US President Obama authorizes airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq

Friday, August 8, 2014

United States President Barack Obama appeared in the State Dining Room at the White House Thursday night saying he was authorizing two operations in Iraq against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) insurgency. They were launched to help religious minorities who are trapped on a mountain without food and water that are “facing almost certain death,” according to Obama.

The first operation is targeted airstrikes against ISIL, and the second operation is to provide humanitarian aid to those trapped on the mountain. Regarding the airstrikes Obama said, “We intend to stay vigilant, and take action if these terrorist forces threaten our personnel or facilities anywhere in Iraq, including our consulate in Erbil and our embassy in Baghdad.” He added, “We’re also providing urgent assistance to Iraqi government and Kurdish forces so they can more effectively wage the fight against ISIL.”

In regards to the humanitarian aid operation, which had already started before Obama made the announcement, he said, “Second, at the request of the Iraqi government — we’ve begun operations to help save Iraqi civilians stranded on the mountain.” He continued saying, “Already, American aircraft have begun conducting humanitarian airdrops of food and water to help these desperate men, women and children survive.”

I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq.

Obama empathized that ground troops will not be returning to Iraq saying, “As Commander-in-Chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq. And so even as we support Iraqis as they take the fight to these terrorists, American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq, because there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq.” Currently, there are 700 US soldiers in Iraq, mostly there to guard the US embassy and the international airport in Baghdad, facilities in Erbil, and to assess the capabilities of the Iraqi military.

The humanitarian airdrops were undertaken by “a C-17 Globemaster III and two C-130 Hercules airlifters escorted by [F/A-18] Super Hornets,” according to the Department of Defense.

According to a statement sent out by Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon’s press secretary, “Two F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Erbil. ISIL was using this artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending Erbil where U.S. personnel are located,” early Friday morning.

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Experience The Thrills Of Bmx Bikes Through Online Games

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Submitted by: Damian Cross

In recent years, it seems that the word for bicycle has been replaced for the three letter word BMX. Anybody who is anybody doesn t just have a bicycle, but a BMX bike. A few modifications in design of the BMX bike make them stand out from the rest. Features such as side pegs for the rider to stand in and perform stunts, a lither weight body, and bigger tires all aim to provide maneuverability and ease to the high flying enthusiast. Such is the rage for these bikes, the experience has now migrated to BMX games you can play online.

BMX bike games available online provide fans a way to practice their back flips without breaking their back or their pocket. These games are made in the flash platform from Adobe. It is a rather simple code to learn, in which even a novice programmer could produce a multimedia application. However, the ease of use of this code does not take away from the quality and fun experience of the end product. Some BMX bike games available online are fine masterpieces, with great special effects and sound mixes. The player is able to practice his favorite BMX stunts safely, in the comfort of his computer. And best of all, these games are all available free online.


How many of us have ever wanted to try a back flip in a U-shaped ramp, but where afraid of not coming out alive from the experience? Well, now with the use of free BMX games available online fans can go overboard and try it as many times as they like. Many of these games also help bikers improve on their techniques. By being able to watch their maneuvers on screen before they try it live, they have a chance to perform a simulation where they can see all possible outcomes first hand. Online bike games provide players with a large number of different scenarios where bikers would be most likely to ride their bike. Among the most popular settings there is the U-shaped ramp, the infamous ride in the park, a dirt track, among a few others.

Another fun aspect of BMX bike games online is the ability to engage in competition, with the computer or with other players. As many fans know, engaging in BMX bike competitions, like the X Games, require a great deal of preparation and safety gear. BMX games online give you a free ticket to a BMX bike race without the hassle of preparation and safety, just the fun and excitement of the sport. These games are completely safe for the entire family. They require minimum effort to learn how to play and maneuver your bike, usually involving nothing more than the arrow keys. Thus, before you know it you ll be rushing down the ramp like the pros. Common commands include the right arrow key to move forward, and the left arrow key to lean back for special BMX stunts like the backflip. The space bar will usually cause the character to jump upwards in his bike.

