News briefs:July 27, 2006

The time is 20:30 (UTC) on July 27th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.


  • 1 Headlines
    • 1.1 Hamas denies that release of Israeli soldier is “imminent”
    • 1.2 Current Israel Hezbollah conflict being compared with “Operation Grapes of Wrath”
    • 1.3 In new video, Ayman al-Zawahiri warns that Israel will “pay the price” for attacking muslims, calls for holy war
    • 1.4 Saddam Hussein to learn his fate in October
    • 1.5 Obrador declares himself President, plans protests
    • 1.6 Miner dies after being struck with hose in Central Western NSW
    • 1.7 Tube train evacuated after a landslide in west London
    • 1.8 Landis wins, then fails drug tests
  • 2 Closing statements


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“Junk” foods may affect aggressive behaviour and school performance

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Dr. Stephen Schoenthaler, a Professor of Criminal Justice at the California State University in Stanislaus, has long argued that there is a link between a healthy diet and decreased aggressive behaviour, as well as with increased IQ and school performance.

Dr. Schoenthaler is well-known for a youth detention center study where violations of house rules fell by 37% when vending machines were removed and the cafeteria replaced canned food by fresh alternatives. He summarizes his findings by saying that “Having a bad diet right now is a better predictor of future violence than past violent behaviour.” In a very large test, Schoenthaler directed a study in meals at 803 New York City schools, in low-income neighbourhoods, finding that the number of students passing final exams increased by 16%.

Critics have questioned some of Dr. Schoenthaler findings, due to the lack of placebo control groups. However, more recent work by Dr. Bernard Gesch, a physiologist at the University of Oxford, has placed some of the work on a more scientific footing. Dr. Gesch found that nutrition supplements produced a 26% drop in violations of prison rules over a placebo, and a 37% decrease in violent offences. The Netherlands has embarked on a wider scale dietary research program in 14 prisons.

The short term behaviour consequences of ingesting sugar are well understood: an initial burst on energy, followed a sugar low in which your body produces adrenalin, which makes you irritable and explosive. However, Schoenthaler and Gesch suggest that there are long term impacts over and above the short term consequences of blood sugar variations.

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United Kingdom And French Canvas Prints}

Submitted by: Andrew Bourke

Canvas printing is such a brilliant art form of printing your photos. You can really inspire a room with some great colours, really cool effects and also a personal touch when it comes to using canvas prints as an art form for your decorating needs.

French art and British art are so amazing, especial when you mix photography and paintings into the mix. For example just imagine being in Paris and looking up at the Eiffel tower, especial at night at the lights are so fantastic to view, you almost feel like youre in a fairy tale. Not to mention at night on the hour they put on a big light display so that makes for a great photo opportunity to capture some great photos to convert into canvas prints to.

France is a great place to visit but then so is London as they also have many great big and wonderful iconic buildings to see, for example the amazing London eye is definitely something you should go and see, And if youre lucky to get a ride on it then be sure to take a camera as not only does it give you great photos of big Ben and other great famous London landmarks. All of which are great if your looking for a canvas print or some form of art to hang up in your home.

If you are decorating your home with some personal images or some art that you have created yourself then just think to yourself, How do i get my canvas prints to look different to the rest of my friends canvas prints or photos as almost everyone will have some kind of canvas printing in your home now in some shape or form so by having a brain storm and getting your thinking cap on you can really make a difference to your photos and your canvas print finish which you can be very proud of to hang up in your home.

A couple of great ideas to personalize your famous land mark photos for canvas printing would be the first obvious one which is get that famous land mark in the background of your photo and then get your family or friends or loved one to stand in the foreground and take some photos of them to see which one you prefer to be printed form. Another great way to utilize the greatness of the landmark in the background would be to get the person youre taking a photo of to hold up there hand and then you can zoom out and try to capture the image so it looks like they are holding that object like the Eifel tower in their hands. Wow now that would be very amazing indeed and a great photo moment.

