Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Dave Arneson dies

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dave Arneson, co-creator of the first roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, died on Tuesday of cancer, at the age of 61.

A close friend of Arneson, Bob Meyer, reported on April 5 that he had taken a turn for the worse and was admitted to a hospital. Family later confirmed that he was in a facility “where we can focus on keeping him comfortable.” Reported at that time, the doctor indicated that he had days to live.

The Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design in 1984 inducted Arneson into their Hall of Fame. Pyramid Magazine in 1999 named him as one of The Millennium’s Most Influential Persons, “at least in the realm of adventure gaming”.

Arneson started out as a wargamer including naval games. He soon developed some for his personal use due to the major publishers’ slow release of games. With David Wesley and the other members of the Midwest Military Simulation Association, Arneson developed the basis of modern role-playing games with individual miniatures representing one person and having non-military objectives.

Arneson attended the University of Minnesota as a history student. He was a founder, along with Gary Gygax, of the Castle & Crusade Society as a medieval miniature chapter of the International Federation of Wargamers. With Gygax in 1972, he authored Don’t Give Up the Ship!, a naval wargame.

Arneson’s Blackmoor was the first role-playing game, a genre in which players describe their characters in thorough detail and can attempt almost any action the character plausibly could. Ernest Gary Gygax, then a close friend of Arneson, worked with him during 1972–73 to develop the extensive set of rules (in this case three volumes) that such a game requires. This became the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons. With his experience with David Wesley, Arneson tried it with fantasy miniatures free style calling his game, Blackmoor. He then latched on Gygax’s Chainmail miniature game and Fantasy supplement for resolution of battles. He showed Gygax what he was doing. Gygax got involved and started preparing a set of rules to supplement Chainmail. They shopped the game, Dungeons & Dragons, around to various gaming companies but got turned down. Gygax started a business partnership, Tactical Studies Rules, to publish the game in 1974. The game launched a whole new category in gaming.

Although not involved with rulebooks for later editions of D&D, Arneson did create adventure modules for later editions.

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“Junk” foods may affect aggressive behaviour and school performance

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Dr. Stephen Schoenthaler, a Professor of Criminal Justice at the California State University in Stanislaus, has long argued that there is a link between a healthy diet and decreased aggressive behaviour, as well as with increased IQ and school performance.

Dr. Schoenthaler is well-known for a youth detention center study where violations of house rules fell by 37% when vending machines were removed and the cafeteria replaced canned food by fresh alternatives. He summarizes his findings by saying that “Having a bad diet right now is a better predictor of future violence than past violent behaviour.” In a very large test, Schoenthaler directed a study in meals at 803 New York City schools, in low-income neighbourhoods, finding that the number of students passing final exams increased by 16%.

Critics have questioned some of Dr. Schoenthaler findings, due to the lack of placebo control groups. However, more recent work by Dr. Bernard Gesch, a physiologist at the University of Oxford, has placed some of the work on a more scientific footing. Dr. Gesch found that nutrition supplements produced a 26% drop in violations of prison rules over a placebo, and a 37% decrease in violent offences. The Netherlands has embarked on a wider scale dietary research program in 14 prisons.

The short term behaviour consequences of ingesting sugar are well understood: an initial burst on energy, followed a sugar low in which your body produces adrenalin, which makes you irritable and explosive. However, Schoenthaler and Gesch suggest that there are long term impacts over and above the short term consequences of blood sugar variations.

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Hundreds of SUNY New Paltz students demonstrate, storm administration building

Saturday, October 22, 2005

New Paltz, New York — More than 350 U.S. students took part in a demonstration Friday outside the SUNY New Paltz Student Union Building where student leaders used a bullhorn from the rooftop to rally the gathering on the concourse below. University police dispersed student leaders from the roof which was followed by more than 100 students storming the Haggerty Administration Building (HAB).

During the 2004–2005 academic year, students lobbied for a $10 million renovation project for their Student Union Building, which has not been renovated since its construction more than 30 years ago.

