Ukrainian ship MV Faina with cargo of tanks freed by pirates

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pirates in Somalia have released the MV Faina, a Ukrainian ship carrying a cargo of 33 T-72 tanks, along with 20 of its crew of 21, the Russian captain having been killed by hypertension during the hijack.

A ransom of US$3.2 million was paid for the ship’s release, compared to the $20 million previously demanded and also down from the initial request for $35 million after the capture in September. By January 16 the ransom sought was $5 million, with negotiations occurring directly between the pirates and the ship’s owner. In October the pirates threatened to blow the ship up unless this was paid within days, and stated they were willing to die and take the crew with them, but this threat was never carried out.

The ransom came in on Wednesday, and after counting the money the pirates left the vessel on Thursday. One pirate, Segule Ali, said of the payment that “no huge amount has been paid, but something to cover our expenses.”

No huge amount has been paid, but something to cover our expenses

The ownership of the cargo, which includes ammunition, rocket launchers, small arms and spare parts as well as tanks, is uncertain. Although the shipment was said to be for Kenya, as acknowledged by the Kenyan government, the pirates claim to have documents proving they were destined for Sudan, currently the subject of a United Nations arms embargo. Sudan denies this.

At one point, with the ship anchored off Harardhere, the pirates claimed they had put down an attempted revolt by the crew. However, the Faina’s owner has expressed doubts about the veracity of this report, which originated with the pirates themselves.

The remaining crew are reported to be healthy by the Ukrainian Presidency and the ship is now heading to Mombasa under US Navy escort. There are 17 Ukrainians, two Russians and a Latvian on board.

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Boutique Kitchens In The New Concept

Boutique Kitchens in the new concept



Practicality is the catch word, and it is prominently present in our lifestyle. There is quite a bit of talk about boutique kitchen, and what does that imply? It is an application of mind which says that kitchens in Sydney should be functional and should have ease of use. It should be sorted out and assembled in a way that it conquers your busy schedule with ease.

New line of thought process is kitchen Carcase Sydney should be neat in design and should be aesthetically rich. Ideas evolve every day; mostly these ideas are based on the demand of the time and lifestyle. Your kitchen should have all provisions and even a small space should give a feeling of completeness. Interior designers Whether remodelling or designing a new kitchen, interior designers are consulted for kitchens in Sydney

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Interior designers are guides who design from scratch and build a kitchen which suits your lifestyle perfectly. They have an idea on kitchen Carcase Sydney and know from where to get the best for the client and at the most convenient rate possible. This is your first and the most trusted source to know about boutique kitchens. Local designers can guide you on how and from where to pick the local material, which is designed and have been evolved as per the demand of the weather condition of the area. Yes, while designing kitchens in Sydney, these factors have to be taken into consideration so that you can have a functional kitchen for your home. Carcase Sydney as per the size of kitchen With the ever increasing penetration of internet, dependability on net has surmounted. Both manufacturers and the consumers prefer it to the traditional trading; however there is one golden rule which you must follownever order Carcase Sydney without taking measurements of the kitchen. The best thing about ordering online is you can read about everything and compare the cost without any interference. But this should not be your sole criteria of ordering online, talk to experts, read reviews and then get going with the designing aspect of kitchens in Sydney.Boutique kitchen online revolution The idea of boutique kitchen has suddenly become quite known and acceptable concept due to net. The online exchange of ideas on how to maintain kitchen and what are the points that should be taken into consideration for kitchen renovation or ordering Carcase Sydney has added to the popularity of boutique kitchen. You would find notes on kitchen faucets, chimney, kitchen backsplash, granite or tile platform and many other aspects of modular kitchen as cabinets and with it importance of carcase and others. Internet is your ultimate source of information on how to beautify your home and kitchens in Sydney in the most ornate and practical way.

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Repeal of ministerial control of RU486 bill passes Australian House of Representatives

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Australian House of Representatives have considered the bill regarding whether the Australian Health Minister Tony Abbott, or the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulate the abortifacient mifepristone (RU486), and has passed the bill unamended.

