) earlier on Friday. Piñera also danced a “pie” of Cueca, Chile’s national dance, with Government Spokeswoman Ena Von Baer.

More than 60 thousand people gathered on Plaza de la Ciudadanía (Citizen’s Square) in Santiago to celebrate the Bicentennial. There was a projection of historical images that also contained a message from the trapped miners in Copiapó. A giant flag of Chile (18 meters of height, 27 of width; weighing 200 kilograms) was raised on the square on Friday morning.

Celebrations of the Bicentennial in Pichilemu started earlier this month. On September 2, two thousand people lined up in a formation to create the message “Viva Chile Bicentenario Cardenal Caro” on Pichilemu beach “Las Terrazas”. The message was used to create a postal stamp to be released worldwide. The event was promoted by the Government of Cardenal Caro Province.

Private schools in the city, such as Colegio Preciosa Sangre, prepared events specially for their students. On Thursday, “Fonda Don Vicente Nario” was opened on Preciosa Sangre. Several games were performed there on that morning, including “el emboque”, “ponerle la cola al burro” (to put the tail to the donkey), and others.

Another event on Preciosa Sangre took place on Thursday night, when students recreated scenes of the History of Chile, including: a tertulia featuring Manuel Montt (starred by Luis Rojas); a chingana (a popular tavern); and selected colonial professions, such as the “motero” (person who sold motemei and chestnuts).

The official fonda of Pichilemu, La Bombonera, was inaugurated on Thursday night by Mayor Roberto Córdova, who danced cueca with people who attended the event. According to Córdova, at least 30,000 people have arrived at Pichilemu as of Friday, and it is estimated that another 30,000 will arrive during the next three days.

A great event took place on Pichilemu beach on Friday afternoon. Chilean typical games highlighted the event. People danced reggaeton, Américo’s cumbias and cuecas, while others were swimming. The National Shoe Fair (Feria Nacional del Calzado) was established on Agustín Ross Hotel on Thursday, and will stay in the town until September 23rd. Alicia Grez, who works on a kiosk in the Pichileminian Craft Fair located in front of One Discotheque, said that “sales have been excellent,” and that “[they] won’t miss the possibility to experience such an event like this.”

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Postcard released by the Chilean Government in 1910. At the top, from left to right: José Miguel Carrera, José de San Martín, Bernardo O’Higgins, Lord Thomas Cochrane, and Manuel Rodríguez. At the bottom, from left to right: Manuel Vicuña, Manuel Blanco Encalada, José Manuel Balmaceda and Pedro Montt.

Official poster of the Centennial of Chile.

Official plans for the Centennial of Chile, in 1910. Pedro Montt is pictured at the top, and Bernardo O’Higgins at the bottom.Image: Memoria Chilena.

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Author Amy Scobee recounts abuse as Scientology executive

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wikinews interviewed author Amy Scobee about her book Scientology – Abuse at the Top, and asked her about her experiences working as an executive within the organization. Scobee joined the organization at age 14, and worked at Scientology’s international management headquarters for several years before leaving in 2005. She served as a Scientology executive in multiple high-ranking positions, working out of the international headquarters of Scientology known as “Gold Base”, located in Gilman Hot Springs near Hemet, California.

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Mark Your Car’s Identity With Number Plates Builder}

Mark your Car’s Identity with Number Plates Builder


Amer Yasin

Buying an expensive vehicle is what many dream of and once they buy it, the focus shifts towards improvising it. Owners of luxurious cars or motorbikes want nothing but the best for their prized possessions, so they spend a good amount on accessorizing it. Among various other things, number plates are something that don’t seem to be adding much to the look of a vehicle, but ignore it and see the drastic change! A minor and mostly ignored thing, number plates enhance the look of the vehicle to a great extent. And hence one should go for the best number plate builder who can offer creatively designed number plates to satisfy one’s need.

Apart from being stylish, number plates should also meet the regulations set by the British Standards (BS AU 145d). To keep the facts clear, its requirement set by the DVLA and regulations set by the British Standards, which set out the legal number plate build requirements.