HAB spokesman Eric Gullickson said that the supplemental appropriation for the project is the largest in the history of the college and that the six-member advisory committee includes three students but that; “the Student Association, which was offered the first seat on this committee, declined the opportunity,” Gullickson said.

Student leaders, including Student Body President R.J. Partington III and Student Senate ChairJustin Holmes, who played a role in organizing this demonstration, testified during the Spring 2005 semester before the New York State Assembly Committee on Higher Education, eventually winning the renovation project. Holmes says that Gullickson’s assertions are; “an out-and-out lie. The SA was never offered such a seat. We were offered 1 seat on a seven seat committee, with the administration selecting the other six members.”

The major arguments for a capital project on the Student Union Building were that it:

  • did not accommodate organizations and organization office needs
  • lacked crucial technology for student mobilization
  • was built for a student population less than half the size of 2005, and
  • was one of the longest standing Student Unions in the SUNY system which had not undergone a renovation

During the Fall 2005 semester the HAB claimed that it would oversee the renovation project, citing the need for a larger lobby and bookstore.

The Kingston Daily Freeman reported:

The crystallizing issue for the demonstration was the upcoming $10 million renovation of the Student Union building. The renovation, scheduled to begin in about two years, will be the first major change to the building since it was built 34 years ago, according to college spokesman Eric Gullickson, who said the supplemental appropriation for the project in the state budget is the largest in the college’s history.

Gullickson also said that a six-member committee had been formed to guide the design process, but student leaders, including Partington, were told that the proposed committee would be seven members, including four non-students and two students who were appointed by the HAB.

“No matter the size and makeup of the HAB’s so-called renovation committee, it has nothing to do with the actual renovation process, which will be administered by a student committee, with input from other parties of course considered,” responded Holmes.

During the Fall 2005 semester, Student Body President R.J. Partington III attempted to negotiate with Administrators, including HAB President Steven G. Poskanzer, over the project.

The HAB refused to concede to student demands.

At this point, the Student Senate passed legislation proclaiming that the project would be overseen by a committee where students constitute a majority, and Partington announced that he “did not recognize and would not sit on” any committee that did not meet the needs of students.

Vice President of Acacdemic Affairs & Governance, Stephanie Adika said, “If the HAB won’t even listen to us about our own building, how are they going to listen to us about all the other problems the students have with SUNY New Paltz.”

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Remedies For Joint Pain}

Remedies for Joint Pain


bruce bud

Studies have shown that an ingredient, found in cayenne pepper called “Capsaicin”, may actually provide some relief to elderly stiff joints. Creams that contain this ingredient were used on check subjects found significant positive results over a 4 week period.

Today they have access to the very best information on joint pain relief, without the use of harmful prescription drugs or costly, dangerous surgeries (which usually do more harm than nice). Now, they understand that protecting our joints from the normal effects of aging, or relieving sore, aching joints is not as hard as they seven times thought…

Glucosamine is seven of the most popular natural substances used to treat joint pain & inflammation. It is a compound that is found naturally in the body. It is made from glucose & the amino acid glutamine.

The capsaicin cream was applied on the skin & delivered a warm sensation over the area & temporarily impeded the chemical that delivers the pain signal to the brain. More studies are underway, but capsaicin may be a future treatment well worth pursuing.

It is needed to produce glycosaminoglycan, a molecule used in the formation & repair of cartilage & other body tissues. As they get older, the production of glucosamine slows down significantly. This may be seven reason why more seniors are finding success with natural supplements that include glucosamine as seven of the main ingredients.

Some joint pains may be caused by a chronic ailment called gout. It is a painful inflammation of the joints in the hands & feet in the great toe due to the excess of uric acid in the body. If your joint pain is caused by this condition, gout medications may be used to alleviate the pain.