Earlier today, the Prime Minister John Howard (Australian Liberal Party, Bennelong) has spoken on the amendments earlier proposed by Jackie Kelly (Liberal, Lindsay) and Andrew Laming (Liberal, Bowman), speaking in favour of the Laming amendments and reiterating his support for Abbott, stating that he is the “best friend that Medicare ever had”, Abbott’s usual phrase he states in Question Time in support of the Government’s handling of Medicare.

Howard’s counterpart, the Leader of the Opposition, Kim Beazley (Australian Labor Party, Brand), spoke in support of the bill in its unamended form, noting that it is “simply commonsense that the minister does not have the scientific capacity” to evaluate the drug, and reiterating that the bill is “not really about Tony Abbott”. More controversially he however said that those with certain personal views such as Tony Abbott’s conservative Catholic faith should not hold certain offices in Government, which drew criticism from the Government later in the debate noting that an earlier Labor Prime Minister of Australia John Curtin‘s pacificism was a strong wartime leader.

Later, the Kelly amendments were put to the vote and were lost on the voices and in subsequent division with 49 agreeing to the amendments and 96 disagreeing. The vote on whether the bill should be read a second time 95 for to 50 against. In the consideration in detail stage, the Laming amendments were debated, but the vote on these amendments were lost with 56 supporting the amendments and 90 against them.

The bill as unamended was agreed to and passed the third reading on the voices, without having to resort to a vote.

Larvatus Prodeo (LP) blogger “Kate” welcomed the decision, but warned that the abortion issue was far from settled. “Personally, I think this is not only a good thing for women in Australia, but also demonstrates democratic processes at work. Now we can commence stoushing about whether or not the TGA should allow the drug into the country,” she said.

One commenter on LP, Paul Norton, suggested that division over the issue would deepen in the next few years, and that people opposed to legalised abortion would become more vocal. “I expect that the loud minority will become louder over the next couple of years, and more authoritarian and fanatical in their attempts to twist legislators’ and candidates’ arms, until State and Federal election results show that their loudness is directly proportional to their minority status amongst Australians.”

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At least seven mountaineers die while climbing K2

Sunday, August 3, 2008

At least seven mountaineers have died while climbing K2, the second highest mountain in the world. The accident was reportedly caused by a rock slide or an avalanche that severed all the ropes used for ascent and descent.

Initial reports state that seventeen climbers ascended the mountain in two groups, with both reaching the summit successfully. The reports also state that after the avalanche, some climbers attempted to return without ropes.

The summit was covered in clouds late yesterday afternoon and the conditions in the mountain continued to deteriorate. Some of the latest reports indicate that eight climbers were stuck at the summit, unable to descend. Four of these climbers are Norwegian nationals. The conditions at the summit during night are extreme and offer very limited chances for survival for people unable to descend.

In an unrelated incident, a Serbian climber and his sherpa fell down during the initial descent. This incident was, however, unrelated to the other deaths caused by the avalanche.

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Red Hat to move focus away from CentOS in favour of Stream; CentOS team discuss implications with Wikinews

Monday, December 14, 2020

On Tuesday, US-based software company Red Hat announced their plans to shift their focus away from CentOS in favour of CentOS Stream.

In the blog post Chris Wright, the Chief Technological Officer of Red Hat said Red Hat had informed the CentOS governing board that Red Hat was “shifting our investment fully from CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream”. At least five of the nine CentOS Governing Board listed on the project are Red Hat employees.

Started in 2004, CentOS has been a free-of-cost free/libre open source software which provided binary-code compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) — Red Hat’s GNU General Public Licensed paid operating system. CentOS was absorbed into Red Hat in 2014, with Red Hat gaining the trademark rights of “CentOS”.

Red Hat also sponsors the Fedora operating system. Red Hat even gives the software engineering interns laptops with Fedora on it. Till now, software development took place on Fedora, which was later adopted in RHEL, which the Red Hat maintained and provided support for, for those customers who had RHEL subscription. CentOS would then follow RHEL to provide the same features free of cost, but without the support.

