How To Stay Safe While Giving A Property Tour

Submitted by: Devon Bolla

As a landlord, part of your job might be to give tours of your property to potential residents. It s important that you take the steps necessary to ensure your safety during these tours. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind so you can be safe when showing your property to potential tenants.

Take a photo ID from the person touring the property-It s standard practice to get the photo ID from the person you ll be showing the rental unit to. Keep the ID in your office until the tour is finished. This gives you information on the person you re showing the property to, so you have a record of the tour until it s completed. Lock the ID in a safe place, and return it once the tour is over.

Keep the door to the rental unit open-Never shut the door behind you when showing a guest around your property. Always let them walk into the unit first, and keep the door propped open. An easy way to do this is to turn the deadbolt so that the door can t shut all the way. This is a simple thing, but it can go a long way to keeping you safe when showing your property.


Let someone know where you ll be-If you have other associates on staff, always let them know when you re going to be out touring the property. If you work alone as a landlord, at least let your spouse or a friend know that you re showing the property to a guest. It s important that someone knows anytime you re on a tour. You can have them call you to check in and make sure you re safe during your tour.

Avoid nighttime tours-Never show your rental units at night. It s just not a smart thing to do, and no other landlords or apartment managers do that. Only show your properties during the day at normal business hours. If it s dark out, don t give any more tours until the following day. This is one of the most important things you can do to stay safe while showing your property.

Take someone with you-If you work with anybody else, bring them along on your property tour. There s strength in numbers, and that person could probably benefit from the extra experience of going on another property tour.

Trust your gut-Listen to your instincts. If something just doesn t seem right, maybe you shouldn t be going on a tour of the rental units. There really is something powerful to be said for trusting your gut. Pay attention to your prospects, and let your instincts work to help keep you safe.

There s a lot that goes into being a landlord-from buying properties to dealing with California eviction. A major part of being a landlord is showing your property to potential tenants so you can keep your units filled with renters.

Stay safe by following these simple tips when giving property tours.

About the Author: Learn more about Eviction CA and California Eviction Forms at:


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Bolivian President-Elect takes 50% pay cut to aid social programs

Monday, January 2, 2006

So more staff can be hired for Bolivia’s education, health and social programs, President Elect Evo Morales announced that he and his cabinet will take a 50% pay cut. The 46-year-old leader slashed his future salary of about $3600 a month to $1800.

Raising Bolivia from its situation as one of the poorest countries in the world is a primary intention of the president elect. “It’s a question of sharing the country’s situation among us all.” said Morales. “This is a democratic revolution and we will answer the Bolivian people’s call.”

Cabinet ministers and all 157 members of Morales’ party that were elected to Congress will also take a 50% pay cut, Morales said. The salaries of 157 substitute congressmen will be eliminated.

Morales, who is known across the country as “Evo”, is Bolivia’s first native Indian president. Growing up in poverty has marked his politics. He often says, “For a handful of people there is money, for the others, repression.”

Evo will soon move from his rented single room of a shared house to Bolivia’s presidential palace.

Morales also met with business and civic leaders on Tuesday in a conciliatory meeting. Morales said his government would create a stable legal and economic environment to attract investment and create jobs which was applauded by the Bolivian elite.

“I do not have a professional education, but it is important that we co-operate. You have the professional capacity, I have the social consciousness”.

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Winter storms hammer Texas, fatalities reported

Friday, February 19, 2021

A series of winter blasts have struck the US state of Texas in recent days, leaving at least ten people dead in the aftermath. On Wednesday, the second wave of the storms impacted utilities and water systems, with cities asking citizens to conserve water usage. Reports early Wednesday indicated more than two and a half million homes and businesses were without power. Texas is the only one of the 48 contiguous US states with its own separate power grid.

One media source indicated carbon monoxide poisoning killed a mother and her child in the city of Houston. A house fire killed a woman and three children in the city of Sugar Land. The storm has impacted shipments of COVID-19 vaccine, according to at least one report. Citizens were asked to conserve usage of electricity where possible. Reports from the city of Tyler indicate roads were nearly impassible on Monday and Tuesday due to ice and snow.

Earlier in the month, winter conditions contributed to a massive vehicle pile up in the city of Fort Worth, taking the lives of at least five people. Some victims were trapped in their vehicles for hours, awaiting rescue. During a press briefing, an emergency services official said this was a once-in-a-lifetime event.

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Imam pleads guilty in New York subway bomb plot

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Queens, New York Imam pleaded guilty to lying to federal officials on Thursday. 38-year-old Ahmad Afzali, an Afghan national, made his plea in Brooklyn Federal court.

Afzali faces up to six-months in prison. Under the plea deal Afzali must leave the United States within 90 days of leaving prison. “I failed to live up to my obligation to this country, my community, my family, and my religion. I am truly sorry,” Afzali said in court.