About the Author: Engage in the most thrilling

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IRA orders end to armed campaign

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Provisional Irish Republican Army, in a statement released earlier today (in one form as a DVD, with the statement being read by Séanna Breathnach), has declared that it intends to end its campaign of violence and decommission its weapons.

The move comes after international pressure to decommission weapons and cease all violent activity, particularly after allegations regarding the murder of Robert McCartney in Short Strand, Belfast, and a burglary of the Northern Bank in December of last year.

Members have been ordered to dump all arms and cease all paramilitary activity as of 16.00 BST (15.00 UTC) today, and the organisation’s leadership states that it will pursue its aims through exclusively peaceful means. The statement reaffirms the IRA’s view that its “armed struggle was entirely legitimate” as a means of pursuing the organisation’s goal of a united Ireland, but states that many suffered during this conflict and that society is now compelled to build a lasting peace.

In its statement the IRA also appealed to the British government and Northern Irish Protestants to renew negotiations with them.

Reaction to the statement has been mixed.

  • “I think it has all the clarity that people have looked for this past 12 months. Of course there are lots of other issues in the peace process, which we have to continue to build on and build confidence on” — Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister)
  • “This may be the day when finally, after all the false dawns and dashed hopes, peace replaced war, politics replaces terror on the island of Ireland. […] It is what we have striven for and worked for throughout the eight years since the Good Friday Agreement.” — Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • “For the first time we have heard directly from the IRA not Sinn Fein that henceforward they are going to adopt peaceful means in seeking their political objectives” — Peter Mandelson, European Union Commissioner, former Northern Ireland Secretary
  • “11 years after the first IRA ceasefire these are the words that we needed and wanted to hear.” — Alex Attwood, SDLP
  • “I know there have been some who have been sceptical about whether republicans, the IRA in particular, were really interested in this process. I think today’s statement shows that they are. The IRA doesn’t have to do this. It is only doing this to try and give some assurance to those who are nervous or who are genuinely concerned. The IRA is not just stretching itself. It is actually overstretching itself to try to bring about the restoration of the peace process.” — Gerry Adams, Sinn Fein President

The leadership of Óglaigh na hÉireann has formally ordered an end to the armed campaign. This will take effect from 4pm this afternoon.

All IRA units have been ordered to dump arms. All Volunteers have been instructed to assist the development of purely political and democratic programmes through exclusively peaceful means. Volunteers must not engage in any other activities whatsoever.

The IRA leadership has also authorised our representative to engage with the IICD to complete the process to verifiably put its arms beyond use in a way which will further enhance public confidence and to conclude this as quickly as possible.

We have invited two independent witnesses, from the Protestant and Catholic churches, to testify to this.

The Army Council took these decisions following an unprecedented internal discussion and consultation process with IRA units and Volunteers.

We appreciate the honest and forthright way in which the consultation process was carried out and the depth and content of the submissions. We are proud of the comradely way in which this truly historic discussion was conducted. The outcome of our consultations show very strong support among IRA Volunteers for the Sinn Féin peace strategy.

There is also widespread concern about the failure of the two governments and the unionists to fully engage in the peace process. This has created real difficulties. The overwhelming majority of people in Ireland fully support this process. They and friends of Irish unity throughout the world want to see the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement.

Notwithstanding these difficulties our decisions have been taken to advance our republican and democratic objectives, including our goal of a united Ireland. We believe there is now an alternative way to achieve this and to end British rule in our country. It is the responsibility of all Volunteers to show leadership, determination and courage. We are very mindful of the sacrifices of our patriot dead, those who went to jail, Volunteers, their families and the wider republican base. We reiterate our view that the armed struggle was entirely legitimate.

We are conscious that many people suffered in the conflict. There is a compelling imperative on all sides to build a just and lasting peace.

The issue of the defence of nationalist and republican communities has been raised with us. There is a responsibility on society to ensure that there is no re-occurrence of the pogroms of 1969 and the early 1970s. There is also a universal responsibility to tackle sectarianism in all its forms.

The IRA is fully committed to the goals of Irish unity and independence and to building the Republic outlined in the 1916 Proclamation.

We call for maximum unity and effort by Irish republicans everywhere.