So as you can see there is many different things you can do with taking great photos with your friends and family and big landmarks so that should get your thinking going in the right direction as you dont just want to print any old photo onto a canvas print as it just gives the print a better feel and finish if some though has gone in to it. But then again if you do have some old photos that have been stored away for some time then getting those scanned in and printed onto a canvas print is also such an amazing idea for some decoration. A couple of reasons why an old photo is so good is because not only does an old photo give character but it also leave s a very vintage look to your canvas print which is something you cant really by so thats a precious way to have your photos printed to canvas, especially if youre giving your canvas print with the old photo on it away as a present to an old relative at is will mean to world to them.

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canvas prints

from images


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Garden Fences Best Outdoor Privacy Screening Solution}

Submitted by: Trim Lite

In local locations, there are a couple of alternatives to introduce some Flair in your yard. Utilizing privacy screens is one of the choices. They can separate a space, include some fascinating visual segments, and manufacture your own private resort, even in populated regions.

privacy screens can convey a dynamic component to your yard, blocking things that you don’t need insight, or keeping others from seeing into your space. Screens are a plan decision, as well as be useful in their utilization.

From the conventional wooden cross section and wooden brace configuration, to more innovative and out of the container thoughts, there are a large number of motivations to pick security screens for your private home.

What are a few things you have to consider when settling on a privacy screen?



1. Increased security The intrusive neighbors and odd bystanders will have a substantially harder time seeing your very own goings-on.

2. Shade On a hot summer’s day, it is constantly pleasant to discover a touch of shade, and when the sun is pounding on your porch, once in a while you need to convey the shade to you. A security screen can offer this truly necessary break from the warmth of direct daylight.

3. Hiding blemishes Sometimes there are things we have to keep outside and they are not generally tastefully satisfying. Things like aerating and cooling units and water pumps can truly occupy from your yard’s landscape. Protection screens are a decent method for separating and keeping things like this beyond anyone’s ability to see.

4. Attractive The correct screen can truly highlight your yard, making it a genuine sight to be seen.


1. Sightlines If you jump at the chance to watch out over your neighborhood, security Window Louvres may not be for you. They can square sight lines and prevent the view.

2. Space Depending on the screen, the measure of your yard can be chopped around protection screens. There are alternatives that are effortlessly convenient and can be brought down, yet that turns into an issue of capacity. At that point, you should consider where you keep them when they are not being used, and what transpires when they are out in nasty climate.

3. Maintenance Depending on which choice you pick protection screens can be cleaned just with a garden hose. Despite the fact that, as you move into different sorts of screens, for example, wooden cross section and hanging garden assortments, repair, cleaning, and upkeep can turn into somewhat of an errand.

The materials utilized as a part of security screen rely on upon the search you are going for and in addition your financial plan. There are various pre-built screens that can be found at almost any garden supply store. Most security Aluminium Fencing is made of wooden grid or braces; however, they can be produced using almost anything.

Metal boards, pre-developed vinyl, fabric shades, living plants, or glass sheets are only a couple of the conceivable outcomes. The vast majority of these choices may require some type of wooden casing to hang the materials from, so wood is your companion here.

About the Author: Trimlite’s Amazing On Time or it’s FREE Guarantee Whilst Trimlite always focus on providing you with high quality, low maintenance products our clients know they will be treated with the upmost respect, that is why we provide you with our “On Time or it’s Free Guarantee.Visit Here For More Information :


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New edition of Canada’s Food Guide released

Thursday, February 8, 2007

A new version of Canada’s Food Guide was announced by Canadian Health Minister Tony Clement on Feb. 5, 2007. The guide has helped Canadians with healthy eating habits since 1942 but was last updated in 1992. It is the Canadian government’s most-requested publication after income tax forms.