Stream was announced in September 2019, just two months after Red Hat was acquired by IBM. CentOS Stream’s development cycle had new features added to it before the features became a part of RHEL. Stream receives more frequent updates, however, it does not follow RHEL’s release cycle.

With CentOS Stream, developments from the community and the Red Hat emplyees would take place beforehand on both Fedora, and Stream as a rolling release, before those features are absorbed into RHEL. CentOS followed the release cycle of RHEL and therefore it was a stable distribution. Features available in CentOS were tried and tested by Fedora, and then RHEL maintainers. Stream, on the other hand, has features added to it before those features become a part of RHEL. That implies Stream would be ahead of RHEL’s development, containing new features which are not yet tried and tested by RHEL developers, and not be binary code-compatible with RHEL.

Writing “The future of CentOS Linux is CentOS Stream”, Wright further wrote in the announcement, CentOS Stream “provides a platform for rapid innovation at the community level but with a stable enough base to understand production dynamics.” Wright also said, “CentOS Stream isn’t a replacement for CentOS Linux; rather, it’s a natural, inevitable next step intended to fulfill the project’s goal of furthering enterprise Linux innovation.”

Since the announcement was made, many people expressed their anger on Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Reddit and CentOS project’s mailing list. CentOS 8’s End of Life (EOL) has been moved up from May 2029 to December 31, 2021, while CentOS 7 is expected to receive maintenance updates through June 2024, outliving CentOS 8.

Gregory Kurtzer, who had started the CentOS project, announced a new operating system, Rocky Linux. Rocky Linux describes itself as “a community enterprise Operating System designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Enterprise Linux”. The project said “Rocky Linux aims to function as a downstream build as CentOS had done previously, building releases after they have been added to the upstream vendor, not before.” The project maintainers have not decided a date for when the operating system will be released.

Kurtzer explained the reason to call the OS as Rocky Linux: “Thinking back to early CentOS days… My cofounder was Rocky McGaugh. He is no longer with us, so as a H/T [hat tip] to him, who never got to see the success that CentOS came to be, I introduce to you…Rocky Linux”.

Wikinews reached out to the members of the CentOS project, Pablo Greco and Rich Bowen, to discuss this move, its implications as well as the future of CentOS. Greco is a maintainer of armhfp (32-bit processors) and is a part of the CentOS’ quality assurance team. Bowen — who unlike Greco, works for Red Hat — is the community manager of the CentOS project.

 This story has updates See Gregory Kurtzer discusses plans for Rocky Linux with Wikinews as Red Hat announces moving focus away from CentOS, December 18, 2020 

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Panther Cards Presents “Money Travel Card”

Submitted by: Edwards Ivan

Panther cards offers already a few years debit cards to his customers, personalized and anonymous, they also deliver card solutions for business operators. Like payment providers, V.A.R.’s, gaming operators etc.

Panther cards now deliver also the “Money travel card”!

Millions of Euro’s will be wasted this year as travellers lose out to banks and exchange bureaus fees and commissions regarding exchange of currencies.

There is an alternative and it will save you money!

Panther cards “Travel money card” offer travellers a great new way to spend abroad. Whether it’s for business, travel or purchasing online in a different currency. Accepted globally, they offer value, convenience and security.

Like prepaid card, you ‘top-up’ by loading it with funds in the required currency. You will benefit from a significantly lower exchange rate then most traditional exchange companies, and because this rate is ‘fixed’, you’ll know how much everything costs. They are a safer alternative to carrying cash when travelling, as the card can be cancelled if lost or stolen and the issuer will send you a replacement, wherever you are.

The Panthercards “Travel money card” (only available in Euro) allows travellers to pre buy their travel cash when the rate is strong and spend it free of the exchange fees normally incurred when using cards abroad.

Holiday shoppers can often lose much of the exchange rate benefit through hidden fees, transaction and commission charges imposed by their bank or card company.

For Who?:

*Business Travelers visiting Euro region

*Persons who go on holiday, visiting Euro region


*Avoid exchange rates and exchange commisions

*Industry experts estimate total loses at around Euro 500m a year.


*No credits checks, each card has his own card account.

B2B opportunities!