We are confident that by working together Irish republicans can achieve our objectives. Every Volunteer is aware of the import of the decisions we have taken and all Óglaigh are compelled to fully comply with these orders.

There is now an unprecedented opportunity to utilise the considerable energy and goodwill which there is for the peace process. This comprehensive series of unparalleled initiatives is our contribution to this and to the continued endeavours to bring about independence and unity for the people of Ireland.

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Pa Auto Insurance Laws Did You Know About These No Fault Insurance Laws?

By R Daniel Williams

Getting your car insured in PA is tricky. Actually, we mean you need to be aware of some legal issues if you really want to make the most out of your PA auto insurance policy. The law of Pennsylvania demands that all automobiles are covered by at least a minimal level of auto insurance. Now, the law specifies some special category of PA auto insurance coverage and some specific limits are set.

Let’s take a closer look at the supposed no fault clause. Some people say it’s a misnomer somehow. The laws in Pennsylvania in this regard are smart combination of the “no-fault” and “at fault” approach. Basically, laws in PA let a driver to pick one between no fault policies and the customary coverage, despite there’re mandates in PA law.

For an example, a No Fault policy in PA auto insurance law applies straight to all sorts of medical expenditures or loss of wages that incurred due to a car accident. Expenses for every driver involved in that accident will be covered by dint of their respective individual policy. And such provisions apply disregarding who among the drivers were responsible for the auto accident. Nevertheless, reports are taken from authorities, witnesses and on duty police. Like we just said, the costs are bore only through the policies that each insured holds, instead of the traditional approach of bearing those expenses through the PA auto insurance policy of that driver who was found responsible for an accident.


On the other hand, if your PA auto insurance policy holds an At Fault provision, things could be a lot different. In this case, compensations are paid for the pain and/or suffering of the injured or other types of losses which are not in any way linked to those billed expenses. That means, when a person found to be responsible for the accident due to his or her negligence, will have to compensate the injured people since they were harmed by his faults that lead to the accident.

But no matter what your PA auto insurance policy holds, you can’t do without it usually, as the state law makes it mandatory of all car owners to have a minimum level of coverage for their vehicle. Putting it straight and simple, drivers are required to carry at least some liability insurance coverage. This is meant for protecting PA drivers from getting financially handicapped because of the huge claims that might be filed against them if they’re at fault on the event of an accident.

Just in case you didn’t know, the law related to PA auto insurance requires that a minimum amount of $15,000 coverage is held for a person and $30,000 of coverage is held for each incident. This generally is called the 15/30 coverage clause. According to the state law of PA, it’s also obligatory that you have a minimal no-fault coverage that will cover all the medical bills for you when you’re injured in an accident. The minimal coverage here is $5,000.

About the Author: 1984 Univ of Pitt Grad Founded Williams Agency in 1986 Am currently active as owner-agent. Happy to serve over 3500 Pa residents with better insurance at much lower prices. Better Pa Car Insurance at Much Lower Prices


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US Republicans query Linux Foundation about open-source security

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

On Monday, two US Republican Party legislators, Greg Walden and Frank Pallone Jr., respectively the chairman and the ranking member of the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce, co-wrote a public letter to Jim Zemlin, executive director of The Linux Foundation, about open-source software (OSS) and improving its security. They requested Zemlin to answer their questions by no later than April 16.

The letter contained the following four questions; each of the first two has a further two follow-up questions.

  1. Has the CII [Core Infrastructure Initiative] performed a comprehensive study of which pieces of OSS are most crucial to the “global information infrastructure”?
    1. If not, does the CII plan to perform such a study?
    2. What would the CII need in order to do so?
  2. Has the CII, or any other organizations, compiled any statistics on OSS usage?
    1. If not, does the CII plan to perform such a study?
    2. What would the CII need in order to do so?
  3. In your estimation, how sustainable and stable is the OSS ecosystem?
  4. Based on your response to the previous question, how can the OSS ecosystem be made more sustainable and stable?