Changes to the Food Guide include:

  • a first-time recommendation to include a small amount of unsaturated fat in regular diets;
  • physical activity to complement healthy eating;
  • advice for some people to take vitamin supplements;
  • an advisory to limit foods with excess salt, sugar, fat and calories, which is considered an unprecedented caution regarding junk food.
Examples of the Food Guide’s four groups (clockwise from top left): vegetables and fruit, grain products, meat and its alternatives, milk and its alternatives
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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Tad Brudzinski, Newmarket-Aurora

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tad Brudzinski is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Newmarket-Aurora riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

He did not answer the question “Of the decisions made by Ontario’s 38th Legislative Assembly, which was the most beneficial to your electoral district? To the province as a whole? Which was least beneficial, or even harmful, to your riding? To the province as a whole?”

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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On the campaign trail in the USA, May 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

The following is the first edition of a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2016 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

In this month’s edition on the campaign trail: a former Republican congressman briefly joins the Libertarian Party and runs for vice president; the Democratic Party names its National Convention Platform Drafting Committee amid controversy; and Wikinews interviews a candidate who had a surprisingly strong performance in the West Virginia Democratic presidential primary.


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Ex GOP congressman joins LP, seeks VP, then leaves
  • 3 DNC aims for unity with Platform Drafting Committee picks; controversy ensues
  • 4 Interview with overachieving West Virginia Democratic protest candidate
  • 5 Related articles
  • 6 Sources
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Cosmetic Dentist Can Change The Way You Smile}

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Submitted by: Terrence Bown

Cosmetic Dentist in Encino strives to give you the smile of your dreams that can capture the imagination of others. A beautiful smile on your face can do wonders to your personality and confidence. A beautiful smile ensures that you have a reason to be happy. On the contrary, your confidence will take a beating if you suffer from any of the tooth conditions and your smile is distorted. You will not be inclined to meet people and socialize. This could have a negative effect on your personal and professional life.

The cosmetic dentists are artists who can create beautiful smile on your face and treat your teeth conditions. You will be more inclined to meet people and be happy with yourself. The advancement in the technology has made it possible to treat any teeth condition.

Some of the services commonly provided by Cosmetic Dentist in Encino include periodic checkup in the dental office, dental implants, teeth whitening, invisalign, crowns, porcelain crown, CEREC crowns, veneers, dental veneers, porcelain veneers, bridges, root canals, fillings, white fillings, periodontal therapy, procedures to correct overlapping and crowding, extractions, cosmetic braces, restorations, mouth guards to treat clenching, mouth reconstruction and treatment for gum diseases.

Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist in Encino for yourself and your family will be very easy with the information provided in this article. You need to figure out which dentist in your area is the best for your needs. You should be very careful in choosing a dental office for yourself and your family. The dental treatment should not cause you financial burden and other headaches. You should find out which dentist can offer you the best services without causing much burden on your finances. Your insurance should also support the dental office you choose so that a big share of your treatment expenditure is reimbursed by your insurance company.

Cosmetic Dentist in Encino offer free consultation. Find out all the specialists operating in your area and determine the best among them. You should ask the residents in your area about the specialists operating in that particular area. Your appointment for free consultation may be just a call away. Discuss your situation with the specialist and figure out the way to your dream smile during your free consultation.

You should make most of your free consultation and your initial visit to the dental office for free consultation. You should ask the cosmetic dentist about his educational qualification and check if he has undergone special training needed for cosmetic dentistry. He should be able to perform the latest procedures and offer you the most appropriate and latest procedure for your problem. He should be able to understand your situation and your desire. He should be capable enough to give you the smile of your dream. You should also inquire whether your cosmetic dentist is attested by American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

You should make a keen observation when you make a visit to the dental office. It is mandatory that the office is tidy and neat. The dental staff and the dental doctor must maintain high degree of hygiene standards in order to ensure safe conduct of the procedure and treatment. The dental staff and the cosmetic dentist should take all the necessary measures to see that no pain is caused to the patient during the procedure.