Panther Cards, the Foundation of your Financial Gaming Infrastructure

You’re a gaming operator and looking for a payment solution that has a secured infrastructure that ensures highest system availability for business continuity, strong yet accurate fraud prevention that leads to maximum sales conversion, the cheapest card on the internet for you and your costumers –>> “that will place you at a advantage over the competition” , Panther Card is your answer.

For you as a gaming operator it’s important that the payments are secured, Real time, accepted all over the world and that the fees are as low as possible. That’s the different we make, we arethere for you and for your business, your business are the players, so we are there for them.

That makes the Panther Card the foundation of your financial gaming infrastructure, one off the services you have to offer to your clients, “they will enjoy your real time financial payment strategy”!

Stop Making Costs For Payments, Start To Make Business With It!

The Panther Card is based on a Business 2 Business model.

Panther Cards and you as Operator will be partners in the whole process,

that means not only that you receive a part of the fees, that means also that you

agree with our marketing introduction Campaign.

Instead of paying for your financial infrastructure you will receive now money for your services!

How It Works?

You as Operator receive a part off the fees, this fee is based on all transactions made by the debit card owner, not only the transactions he/she makes at your business point but also the transactions at shopping centre, gas stations etc etc.

Because the Panther card is cheap he/she will enjoy financial flexibility with very low costs.

The panther card is a rechargeable Euro prepaid debit card, the color is black and he is anonymous, this is what your costumers want.We only work togheter with business partners, that means that your clients must apply for a card at your business point.We will create a masteraccount for you as Operator and all the cards will be under the master account with their own account number.

The card maybe used everywhere, in shopping centre, at ATM terminal,

uying on the internet for making money transfers all over the world.

Make Money With Your Financial Services And Much More!

From now it’s not only that you, as operator, earn money with your financial strategy.

You also provide your costumers the cheapest and reliable card on the internet.

In marketing terms is a huge step forward for your organization, you attract more customers.

More Advantages:

*cheaper payments to/ from your clients

*real-time payments to/from your clients

*clients prefer funds being paid to/from a separate account/card (many clients ‘hide’ thei


*by paying clients on their card/account more money gets returned to your business

*less resources used in making payments

*when clients pay there are far less problems as everything is prepaid

*more clients play with them and return as the card/account opens their gameroom up to more people (allowing clients to play that have blocked credit cards or no banking facilities etc.).

*Excluding the saving in resources and the additional business, just the financial savings in making several payments to each customer means that card has paid for itself, not only for your costumers but also for you as Operator.


Panther Cards offers a variety of high secured card products, like personalized debit cards, anonymous debit cards and our money travel card.

Every card will have its own card account, this card account you can manage through internet connection. There are several ways to load your card, you can use over 27 million locations

world wide.

Panther Cards offers to business operators B2B card solutions, please visit our website for more information.

About the Author: Panther Cards is owned by

, the hassle feee world wide offshore banking solution.


Permanent Link:

RuPaul speaks about society and the state of drag as performance art

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Few artists ever penetrate the subconscious level of American culture the way RuPaul Andre Charles did with the 1993 album Supermodel of the World. It was groundbreaking not only because in the midst of the Grunge phenomenon did Charles have a dance hit on MTV, but because he did it as RuPaul, formerly known as Starbooty, a supermodel drag queen with a message: love everyone. A duet with Elton John, an endorsement deal with MAC cosmetics, an eponymous talk show on VH-1 and roles in film propelled RuPaul into the new millennium.

In July, RuPaul’s movie Starrbooty began playing at film festivals and it is set to be released on DVD October 31st. Wikinews reporter David Shankbone recently spoke with RuPaul by telephone in Los Angeles, where she is to appear on stage for DIVAS Simply Singing!, a benefit for HIV-AIDS.

DS: How are you doing?

RP: Everything is great. I just settled into my new hotel room in downtown Los Angeles. I have never stayed downtown, so I wanted to try it out. L.A. is one of those traditional big cities where nobody goes downtown, but they are trying to change that.

DS: How do you like Los Angeles?