Talking about the quality of number plates, they are made in acrylic, reflective as well as in metals. Both the plates types have advantages, the acrylic ones are extremely durable as are the aluminium metal ones. the metal ones in fact heavier and costlier comparatively. Metal plates are made in a variety of materials such as aluminium, steel, titanium, etc. Out of all these, aluminium number plates are the most widely used because they are exceptional quality, easily shapable, more durable and most importantly… susceptible to rust. Earlier used in the United States, aluminium number plates are now in great demand in the UK owing to its various qualities.


There are also customers who wish to go for the personalised number plates. For them the priority is not the material used, but the most sought-after number and letter combinations. Some of the creative ones have predecided combination that they want to get registered.

Those who were not much aware of the personalised number plates came to know about it through films and television series where braggart or egomaniac characters were shown having it. Hence the concept of personalised number plates popularised. But now, many possess it, and those who do, consider it as a statement of individuality or as an investment. Those who still have the regular number plates, consider having personalised one as waste of money.

Those spending hugely on number plates, consider it almost the same as spending on their vehicle. Their vehicle as well the number on the number plate both hold the same value for them.

For some who prefer to buy the personalised numbers, it is an investment; they travel distances to attend the auction and bring home their desired number paying a huge sum.

The trend of buying personalised number plates was not quite popular two decades back. Back then no one would pay a hefty amount for personalised number, but now it has become a status symbol. A number plate now is a matter of drawing attention, getting noticed and called superior or classy. So, it all depends on how much you have in your pockets and what’s your approach towards life.

The Author is a

number plate builder

, working with Easy Number Plates, he always enjoys expressing his passion for cars. With a strong passion for vehicle Customization he also involves in reading, travel and design. With the help of this article, he wants to share the ultimate advantages of legal

personalised number plates


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Home of Stonehenge builders found

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Scientists have uncovered the largest Neolithic settlement in the United Kingdom at the Durrington Walls and believe that the village was inhabited by the people who built the Stonehenge monument.

Scientists say that the village was built around 2,600 B.C., roughly when Stonehenge was believed to have been constructed, and housed over 100 people.

Inside the areas which would have been the interior of houses at the time, scientists also found outlines of what they think were beds and cupboards or dressers. Pieces of pottery and “filthy” rubbish around the site. Animal bones, arrowheads, stone tools and other relics were also discovered.

“We’ve never seen such quantities of pottery and animal bone and flint. In what were houses, we have excavated the outlines on the floors of box beds and wooden dressers or cupboards,” said Sheffield University archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson.

So far, the dig has revealed at least 8 houses roughly 14-16 feet square, but scientists say that they think there may have been at least 25 altogether.

The site was likely to have been occupied only seasonally rather than year-round and evidence suggests that a lot of “partying” went on at the location.

“The animal bones are being thrown away half-eaten. It’s what we call a feasting assemblage. This is where they went to party – you could say it was the first free festival. The rubbish isn’t your average domestic debris. There’s a lack of craft-working equipment for cleaning animal hides and no evidence for crop-processing,” added Pearson.

The Durrington Walls are approximately 2 miles from the Stonehenge site.

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Home of controversial book publisher set ablaze

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Four people have been arrested on terrorism charges in Islington, London, England, after a suspected petrol bombing on the house of Martin Rynja, owner of book publishing company Gibson Square.

Should books that could be considered offensive to some religions still be published?
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His company recently sparked controversy after buying the rights to publish The Jewel of Medina, a work of fiction by Sherry Jones depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad and his child bride, Aisha.

The bombing, which occurred in the early hours of Saturday morning, led to the evacuation of the £2.5 million property in Lonsdale Square. Three men, aged 22, 30 and 40, were arrested at 2:25am BST by armed officers, two in Lonsdale Square, and one after being stopped near Angel tube station.

Police comments suggested that the trio had been under surveillance, and that they had advance knowledge of the plot and simply waited for the arsonists to strike, before arresting them.

On Saturday, a woman was arrested for obstructing police during their searches of four addresses – two in Walthamstow, and two in Ilford and Forest Gate.

Speaking earlier this month, Mr Rynja said that “The Jewel of Medina has become an important barometer of our time. As an independent publishing company, we feel strongly that we should not be afraid of the consequences of debate.” Ms Jones commented that she did not intend for her novel to be offensive to Islam. She noted that she “[has] deliberately and consciously written respectfully about Islam and Muhammad.” She “envisaged that [her] book would be a bridge builder” between Islam and the western world.

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