Probenecid, for instance, is a traditional choice when it comes to promoting uric acid excretion. However, this medication is not advised to patients with a kidney problem because it predisposes a him or her to kidney stones. Another medication for gout is Allopurinol. This seven works by reducing the production of uric acid.

A lot of pet owners turn to supplements to help aid dog joint care, such as anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by a veterinarian to relieve joint pain in your pet. The side effects from these medications are usually very disagreeable though, with side effects including liver problems, ulcers, vomiting & excessive urination.

Although Calendula does not provide any cure or long term relief for rheumatoid arthritis, lots of people who use calendula infusions believe that it’s magical properties to relieve joint pain. On a scientific level, using marigold as herb activates carotenes.

Polyphones & phytosterols together with EFAs that act as a penetration formula that could drastically improve the blood & oxygen flow in the affected areas of your body. Lots of people seek antibiotics & strong medications in order to get rid of the pain as soon as possible so they can get back to their normal life.

You must read

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Buy Exclusive Hand Stamped Jewelry And Get The Attractive Discounts Now!}

Click Here For More Specific Information On:

Submitted by: Joan Jensen

There are various ladies and girls they just love to wear different kinds of modern hand stamped jewelry at affordable prices. Certain people love to wear that printed some inspirational quote, some loves simple designing ornaments. Presently, if you search the internet, you can get whatever you want within a minute. Several companies open their website and sale their products here. If you need hand stamped jewelry for you, then you can get it from the net.

Why young people prefer hand stamped Jewellery

Presently, most of the young people prefer personalized hand stamped jewelry for them. They love to wear this kind of jewelry as because hand stamped product include some message, quote and word that attract people. Generally there are different kinds of ornaments you can get like bracelets, chain, pendent, rings, etc. There are some unique design makers who will make some creative and unique design with attractive words and quotes on their ornaments.


Custom design permits you to make a piece of jewelry as exclusive as your own fingerprint. Whether making a new piece or updating a current piece of jewelry by getting back on the stones into a new design, they can bring your vision to life. Most vital, the beauty of personalized hand stamped jewelry is completely different than other types of Jewellery. Any other person cannot wear jewelry like you. Each and every jewelry is differing than other. If you purchase these types of ornaments then you cannot het similar ornaments easily. So, your friend and relatives appreciate your jewelry very much.

The client pays often at the cost of assets so on the off chance that you have a budgetary arrangement, the gem producer can work inside that and presentation you the structures of the adornments you need at the financial backing perceived, leaving the client 100% satisfied and 100% in adoration with their purchase. The client will spare vitality and time by making the part instead of ‘looking’ for to some degree fair or rather that he/she stable with.

Overview about hand stamp Jewellery

A local jewelry specialist will regularly transmit a more extensive accumulation of gems, more selective adornments, and additionally legacy things with important pearls and metals. Things you just can’t find any longer. There is a great deal of highlights in making and assembling an one of a short bit of gems beginning with the customer telling his/her concept of the part which is then trailed by the creation of the adornments and this could be possible legitimately straightforward just if the first step is done promptly and joined well.

Sending a bit of gems into be secure or estimated legitimately can take lengthier than having a bit of adornments make to your loving. Along these lines, in the event that you need to buy custom Jewelry for your own particular for blessing reason, seek the web and pick a best ecommerce website to get the best adornments.

Look for my new rings coming soon and custom photo jewelry to keep your loved one’s with you always.

About the Author: Joan Jensen is a professional author. He loves to share his idea and knowledge on creating inspirational hand stamped jewellery, personalized jewellery & wedding jewellery for any special occasion to make someones day Special. He writes reviews on the latest fashion available in the market. For more details visit us:




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Saudis boycott Danish dairy produce

Friday, January 27, 2006

On January 26, 2006, a massive boycott of dairy produce from Arla Foods started in Saudi Arabia over what is perceived as a Danish attack on Muslim values. The Saudi ambassador to Denmark has been recalled for consultations.