RP: I love L.A. I’m from San Diego, and I lived here for six years. It took me four years to fall in love with it and then those last two years I had fallen head over heels in love with it. Where are you from?

DS: Me? I’m from all over. I have lived in 17 cities, six states and three countries.

RP: Where were you when you were 15?

DS: Georgia, in a small town at the bottom of Fulton County called Palmetto.

RP: When I was in Georgia I went to South Fulton Technical School. The last high school I ever went to was…actually, I don’t remember the name of it.

DS: Do you miss Atlanta?

RP: I miss the Atlanta that I lived in. That Atlanta is long gone. It’s like a childhood friend who underwent head to toe plastic surgery and who I don’t recognize anymore. It’s not that I don’t like it; I do like it. It’s just not the Atlanta that I grew up with. It looks different because it went through that boomtown phase and so it has been transient. What made Georgia Georgia to me is gone. The last time I stayed in a hotel there my room was overlooking a construction site, and I realized the building that was torn down was a building that I had seen get built. And it had been torn down to build a new building. It was something you don’t expect to see in your lifetime.

DS: What did that signify to you?

RP: What it showed me is that the mentality in Atlanta is that much of their history means nothing. For so many years they did a good job preserving. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a preservationist. It’s just an interesting observation.

DS: In 2004 when you released your third album, Red Hot, it received a good deal of play in the clubs and on dance radio, but very little press coverage. On your blog you discussed how you felt betrayed by the entertainment industry and, in particular, the gay press. What happened?

RP: Well, betrayed might be the wrong word. ‘Betrayed’ alludes to an idea that there was some kind of a promise made to me, and there never was. More so, I was disappointed. I don’t feel like it was a betrayal. Nobody promises anything in show business and you understand that from day one.
But, I don’t know what happened. It seemed I couldn’t get press on my album unless I was willing to play into the role that the mainstream press has assigned to gay people, which is as servants of straight ideals.

DS: Do you mean as court jesters?

RP: Not court jesters, because that also plays into that mentality. We as humans find it easy to categorize people so that we know how to feel comfortable with them; so that we don’t feel threatened. If someone falls outside of that categorization, we feel threatened and we search our psyche to put them into a category that we feel comfortable with. The mainstream media and the gay press find it hard to accept me as…just…

DS: Everything you are?

RP: Everything that I am.

DS: It seems like years ago, and my recollection might be fuzzy, but it seems like I read a mainstream media piece that talked about how you wanted to break out of the RuPaul ‘character’ and be seen as more than just RuPaul.

RP: Well, RuPaul is my real name and that’s who I am and who I have always been. There’s the product RuPaul that I have sold in business. Does the product feel like it’s been put into a box? Could you be more clear? It’s a hard question to answer.

DS: That you wanted to be seen as more than just RuPaul the drag queen, but also for the man and versatile artist that you are.

RP: That’s not on target. What other people think of me is not my business. What I do is what I do. How people see me doesn’t change what I decide to do. I don’t choose projects so people don’t see me as one thing or another. I choose projects that excite me. I think the problem is that people refuse to understand what drag is outside of their own belief system. A friend of mine recently did the Oprah show about transgendered youth. It was obvious that we, as a culture, have a hard time trying to understand the difference between a drag queen, transsexual, and a transgender, yet we find it very easy to know the difference between the American baseball league and the National baseball league, when they are both so similar. We’ll learn the difference to that. One of my hobbies is to research and go underneath ideas to discover why certain ones stay in place while others do not. Like Adam and Eve, which is a flimsy fairytale story, yet it is something that people believe; what, exactly, keeps it in place?

DS: What keeps people from knowing the difference between what is real and important, and what is not?

RP: Our belief systems. If you are a Christian then your belief system doesn’t allow for transgender or any of those things, and you then are going to have a vested interest in not understanding that. Why? Because if one peg in your belief system doesn’t work or doesn’t fit, the whole thing will crumble. So some people won’t understand the difference between a transvestite and transsexual. They will not understand that no matter how hard you force them to because it will mean deconstructing their whole belief system. If they understand Adam and Eve is a parable or fairytale, they then have to rethink their entire belief system.
As to me being seen as whatever, I was more likely commenting on the phenomenon of our culture. I am creative, and I am all of those things you mention, and doing one thing out there and people seeing it, it doesn’t matter if people know all that about me or not.