About the Author:

Cosmetic Dentist

A dentist is especially trained in a specific sub field related to dentistry. You have to choose which type of dentist to visit according to the problem you have. Mostly your own dentist will diagnose your case and refer you to someone else who is skilled and specialized in the area of treatment that you require. Click here for

Dental Implants



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Immigration Detainees on Hunger Strike in Oxford UK

Thursday, June 15, 2006

One hundred and twenty detainees at an immigration removal centre in Oxford, UK, are on hunger strike. The protest started when some detainees refused breakfast on Wednesday 14th June 2006. A letter from the hunger strikers explaining why they are seeking to draw attention to their plight in this way has been reproduced in full below.

Those detained at the centre are mostly men who have sought asylum in the UK and whose asylum applications have been rejected. These people are then held without knowing how long they will be detained for – some end up being held for many years while awaiting deportation.

The removal centre, known as Campsfield, or Campsfield House is approximately 5 miles north of Oxford and has been in operation since 1993. It was managed on behalf of the UK Government by Global Solutions Limited, until may 2006 when it was taken on by GEO UK, the centre has a capacity of 198. Only males are detained at Campsfield.

According to the campaign group Barbed Wire Britain Over 2,600 individuals, mostly asylum seekers, are detained indefinitely in the UK without trial and with no automatic right to bail.

There have been reports in the UK press of the state taking people to detention centres without notice, in the early hours of the morning using excessively heavy handed tactics, taking children out of schools and separating families.

Many UK people and politicians express their disgust at the way detainees are treated, yet it continues. Perhaps this action by the detainees themselves will further highlight their plight and result in more UK electors writing to their MPs and demanding improvements to the way in which rejected asylum seekers are treated.

“We are detainees at Campsfield removal centre in Oxford. Most of us have been here for a long while now. There are people who have been detained for up to two years and down to three months. We are cramped in here like animals. We are treated like animals and moved around different detention centres like animals. The immigration service have taken husbands from their families and taken people who ran away from persecution in their various countries, and dumped everyone in here.

Once you are put in here the immigration service forget you. There are detainees who have applied to go back to their own countries that are still being held here for months without any news about their cases, just so that the private security companies get more money.

Detainees are asked to seek asylum and then refused. The immigration service also ask detainees to apply for bail. When you get a bail hearing date all of a sudden they serve you with removal papers that are not valid. There are many of these situations. In most cases the immigration service don’t take you to your court hearings. And then they tell the judges you refused to turn up, just so the hearing goes ahead in your absence. Many detainees have been served with removal papers and travel documents but nothing happens on the removal day.

Campsfield has become a slave house. We detainees are treated like slaves, to do odd jobs for officers. Detainees are handcuffed to see doctors or dentists in hospitals or clinic appointments. We have some racist security officers who make racist comments to detainees and go out of their way to make you feel like committing suicide. Detainees have to be at the point of death before they get to see the doctors.

The food is not worth eating. Even dogs would refuse to eat what we eat. But we don’t have a choice; every single day we eat the same food (the food we eat is rice, chicken, sandwiches, and left-over eggs)”.

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Former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian released on bail

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Taiwan’s former President, Chen Shui-bian (???), has been conditionally released on bail, some ten hours after he was indicted for corruption. Speaking to media at the Taipei District Court, he said: “I want to thank my lawyers, members of the Democratic Progressive Party and my supporters who have given me huge encouragement. I am grateful to those who cared for, supported and looked after me so I could get through the hardest and loneliest 32 days of my life in prison.” He earns the historical distinction of being the first ex-president of the Republic of China to be indicted for criminal offenses and could suffer life imprisonment if convicted.

Along with 13 other family members and close associates, including his wheelchair-bound wife, son Chen Chih-Chung, and daughter-in-law Huang Jui-ching, Chen was indicted Friday on charges of embezzling government funds and laundering money or ill-gotten bribes. The panel of three judges ruled he should appear at future court hearings and must not leave the country nor change his address.