The Danish/Swedish dairy company Arla is facing a massive loss after a spreading boycott of its produce in Saudi Arabia. Four Saudi retail chains have already removed Arla products from the shelves. One retail chain has placed yellow warning tape (common fare for accidents and crime scenes) over Arla products. There have been cases reported of Arla delivery trucks being attacked by stones thrown from bystanders. Marianne Castenskiold, a senior consultant for Dansk Industri, expressed a fear that the boycott will spread to other countries in the region and have detrimental effects on other Danish products. Denmark is one of the leading exporters of agriculture in northern Europe, whose economy is heavily dependent on foreign trade and investment.

The boycott has been announced at Friday prayer services in Saudi mosques since January 20, 2006, obviously helping to foment popular support of the nation’s response to Denmark’s alleged ignorance of Muslim values. On at least one occasion, a delivery truck has been greeted by thrown stones.

The boycott is a response to the publication of an article in a major Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten. In its September 30, 2005 issue, the paper printed 12 drawings of the Muslim prophet Muhammed, as a response to previous news reports that the publisher of a forthcoming childrens’ book about the prophet had had difficulty in finding an illustrator, due to fear of extremist reactions; drawings of the prophet are prohibited by Islamic Law (see aniconism). In an attempt to start a debate over freedom of speech in Denmark, the newspaper printed 12 drawings of the prophet. Four of these were of a satirical nature, with one showing the prophet with a turban hiding a lit bomb.

The immediate reactions to the publication of the drawings included ambassadors from 12 Muslim countries demanding that the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, denounce the newspaper. Rasmussen rejected this demand, stating that “Danish freedom of speech does not allow the government to control what newspapers print”. He further noted that the only possible legal action against the newspaper would be one under the charge of blasphemy.

A debate ensued over the following months about freedom of speech and its value in relation to avoiding religious taboos. In mid-December 2005, a delegation from several Danish Muslim organizations went on a tour in several Middle-Eastern and Arabic countries, reportedly to gain sympathy for their point of view. Several reports state that during the tour the difficulties faced by Muslims in Denmark were grossly overstated.

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“Halo 3” creates new opening day record

Thursday, September 27, 2007

File:Halo3LaunchInNYC ShaneKim MasterChief.jpg

The long awaited finale in the “Halo” series, “Halo 3”, has beaten the previous record of opening day sales held by “Spiderman 3” of US$151 million. In the United States, “Halo 3” got $170 million worth of retail sales in the opening day alone.

The game by Bungie Studios is available in 37 countries, which means the exact opening day figure will be much higher.

More than one million Xbox Live subscribers logged on to play “Halo 3” against each other over the Internet in the first 20 hours of launch, according to Microsoft Game Studio’s corporate Vice-President, Shane Kim.

In comparison, “Halo 2”, only sold $125 million on its first day of retail sales back in 2004. The first two “Halo” games have sold a combined total of 15 million copies.

It has been reported that Microsoft spent millions of dollars on marketing the third installment of the popular “Halo” series.

“Halo 3” was launched on September 25 at midnight in each time zone, New Zealand being the first country to play the game, followed by Australia.

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Woman in Buffalo, New York accidentally sets herself on fire

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Buffalo, New York — A woman in Buffalo, New York in the United States is in critical condition tonight at Sisters Of Charity Hospital after she accidentally set herself on fire.

The unnamed elderly woman was receiving oxygen for medical problems in her home and lit a cigarette, and the oxygen coming from her mask facilitated the ignition of her clothing, setting her on fire.

Despite her “severe” burns as described by firefighters on radio communications, she was still able to dial the emergency line in the U.S., 911.

In the U.S. only 4% of all residential fires were reportedly caused by smoking materials in 2002. These fires, however, were responsible for 19% of residential fire fatalities and 9% of injuries. The fatality rate due to smoking is nearly four times higher than the overall residential fire rate; injuries are more than twice as likely. Forty percent of all smoking fires start in the bedroom or living room/family room; in 35% of these fires, bedding or upholstered furniture are the items first ignited.