DS: Recently I interviewed Natasha Khan of the band Bat for Lashes, and she is considered by many to be one of the real up-and-coming artists in music today. Her band was up for the Mercury Prize in England. When I asked her where she drew inspiration from, she mentioned what really got her recently was the 1960’s and 70’s psychedelic drag queen performance art, such as seen in Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis, The Cockettes and Paris Is Burning. What do you think when you hear an artist in her twenties looking to that era of drag performance art for inspiration?

RP: The first thing I think of when I hear that is that young kids are always looking for the ‘rock and roll’ answer to give. It’s very clever to give that answer. She’s asked that a lot: “Where do you get your inspiration?” And what she gave you is the best sound bite she could; it’s a really a good sound bite. I don’t know about Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis, but I know about The Cockettes and Paris Is Burning. What I think about when I hear that is there are all these art school kids and when they get an understanding of how the press works, and how your sound bite will affect the interview, they go for the best.

DS: You think her answer was contrived?

RP: I think all answers are really contrived. Everything is contrived; the whole world is an illusion. Coming up and seeing kids dressed in Goth or hip hop clothes, when you go beneath all that, you have to ask: what is that really? You understand they are affected, pretentious. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s how we see things. I love Paris Is Burning.

DS: Has the Iraq War affected you at all?

RP: Absolutely. It’s not good, I don’t like it, and it makes me want to enjoy this moment a lot more and be very appreciative. Like when I’m on a hike in a canyon and it smells good and there aren’t bombs dropping.

DS: Do you think there is a lot of apathy in the culture?

RP: There’s apathy, and there’s a lot of anti-depressants and that probably lends a big contribution to the apathy. We have iPods and GPS systems and all these things to distract us.

DS: Do you ever work the current political culture into your art?

RP: No, I don’t. Every time I bat my eyelashes it’s a political statement. The drag I come from has always been a critique of our society, so the act is defiant in and of itself in a patriarchal society such as ours. It’s an act of treason.

DS: What do you think of young performance artists working in drag today?

RP: I don’t know of any. I don’t know of any. Because the gay culture is obsessed with everything straight and femininity has been under attack for so many years, there aren’t any up and coming drag artists. Gay culture isn’t paying attention to it, and straight people don’t either. There aren’t any drag clubs to go to in New York. I see more drag clubs in Los Angeles than in New York, which is so odd because L.A. has never been about club culture.

DS: Michael Musto told me something that was opposite of what you said. He said he felt that the younger gays, the ones who are up-and-coming, are over the body fascism and more willing to embrace their feminine sides.

RP: I think they are redefining what femininity is, but I still think there is a lot of negativity associated with true femininity. Do boys wear eyeliner and dress in skinny jeans now? Yes, they do. But it’s still a heavily patriarchal culture and you never see two men in Star magazine, or the Queer Eye guys at a premiere, the way you see Ellen and her girlfriend—where they are all, ‘Oh, look how cute’—without a negative connotation to it. There is a definite prejudice towards men who use femininity as part of their palette; their emotional palette, their physical palette. Is that changing? It’s changing in ways that don’t advance the cause of femininity. I’m not talking frilly-laced pink things or Hello Kitty stuff. I’m talking about goddess energy, intuition and feelings. That is still under attack, and it has gotten worse. That’s why you wouldn’t get someone covering the RuPaul album, or why they say people aren’t tuning into the Katie Couric show. Sure, they can say ‘Oh, RuPaul’s album sucks’ and ‘Katie Couric is awful’; but that’s not really true. It’s about what our culture finds important, and what’s important are things that support patriarchal power. The only feminine thing supported in this struggle is Pamela Anderson and Jessica Simpson, things that support our patriarchal culture.
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Landis asks for additional test

Monday, July 31, 2006

MADRID, SpainFloyd Landis requested the testing of his backup urine sample today.