Prosecutor Lin Che-hui accused Chen of having “embezzled 104 million New Taiwan dollars ($3.12 million) from a special presidential fund, and received bribes of $11.73 million in connection with a government land procurement deal and a separate construction project; the damning piece of evidence was the presence of NT$740 million ($22.2 million) in cash stashed in a Taipei bank safety vault held by the Chens.” Yuanta Securities director Tu Li-ping said, “she hand delivered NT$200 million ($6 million) in cash to Wu at the presidential residence in 2006 on behalf of executives of an affiliated bank; the money was an incentive for Wu not to interfere with a merger the bank was pursuing.”

Chen insists on his innocence. Contradicting the 100-page indictment, he said that “the $21 million his wife wired to their son’s Swiss bank accounts came from leftover campaign donations. Taiwanese law permits such donations to be kept by political candidates.”

In 1975, Chen married Wu Shu-chen (???), the daughter of a physician. The couple has a daughter, Chen Hsing-yu (???), who is a dentist; and a son, Chen Chih-Chung (???), who, having received a law degree in Taiwan, studied at and graduated with a M.A. degree from the University of California in 2005.

In November 2006, Chen’s wife Wu Shu-chen and three other high ranking officials of the Presidential Office were indicted for corruption, charged with misappropriating NT$14.8 million (USD$450,000) of government funds using falsified documents. Due to the protection from the Constitution against prosecution of the sitting president, Chen could not be prosecuted until he left office, and he was not indicted, but was alleged to be an accomplice on his wife’s indictment.

Chen’s term as President of the Republic of China ended in May 2008. Immediately thereafter, prosecutors began investigating him regarding allegations that he misused his discretionary “state affairs fund”, as well as his connection to the first family’s money-laundering activities. He resigned from the Democratic Progressive Party on August 15, 2008, one day after admitting to falsifying past campaign expenses and wiring campaign contributions to overseas accounts.

In November 2008, Chen was escorted by a security staff, into the Taipei prosecutor’s office for questioning. After 6 hours, he left the Supreme Court prosecutor`s office in handcuffs, was arrested and detained. The charges each carry a minimum penalty of 5 years imprisonment. Following a 6 day hunger strike while in detention, Chen collapsed and was rushed to Taipei’s Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, where he was later transferred to Panchiao Hospital for force-feeding. Despite Chen’s lack of interest in appealing, his lawyer Cheng Wen-long completed a motion seeking his release from detention and filed a notice of appeal of the court’s decision, along with a petition for constitutional interpretation to restrain actions violative of the Constitution.

Prosecutor General, Chen Tsung-ming said that after Chen’s case had been removed to the Taipei Local Court, he would re-file a petition for Chen’s detention. Chen and the main opposition DPP have accused President Ma Ying-jeou‘s administration of “using the scandals to plan a political plot against the former leader.”

Meanwhile, The Straits Times reported that “prosecutors are to investigate former President of the Republic of China and Chairman of the Kuomintang from 1988 to 2000, Lee Teng-hui on suspicion of money laundering, based on allegations made by Chen during his own questioning recently that his predecessor transferred large funds abroad through dummy accounts.” Mr. Lee angrily denied the accusations concerning “a suspected transfer of 50 million Taiwan dollars (US$2.26 million) to Mr Lee from a local stock investor via overseas dummy accounts.” Charges also included transactions made at the end of Lee’s tenure and at the beginning of Chen’s term, including “one billion Taiwan dollars that had been wired to various countries including Singapore.”

The China Post calls for calm and urges fair trial for Chen. “All the people should wait patiently for the outcome of the trial … They shouldn’t do anything to influence the judges in any way, because the rule of law in Taiwan is at stake. We should show the world that Taiwan is a democracy where anybody who commits a crime, be he a man on the street or a former president, is duly punished.” it said.

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