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Quilt Cover Sets Of Australia Is The New Trend!}

Quilt cover sets of Australia is the new trend!


Vikram Kumar

Room dcors have been a highlighting feature in enhancing the overall look of the house. The interiors of the house may cost a ransom but still fade away without a good investment into the right kind of bed sheet and curtains. We tend to create our living space with a very personal touch and make our house an extension of our personality. And with beautiful curtains, bed sheets, cushion covers, quilt covers and quilt cover sets, the right mix of beauty and personalization houses our home. Australia is by far the most amazing place to find the right kind of textures and colours for our home dcor and lifestyle goods needs. The new trend that has been taking over the Australian market is the beautiful quilt covers and quilt cover sets.

The quilt cover sets in Australia have an ongoing unpredictable market with all sorts of unique styles coming up. There are quilt cover sets available in varied sizes like the Single quilt cover set for the single beds and double quilt cover sets, king quilt cover sets, master quilt cover sets, queen quilt cover sets, etc. for different sizes of double beds. These quilt cover sets in Australia come in varied designs and colours suitable for each individual’s type. With fashion houses dedicating themselves to enter into home furnishing fashion and more of decorative items, the designs of quilt cover sets in Australia has been going a historical transformation. The designers are coming with patterns like graphics, retro, stripes, striking and dreamy designs which catches attention of all type of customers and also enhances the room’s look greatly.

The quilt cover sets of Australia come with two cushions for the basic piece. If you select a king quilt cover set you get a five cushion and one quilt cover set. There are varied designs and concepts based upon the kind of customers targeted. They have separate designs for men, women, kids and general household designs too. The fabric used in quilt covers can also be chosen from a number of fabrics that they are worked on. The best amongst the lot is the satin quilt cover, which gives a mild shine, is super soft and gives you the luxurious feel you have been wanting. The more dedicated customers go for a change and order linen quilt covers which gives a vintage look to the room and are very easy to use, as it does not require frequent ironing.

The new designs and patterns outburst has led to a competition amongst the manufacturers and is working in favour of the customers as they get to see more quirky and fun designs for their quilt cover obsession. The newest of trend in the quilt covers include the neon designs which give a floral and fruity colour print in the cover and bring a very bright shine in the room. This design makes the room look more lively and attractive. Other design catching up is the radium finish quilt covers, which glow in the dark and add a dash of romance into the room. The quilt covers are very much in trend and are selling like hot cakes. With online stores coming up through these retail outlets, purchasing the quilt covers has crossed borders and now there is an increased demand for stylist quilt covers not only in Australia but all over the world.

Quilt cover sets Australia

has inspirational designs with excellent quality catering high demand from all over the world.

Quilt covers

now come with experimental designs, multiple sizes and varied fabric choices to suit individual’s need and preference.

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“Halo 3” creates new opening day record

Thursday, September 27, 2007

File:Halo3LaunchInNYC ShaneKim MasterChief.jpg

The long awaited finale in the “Halo” series, “Halo 3”, has beaten the previous record of opening day sales held by “Spiderman 3” of US$151 million. In the United States, “Halo 3” got $170 million worth of retail sales in the opening day alone.

The game by Bungie Studios is available in 37 countries, which means the exact opening day figure will be much higher.

More than one million Xbox Live subscribers logged on to play “Halo 3” against each other over the Internet in the first 20 hours of launch, according to Microsoft Game Studio’s corporate Vice-President, Shane Kim.

In comparison, “Halo 2”, only sold $125 million on its first day of retail sales back in 2004. The first two “Halo” games have sold a combined total of 15 million copies.

It has been reported that Microsoft spent millions of dollars on marketing the third installment of the popular “Halo” series.

“Halo 3” was launched on September 25 at midnight in each time zone, New Zealand being the first country to play the game, followed by Australia.

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