Walden and Pallone exemplified Heartbleed, a “critical cybersecurity vulnerability” that allowed the hacking of websites and passwords, and millions of medical records in 2014. They also wrote that, in response to that vulnerability, The Linux Foundation established a multi-million dollar project, the Core Infrastructure Initiative, intended to improve the global infrastucture of such software.

The politicians noted large tech companies like Microsoft, Apple Inc., and Adobe Systems respond more quickly to such critical vulnerabilities than distributors and developers of open-source software.

Open-source software is “publicly accessible” and usually freely-licensed for a wide range of use, such as modification and commercial uses. Walden and Pallone also expressed praise toward open-source software and cited a 2015 survey conducted by Black Duck Software saying 78% of companies used such software.

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US Department of Health proposes priorities for flu vaccine distribution

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Draft guidelines issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services in November have established a series of tiers and categories for distribution of scarce vaccine in the event of pandemic flu. These guidelines give strong preference for emergency responders, military and national security personnel, and socially important occupations, such as top politicians, energy sector and communications personnel, bankers, and newborn infants. Distribution of vaccine to the elderly occupies a low priority, especially in the event of a severe pandemic with a case-fatality rate of 2% or more causing more than 1.8 million deaths. The scheme differs significantly from that proposed in Britain in 2005, which gave high priority to the elderly, noting that most of the deaths in recent years – ranging from 12,000 to 29,000 annually – were in elderly patients.

U.S. 2007 Britain 2005
Tier 1. Deployed/mission critical national security, health care providers, police, fire, vaccine manufacturers, top politicians Priority 1. Health care workers, nursing home staff
Tier 1*. Pregnant women, infants (*Sub-tier plan places at lower priority than other Tier 1) Priority 2. Fire, police, security, communications, utilities, undertakers, armed forces
Tier 2. Intelligence, border, national guard, other domestic national security, community support, electricity, natural gas, communications, water, critical government personnel, children, household contacts of infants Priority 3. High medical risk (e.g. diabetes, immunosuppressed)
Priority 4. All over 65 years of age
Tier 3. Other active duty military, important health care, transport, food, banking, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil sector personnel, postal and other government, children Priority 5. Selected industries, e.g. pharmaceuticals
Tier 4. High risk conditions, all over 65 years of age Priority 6. Children
Tier 5. General public Priority 7. General public

The plan is open to public comment under U.S. Federal Register guidelines until December 31.

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Ban on YouTube spreads to Google services in Turkey

Monday, June 7, 2010

Access to search engine Google has been limited and most of Google’s online services cannot be accessed in Turkey. The access limitation happened due to the blocking of an IP set that belongs to Google. These IP addresses were shared between YouTube and other Google services.

The Turkish news site Hürriyet Daily News reports that Turkey’s Telecommunications Communication Presidency (TCP) (a government agency that manages Turkish ISPs) indefinitely shut off access to several Google services. The shut-off came after the banning of YouTube for alleged insults against Turkish Republic founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. TCP released an official statement Friday, saying it had blocked access to some Google IP addresses “because of legal reasons”. Under Turkish law, it is an offence to “insult Turkishness.”

Softpedia states that the limited access to Google could be a result of the government trying to block specific DNS addresses that relate to Google, as part of its ongoing attempts to block YouTube. Since Google services share common software and IP addresses, the search engine itself suffers from access restrictions. Turkish citizens are concerned that this move of the governmental agency was another step towards a complete ban on Google, as exists in China.

Several Internet sites have been banned in Turkey in recent years, and although some of them were subsequently unbanned, most of them remain inaccessible. Engelli Web, a website listing banned sites reports that currently YouTube (since May 2008), (since June 26, 2009), and Spanish newspaper El Mundo (since May 14, 2010) are among the banned sites in Turkey. MySpace and WordPress were also among banned sites for a period of time. Websites will be blocked following a court decision or if TCP decides to block on its behalf.

RetweetToday reports that Turkish citizens on Twitter have also reported access problems. Comments about the blockage are being shared using hashtags such as TurkeyCensorGoogle and TurkeyGoogleBan, as well as NoGoogleNoWeb.

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Canada Immigration Consultant In Hyderabad

Canada Immigration Consultant in Hyderabad


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