The plea is related to the subway bomb plot surrounding Najibullah Zazi, who also pleaded guilty earlier last month to conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, and material support for al-Qaeda.

Federal officials allege Zazi spent more than a year plotting the attack with co-conspirators and that he received bomb-making instructions in Pakistan in 2008. The U.S. government also says he bought components to build improvised explosive devices and traveled to New York City on September 10, 2009, to move forward with his plans. Zazi’s father was also arrested in September and charged with lying to federal officials. Zazi faces life in prison if convicted.

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Hey Contractors, Here’s A Trick For Getting People To Do What You Want Them To Do

By Ron Roberts

A friend of mine, the operations and sales manager of an excavating contractor I worked for, was an absolute master at getting people to do what he wanted them to do.

His secret? We’ll get to that in a moment but I’d like you to get to know a little bit about Jake first.

Jake ran both sales and operations for our company. He was and is a very unique individual and is doing quite well for himself now that he’s off developing land. By the time Jake parachuted in to our company, he had already become something of a legend in our little part of the construction world.

Jake originally moved into my home town to open a branch office for his employer. He opened the office and proceeded to build sales to $20 million in just five years. And he virtually did it by himself.

He did the selling. He created the estimates. He organized the field crews. He ordered the materials.

The home office did run his accounting and he did have an ace superintendent to help him with the 10 pipe and dirt crews. But still, to do everything he did masterfully was almost inhuman.

Jake was and is incredibly efficient and incredibly smart. Jake had a handful of tricks he used and I would like to share one of the more unique tricks that he used to manage his clients and manage his cash flow.

Pay attention. Here comes the secret that I promised to tell you.


One time while we were sitting across his desk, taking a breather from the pressures of life, Jake mentioned that he doesn’t sleep much. I went “what do you mean?”

“Well I only sleep about three hours a night.”

I was like “How do you do that and more importantly, what do you do when you’re not sleeping?”

He kind of chuckled and replied “It’s not that I try to stay awake. I just start thinking about the conversations I’m going to have with my clients and crews.”

He had my attention. “Tell me more, tell me more.”

It turns out that he rehearsed conversations he was going to have with his client over and over in his head. He explored and practiced every angle a conversation might take.

He’d think about what the client might say in response to his attempts to get the client to do something.

“If the client responds this way, I’ll say that. If I say this, the client might respond in one of three ways.” Then he’d explore the appropriate answer for each of the client’s three possible


He’d follow that chain of thought in his mind over and over through all the various possible twists and turns and multiple replies his client may have throughout the conversation.

Because he had run through each conversation multiple times, Jake was a master at controlling the real conversation, never being surprised by something someone said. Let me give you an example of how he put this to work.

Needless to say, Jake was brilliant at closing a sale. As he had thought through all the reactions the client might have to his statements, all the concerns the client might voice to his suggestions, and all the objections the client might raise, Jake could get them to sign on the dotted line with little to no


He was never caught off guard. He was cool as a cucumber when the client tried to throw him a haymaker. Jake just went with it and redirected the conversation back to where he wanted it to go.

He wasn’t using sales tricks. He was genuine, but was always a step ahead.

He would do this to get his clients to hire him, to spend millions of dollars with him. He would do this when he was bringing them horrible news such as “We’ve hit rock. It’s going to cost you another $500,000.”

The guy might have budgeted $1 million to develop his residential property and now he’s going to spend $1.5 million to get the job done. Jake made sure he knew exactly what to say to keep the guy from bailing on him.

Conversations were like chess games to him. Chess games he played over and over in his head prior to actually starting the game live and in person. And he virtually always won.

I’ve been working on it myself and have found it to be quite helpful. When I practice, I become much more disciplined and effective in my interaction with prospects and clients.

So, if you really want to make great gains with your existing clients, close more sales, and get your own guys to work harder and smarter, I encourage you to give Jake’s trick a little try.

Practice critical conversations ahead of time.

About the Author: Ron Roberts, The Contractor’s Business Coach, teaches contractors how to turn their businesses into money making machines. To receive Ron’s FREE Contractor Best Practices Newsletter visit


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Czech pub food eating experiment resulted in lost weight, lower cholesterol

Friday, March 10, 2006

On February 8, the same day Super Size Me opened in Prague, a Czech film company’s volunteer known as Karel Gustav Bozan began a 1 month diet of Czech pub food and beer in a Czech version called “Super Spek Me”; which translates loosely as “Super Flab Me”.

Zuzana Pudilova of Aerofilms described the volunteer at that time: “He is a well-built man between 45 and 50. He is almost 2 metres tall, he is not exactly thin but until now he has had quite a healthy lifestyle.”