“We’ve sent the fax to the UCI this afternoon.” “Now we’ll have to adjust to their calendar,” said Jose Maria Buxeda, one of Landis’s two Spanish lawyers, of the Swiss-based International Cycling Union. Landis’s lawyers say they fully expect the backup test to confirm the original finding.

Oscar Pereiro of Spain, who finished second overall in the Tour de France, would be declared the winner if Landis loses the title.

Results will be revealed during the week.

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Calvin Murphy acquitted of molestation charges

Monday, December 6, 2004

Former Houston Rockets star Calvin Murphy, accused of molestation by five of daughters, was found not guilty by the jury, putting an end to the eight-month long trial.

The alleged incidents took place more than ten years ago, when the daughters, who are now grown, ranged in age from 6 to 16. They accused Murphy of fondling them and performing oral sex on them. Murphy has 14 children by nine women.

Murphy’s attorney claimed that the women’s accusations were false and that they were bitter because he did not treat them the same as he treated the children born to his ex-wife. Murphy’s two daughters who were products of his previous marriage came to his defense.

The jury indicated that they found the women’s statements unreliable.The former basketball star’s lawyers said three of the five daughters had been trying to claim $52,408 in death benefits left in a teachers retirement account belonging to their mother, Phyllis Davidson. Murphy had a 20-year relationship and four children with Davidson, who died in a car accident in 1996.

This year, the three daughters continued their grandmother’s attempt to stop Murphy from receiving the benefits. He was listed as the account’s beneficiary, according to court records.

On Feb. 20, letters went to Murphy, his three daughters and their grandmother that Murphy was the account’s rightful beneficiary. The money was never paid.

A month later, Murphy was arrested and charged with sexual abuse and indecency.

Because of the nature of the accusations, Murphy lost his job with the Houston Rockets, where he was a TV commentator. Murphy has not commented about if he has plans to return to a broadcasting career.

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Use Botox Service To Enhance Your Features

Use Botox Service to Enhance Your Features


Antoinette Ayana

As you age, you\’ll notice that your face changes over time. You may be tired of using cosmetics and makeup to hide the wrinkles and blemishes on your face. You may also be in need of a solution that gets rid of the depressions and wrinkles. One way you can get a younger and smoother appearance is to use Botox. Botox is a protein that many cosmetic doctors use as fillers to help even out your features. This substance blocks the impulses between the nerves and muscles, resulting in a temporary paralysis of the muscle. Since the muscle is no longer able to move, the skin is not able to sag or wrinkle. There are some professional who offer Botox service to patients who are not able to come into the office for treatment.

The effects of this substance eventually wear off over the course of a few months. At this point, the substance is broken down and absorbed by your body. Once that happens, your skin and its muscles will wrinkle and sag again, unless you get some more treatments. Botox service is a good alternative for anyone who does not want to have facial surgery to improve their appearance.


When you decide to start taking advantage of Botox injections, you need to make sure that you are getting your treatments done by a professional who is licensed and certified. Pay attention to the credentials of any doctor or esthetician you are going to get your treatments from. Many professionals that offer Botox service are able to charge less for the treatments. The more often you get treatments the longer they last and the better your results are.

It is important that anyone who is getting Botox know what they should expect. It is not a permanent solution to remove any of your imperfections. It has to be administered by a qualified professional. Be realistic about your goals. Sometimes you may feel that there are areas that are in need of a filler, but in actuality, there is nothing wrong with that area. Even though your doctor will do his best to accommodate your needs, if they feel that you shouldn\’t have the injections done on a certain area of your face, be respectful of his or her advice. You don\’t want to overdo your injections because this can give you an unnatural look.

When you first get your injections, you may not see your desired results for at least two weeks after your first injection. Since the effects of Botox can last for a few months at a time, it reduces the cost of the treatments. This makes the service more affordable for anyone who wants to take advantage of this form of enhancement. Instead of throwing your money away on cosmetics that make you look clownish because you have to use a ton of product to attempt to hide the smallest imperfections; you can use your hard earned money on a Botox service that delivers immediate results. Ask your doctor if Botox is right for you.

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