How The D Do S Attacks Are Dangerous And To Prevent Them}

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How the DDoS attacks are dangerous and to prevent them


SamHacking might not be child’s play, but it is not as complex and revered as it is often perceived. Hacking is more about using the right technique for the right objective rather than complex coding. In a nutshell, hacking has two objectives: theft of data or destruction of data. The mastership of hacking is the understanding of what technique to apply. One of the most dangerous types of hacking techniques is considered to be DDoS

(Distributed Denial of Service).

DDoS appears to be a simple technique where a large amount of traffic is directed towards a server. However, there are many forms of it and its scale of potential devastation is immense. In this technique multiple resources can be used to hit a single network to make it crash. The source of the hits arrives from fake traffic which can be auto generated through the computer or internet.


The traffic is directed with the objective of eating away all the bandwidth. Once that is accomplished the server is rendered useless to run any operations or commands. This brings down its walls of safety and ultimately the hacker can step in to complete its mission. DDoS can be devastating when attacked in numbers. As a matter of fact its strength grows with numbers, especially when multiple resources are used.

Organizations and people benefit from DDoS attacks as they can get hands on information that was otherwise unavailable for their own use or for sale. It can also be used to bring changes. DDoS attack has intentions of stealing data, corrupt data and infiltrate in to the coding. DDoS can even act in the shadows and go completely unnoticed by the administrator. Therefore, in the advent of a DDoS attack it would be extremely difficult to clean up afterwards.

This is the age of digitalization, and since almost all kinds of data is either on some server or the internet there is a lot of sensitive information present and available from banks, hospitals, government institutions, stock brokers, etc. Targeted DDoS attacks can result in losses of millions, which is why it is considered to be a big cybercrime.

Hackers initiate brute force attack to overload the server with traffic that is fake with the objective of crashing the server. Once the server is compromised the data is can be stolen or destroyed. Moreover, DDoS attack hackers can even change programs, cause theft of precious information and corrupt data worth of millions. Therefore, the implementation of DDoS Protection is absolutely imperative.

The best counter measure against DDoS attack is DDoS mitigation

methodologies. It has been specifically created to resolve this problem. It operates by limiting the bandwidth for traffic on a server so that it is not exceeded. Henceforth, once the cap is not exceed the server cannot fall. Moreover, it also help analyze the kind of traffic that runs through the server. For instance, it will sideline fake traffic and will identify auto generated traffic as well. If under suspicion it will close all gateways for such processes and requests.

Philip has been writing on networks specially focusing on DDoS, load balancer, DDoS Protection, Denial Of Service, Web Application Firewall, SSL Encryption & SSL security, DDoS Mitigation, application delivery controller, DDoS attack tools and SSL decryption from a decade and sharing news and updates worldwide. His content has appeared on several web channels throughout the web.

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