Karel ate typical Czech pub food for an entire month with three rules: no vegetables or fresh fruit (unless they came with a meal) no exercise, and lots of beer.

Karel’s menu consisted entirely of typical Czech dishes. Obesity therapist, Iva Malkova, had warned at the beginning of the project: “People in the Czech Republic eat much more fat, especially animal fat than is recommended.” Pub meals in the Czech Republic often consist of such fatty items as goose with dumplings or sausages.

Yesterday the results were announced; Karel lost six kilos, his cholesterol went down and so did his liver enzymes, triglyceride and uric acid levels. His blood pressure did not change. At his interview with Radio Prague he said: “I feel good, great! The food was varied and there were even enough greens in the garnish. As for beer, I tried to alternate brands but I always settled it with Pilsner. I liked the experiment, it was all paid for by the distributor, Aerofilms. I would do it again, maybe they will propose it to me!”

Zuzana Pudilova of Aerofilms said: “The result of the experiment is surprising – both for us and the experts who monitored it. The medical report says our volunteer has lost weight and his blood sugar has dropped. So we have come to the conclusion that fatty Czech pub grub is not all that bad for you – which I guess wasn’t meant to be the result of the experiment at all.”

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India discontinues ?500, ?1000 denominations; releases ?2000 and new ?500 bills

Monday, November 14, 2016

On Wednesday, India demonetised ?500 (about US$7.50) and ?1000 notes, announced as a measure to fight corruption, fake notes, and black money. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Indian citizens late Tuesday, and said 500 and 1000 rupee notes would cease to be legal tender at midnight.

To minimise possible difficulties to citizens, transactions using old 500 and 1000 rupee notes were accepted at government hospitals, railway ticket bookings, government buses, and airports. The notes were also accepted at public-sector petrol-pumps, government-authorised consumer co-operative stores, milk booths authorised by State governments, and cremation grounds till Friday midnight. These shops were obliged to have a record of their stocks and sales.

In his announcement, Modi said, “For your immediate needs, you can go to any bank, head post office or sub post office, show your identity proof like Aadhar card, voter’s card, ration card, passport, income tax PAN card number or other approved proofs and exchange your old 500 or thousand rupee notes for new notes.” ((hi))Hindi language: ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ????, ???? ??, ???? ?????, ?????? ?????, ???? ?????, ????????, ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???

Modi also announced those who failed to change their currency till December 30 can exchange the notes at Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s office along with a declaration form till March 31. The notes can be exchanged till December 30 at any branch of any bank across India.

By Saturday, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said demonetised money equivalent to almost US$30 billion was deposited in banks across India. According to estimate, the old notes accounted for 85% of the total money in circulation. New 500 rupee and 2000 rupee notes are to be issued. Modi said RBI would exercise caution from past experience and limit the circulation of large-value notes.

International tourists could purchase up to 5000 rupees using the old notes at airport exchanges till Friday.

A limit was imposed on cash withdrawal; a maximum of 10000 rupees each day, and 20000 rupees each week, can be withdrawn. Moreover, from Thursday (November 10) till November 24, 4000 rupees can be exchanged in the banks and post offices. The amount is credited to the bank account.

Government workers were informed about demonetising when the announcement was made. Modi announced all banks would remain closed for public work on Wednesday.

In the United States, Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election on Tuesday, immediately after which stock markets dropped globally. Following the US election and demonetising the money, the Indian stock market fell by 1700 points on Wednesday. Sensex lost 1,688.69 points and Nifty lost 111.55 points on the same day. Indian technology sector companies experienced loss. TCS suffered 4.93% loss and Infosys lost 2.74%.

The Indian rupee is also used in the neighbouring countries of Bhutan and Nepal. The border area uses Indian currency for day-to-day transactions. The Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) has announced the exchange of old notes will be facilitated till December 15. RMA governor Dasho Penjore informed Indian news site The Wire, “We do not know exactly how much Indian currency of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 is in circulation in Bhutan. We will get a better idea after the deadline to deposit their amount”. RMA has 30% of its international exchange reserve in Indian rupees. Nepal Rastra Bank directed all Nepali banks to stop conducting transactions using the Indian rupee.

On Thursday, there were long queues in front of ATMs and banks to exchange the old notes and withdraw money. BBC reported some banks ran out of cash. Police were called to some banks to maintain discipline. Banks were open on Saturday and Sunday for money exchange.

Shops did not accept the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Some emphasised cash-less transaction as well. BBC reported some traders and small business owners in Delhi threatened to call a strike as this move affected their business.

eRetail websites like Amazon and Flipkart announced they would not accept the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes on Cash on Delivery orders. Amazon also announced 15% discount on gift cards worth 500 or 1000 rupees.

The government ceased all transactions using the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes before Saturday. But a Wikinews correspondent noticed a jeweler shop accepting the demonetised notes on Saturday. When questioned, the jeweler said they were accepting the old notes only on purchase. When the correspondent, who did not identify as a reporter to the shop owners, said the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes were not legal money, they said they will exchange the notes in a bank since there were 50 days to exchange with a new and legal tender. They refused to exchange old 500 rupee notes with change, asserting the customer needs to buy merchandise from their shop.

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Adposition: A Key Part Of Speech

Adposition is a linguistics concept that is quite hard to define. It can be classified in three groups. First of all, there are the prepositions that all of us are very familiar with because English is a prepositional language. You know those tiny little words that need to put before a nouns or other words to have a meaning. English language has a lot of these so we can take a look at these prepositions to get an idea on what an adposition is. For example, we have “in”, “on”, “at” in English and all of these words tell us that something is located somewhere or some action is taking place in that location. This is called the locative case and these prepositions do the job of creating that meaning in the sentence. Yet, they do not mean anything on their own. This is what an adposition is. It is a word that does not refer to an object or other concept on its own but one that must be present in the sentence in order to sentence to have a clear meaning. Let us now look at some examples in other languages.

Arabic is another language in which you can find a ton of prepositions. Arabic has some cases for its nouns including the accusative and the dative. That said, those case declensions cannot give all different sorts of meanings on their own and prepositions are required. The prepositions do that job and they can also be used to tell that two things are together or one belongs to another. All in all, Arabic is on of the richest languages when it comes to prepositions.


It is hard to give an example of postpositional languages where the adposition is uttered after the noun, ususally with the inclusion of a genitive case. One such language could be Pashto. It is an Iranian Language that is related to Persian, though no one could guess the two to have a common ancestor but they do. Both languages have many grat examples of adpositionsbut Pashto in unique because it has postpositions. What makes Pashto even more interesting is the fact that it also has some circumpositions. That means an adposition that is made of two parts. One part comes before the noun and the other comes after it. Both parts of the circumposition must be present for the sentence to have a proper, grammatically correct structure.

In short, nearly every language in the world has adpositional structures and they are a required part of speech. We can learn a lot about prepositions and postpositions by scrutinizing the various languages in different corners of the world.

Wikinews interviews candidate for New York City mayor Vitaly Filipchenko

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

In early May, Wikinews extended an invitation to Vitaly Filipchenko, an independent candidate in the 2021 New York City mayoral election, set to take place November 2nd, alongside other candidates. Filipchenko answered some questions about his policies and campaign during a phone interview.

Filipchenko, registered on the New York City Campaign Finance Board as Vitaly A. Filipchenko, is the first Russian candidate for New York City mayor, being born in Tomsk, Siberia in 1973, according to news agency Sputnik. He has since naturalised as a United States citizen. According to the web site, Filipchenko has been educated in road construction and maintenance and owns a moving services company; he describes himself on his web site as a “small business owner”. On his web site’s platform page, he says that “[m]y English may not be perfect – but my platform is.”

Incumbent Democrat mayor Bill de Blasio, who won re-election in the 2017 New York City mayoral election by 66.5%, cannot run for a third term under term limits. As of April 28, 22 candidates are currently running, the majority of whom are also Democrats. Ahead of the June Democratic primary for New York City mayor, a poll conducted May 23 and 24 by WPIX and Emerson College of 12 Democratic candidates with a margin of error of 3.2 per cent has former commissioner for the New York City Department of Sanitation Kathryn Garcia and Borough President of Brooklyn Eric Adams leading with 21.1% and 20.1%, respectively.

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Inspectors close Chicago landmark Healthy Food restaurant after finding dead mouse in cooler

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Chicago city inspectors closed the landmark Lithuanian restaurant Healthy Food on Thursday, after finding mouse feces on the meat slicer and cutting board, and a dead mouse in the cooler.

The restaurant has operated at 3236 S. Halsted, on the south side of the city in the Bridgeport neighborhood, since the 1930s.

Wikinews reporter David Vasquez placed a call to the restaurant to inquire if they were open. The call was answered by a woman who said, “No, we’re closed. There’s some technical difficulties. I’m sorry. Thank you for calling.” A second phone could be heard ringing in the background.

Streets and Sanitation spokesman Matt Smith told the Chicago Sun-Times, “To reopen, they’re going to have to present us with a revamped game plan for not only rodent control but also housekeeping, they’ll have to make all the corrections that our inspectors point out,” he continued, “and pass a very stringent follow-up inspection.”

Patrons have praised the restaurant’s sauerkraut soup and other dishes over the years. Before it was closed, the restaurant had a lot of traffic from the nearby Cook County Circuit Court. The restaurant was once voted “Best Ethnic Eastern European Restaurant in Chicago”, according to New City.

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